120 Pounds

REAL_POETICAL Members Posts: 347 ✭✭
edited March 2011 in Waiting To Exhale

Wow another loop to find to hide my problem
room reeks of weak gasses I can't solve them
looking at food like its going to cost thee
how could this happen to me?
lost in a world of obesity
here I am trying to see the whereabouts of humanity
starving for affection and a five dollar cheesesteak
hold the onions, salt pepper, cheese wiz, and pickles
cheese fries and ma's cola 50 cent when life was simple
before this problem I used to eat foods to the left
and worry about issues to the right of my mind
one day my insides felt odd
and my stomach went to code one while my ? was cloud nine
pains beyond recognition and this is just the beginning
finally found out the verdict and yet it was a gut wrenching experience
months later I'm on the scale trying to tell it to go higher
using weight gain products but that plan went sour
hell in the future my kind would be discriminated against
health care providers reading the past tense
denied any access to the medicines that make you co exist
add the wrong ingredients and we can ? him and give them the money
one percent
this indeed isn't a heaven sent
bags on my right side thoughts sends me in a spell
surgeries and things that I won't tell
the harsh grim reality of this disease eating me
years ago I would steall a hoagie just to cure the ? remedy
steroids become diplomatic immunity
my immune is slowing dying while the cure is temporary

easily sick...stomach never hurts for 8 weeks
medical set tripping to the release of his inner beast
my ? becomes a doctor's destiny
one a few of us in a world of the healthy
and they all hear nonchalantly

I Have Crohn's Disease