THE FALSE IMAGE OF CHRIST (Cesar Borgia) and The Wisdom of Solomon Prohecy

waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2011 in R & R (Religion and Race)
There was a reason why The Wisdom of Solomon was taking out of the Holy Bible in 1928



Cesare Borgia is in the book entitled Triptych of Poisoners, and is also in the book entitled Cesare Borgia His Life and Times by Sarah Bradford. Between 1502 and 1503, he employed Leonardo da Vinci as a military architect and engineer, in which him and Leonardo da Vinci became intimate instantaneously, they were lovers. To express his love towards Cesare, Leonardo painted many pictures of him. Cesare's Father Rodrigo Borgia, who later became Pope Alexander VI, under the authority of the Catholic Church Elite, had his son picture put up as Jesus Christ in the Western World. Cesare had sex with his own sister Lucrezia, and he killed his brother Giovanni in 1497, and this is the man whom the Catholic Church gave their consent to allowing his picture to be put up and portrayed as Jesus Christ to deceive the whole world to think Christ was European. See what most people don't know is, there was a competition during the time called the Renaissance period, between Leonardo da Vinci and the well known Michelangelo. The competition was to see who could impress the king by a making a new image of the King's son that would deceive the world, in which Leonardo da Vinci won the competition.

The original King James Bible of 1611 had the Apocrypha in it, but in 1928 under the Vatican, they made an agreement to take 14 books out of the King James holy bible. Why you might ask, well because thousands of years before they put this image up to be Christ, they found out that it was written of in the Wisdom of Solomon located in the Apocrypha, that they would do this and the reason for it. So knowing this was written of in the Wisdom of Solomon, the Roman Catholic Church took it out of the bible so the people wouldn't figure out their deception. It is a noted fact that when they did this, they knew exactly what Christ people really looked like, they knew Christ and his people were not Europeans, but instead were actually Hebrews, who were dark brown people. So let's findout in the bible first what Satan was going to do, and then will find out what exactly was written in the Wisdom of Solomon that the Apocrypha had to be taken out and credited as unscriptual and not divinely inspired, by the Catholic Church.

Question: So what is written of in the bible that Satan would do?

Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

FYI: So it is written that Satan would deceive the whole world, in which he is doing this through the Catholic Church and through the so called children of ? called the Jews, who are really the children of Satan according to Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. So now we know Satan plan is to deceive the whole world and we know that through the Catholic Church and the so called Jews are whom he is using to execute his plan. So now lets examine what was written in the Apocrypha that was so critical to our knowledge, that it had to be taken out and defamed as being unbiblical and not divinely inspired.

Question: This image that we see is said to be Christ and is portrayed all over the world as Christ, but says the word of ? about it?

Wisdom of Solomon 14:8 - But that which is made with hands is cursed, as well it, as he that made it: he, because he made it; and it, because, being corruptible, it was called ? .

FYI: Scripture says that which is made with hands is cursed, but why would it be so? Isaiah 2:8 - Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: Because the image that they put up, they called it Christ, which therefore it not being Christ made it a curse and a sin unto them because they themselves made it with their own hands and fingers. So therefore by calling it Christ, they give glory unto another and not the true and living ? , therefore they worship it and give honor to it as being ? which makes it idolatry. So being corruptible, this image was called ? , so when the true people would begin to desire to learn about Christ, they would be told hey worship this guy, then they would ask who is he, and they would be told he's Christ.

Question: What else is written?

Wisdom of Solomon 14:9 - For the ungodly and his ungodliness are both alike hateful unto ? .

Wisdom of Solomon 14:10 - For that which is made shall be punished together with him that made it.

FYI: So the image that the Catholic Church allowed to be put up as Christ, will be destroyed, and also them and everyone who had a hand in pushing this deception unto the people, so there is a judgement awaiting them. They didn't do this to be nice, they had a motive behind pushing this deception which was mentally driving them to push a belief into the mindset of the people, in which they were pushing this during the Renaissance period.

Question: So now knowing that this image is idolatry and an idol of the heathens, what else is written about this?
Wisdom of Solomon 14:11 - Therefore even upon the idols of the Gentiles shall there be a visitation: because in the creature of ? they are become an abomination, and stumblingblocks to the souls of men, and a snare to the feet of the unwise.

FYI: So by them doing this, they are an abomination unto ? because in doing so, this image would become a stumbling block to the souls of men, and a snare to the feet of the unwise, how so? Because they knew Christ and his people wasn't European, so they knew that if they put up images of European people, then the true people would think the images are actually the people they are reading of in the bible. They knew they would open their bibles and see all these images of people who didn't resemble their skin color, but yet would see their family following this man who is suppose to be Christ, and see them believing that the people in these images were actually the people of Christ, and would feel excluded from the bible. So then they knew the true people would vary away from the bible and lose interest in it because they would consider it to be the white's man book, which this was part of their plan it's psychology at its best form. Because without a race having any biblical connection to coincide with their spirituality, they therefore will have no identity which would reverese their perception of self into a form of hatred towards others of their skin tone. Which is why black on black crime is high, because they can't look at each other and see they are one, which is also why our people learn to hate themselves and fight each other, but love all those who hate them, thus creating a stumblingblock to the souls of men.


