What needs to be done in order to make things (drastically) better?

Huruma Members Posts: 2,284 ✭✭✭
edited June 2011 in The Social Lounge
In my opinion :

When it becomes possible (and it is technologically feasible), genetic engineering (see The Hedonistic Imperative by David Pearce, http://www.hedweb.com/).

In the mean time :

-People should refrain from having biological children and adopt instead, for both ecological and philanthropic reasons (people should have a right to reproduce, it's just my opinion that it would be better if they did not).

-People should boycott the meat industry and all human mistreatment of non-human animals (vivisection, circuses, the encroachment of their territory through deforestation etc.) should be legally outlawed. Non-human animals should be regarded as legal persons. There are also ecological reasons to eliminate factory farming.

- People should make every effort to seriously reduce their carbon footprint

-Economically developed countries should abolish third world debt, especially considering how much of this debt was accumulated by corrupt, non-democratically elected parties who were supported by the West.

-Euthanasia should be available, with some restrictions (to ensure that the decision is well thought out and not impulsive) but for reasons other than terminal illnesses as well.

-Governments should come up with serious alternatives to prison (ie. institutionalizing convicted criminals in psychiatric hospitals, house arrest, community service, ).

What do you think?