Football Gameplan's Mock Draft (2/22/10)

emdiggy Members Posts: 35 ✭✭✭
edited February 2010 in From the Cheap Seats (Picks 1-10) (Picks 11-22) (Picks 23-32)

Good Morning and Football Fans!!!

I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU for allowing me to join your community and post here! Im looking forward to chatting it up with you guys all year!

We at Football Gameplan filmed our Mock Draft.. I wanted you guys to check out the Mock Draft video. If you can, please give me some feedback...both GOOD and BAD! I would like to continue to improve our videos and I need your constructive criticism!

Thanks again and Enjoy!


I know this is my first post, and I hate that I'm asking you guys for a favor right off the bat, but if I've gone about this the wrong way...then I apologize