  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Question: So in the creation of this images and other images portraying Christ and his people as European, what came from this?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:12 - For the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the invention of them the corruption of life.

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:13 - For neither were they from the beginning, neither shall they be for ever.

    FYI: So in creating the false images of Christ and his people as Europeans, and worshipping them as Christ and his people, doing so was the beginning of spiritual fornication. Why, because now when the people are not yet of Christ but learning of him, they are actually loving other gods whom the people aren't espoused to, so therefore they cheating on the true Christ with other gods spiritually, because they giving them time and love and affection and praise and worship as if they are the true Christ. But these images weren't here in the beginning, and neither shall they remain upon the earth forever.

    Question: So how did these false images get here?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:14 - For by the vain glory of men they entered into the world, and therefore shall they come shortly to an end.

    FYI: Scripture says by the vain glory of men these images entered into the world, and surely they shall soon come to an end in this world.

    Question: So where does Cesare Borgia and his father Rodrigo Borgia come in the picture?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:15 - For a father afflicted with untimely mourning, when he hath made an image of his child soon taken away, now honoured him as a ? , which was then a dead man, and delivered to those that were under him ceremonies and sacrifices.

    FYI: A Father afflicted with untimely mourning, thats Rodrigo Borgia, when he made an image of his child, thats in reference to his son Cesare, image put up to be Christ, which is how they honored him as a ? though he was unknown at the time in Rome, thus making him dead. They used this false image of Cesare as Christ, and they brought forth a false teaching and ceremonies and sacrifices and holidays all along with this image, to deceive the people to believe these things were of this guy whom they were portraying as Christ.

    Question: So what else came along with this the false Christ?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:16 - Thus in process of time an ungodly custom grown strong was kept as a law, and graven images were worshipped by the commandments of kings.

    FYI: From this false image, an ungodly custom grown strong was kept as a law, and that custom was Christmas, in which they told you it was the birthday of Christ. An they made Jesus pictures and Mary pictures and crosses and all forms of idolatry to resemble biblical things to appear European to support their demonic intentions.

    Question: What else is written?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:17 - Whom men could not honour in presence, because they dwelt far off, they took the counterfeit of his visage from far, and made an express image of a king whom they honoured, to the end that by this their forwardness they might flatter him that was absent, as if he were present.

    FYI: Not everybody could honour this guy in the image as Christ in person, because some of the people lived far away. So they took this false image of Christ back to their native lands with them, and they made unto themselves images of other gods whom they could honor closely, so that they may worship their respective ? in the images as if they were present. What did the people do? 2 Kings 17:29 - Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. Proved that!
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Question: What else is written?Wisdom of Solomon 14:18 - Also the singular diligence of the artificer did help to set forward the ignorant to more superstition.

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:19 - For he, peradventure willing to please one in authority, forced all his skill to make the resemblance of the best fashion.

    FYI: Now remember the competition during the time called the Renaissance period, between Leonardo da Vinci and the well known Michelangelo, was to see who could impress the king by a making a new image of the King's son that would deceive the world, in which Leonardo da Vinci won. So by him winning and creating with his hands this false image of Christ, he set forward those who had not knowledge of this, meaning he caused them to have an irrational belief arising from ignorance of not knowing who this guy is that they are really worshipping. So Leonardo being willing to please Rodrigo Borgia, the Pope in authority at the time also the father of Cesare Borgia, he compelled all this talent to make the image resemble his son Cesare Borgia in the best way possible.

    Question: What else is written?

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:20 - And so the multitude, allured by the grace of the work, took him now for a ? , which a little before was but honoured.

    Wisdom of Solomon 14:21 - And this was an occasion to deceive the world: for men, serving either calamity or tyranny, did ascribe unto stones and stocks the incommunicable name.

    FYI: So after impressing him, the multitude of people were drawn by the elegance and beauty of this image, and accepted it and took it to be their ? , which before hand wasn't revered by all as a ? . And the reason they did this, was to deceive the world, and men begin to attribute this image and give credit to it, by not revealing to others who this guy is thats suppose to be ? , thus fulfilling Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. So satan with the help of the Catholic Church has deceived the whole world into thinking this image is Christ, when it's really Cesare Borgia. What did Satan say? Isaiah 14:14 - I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. So through this false image of Christ, Satan gets the glory as if he was ? , like he said. So now you see why the Catholic Church took the Apocrypha out of the holy bible, they didn't want to get exposed, but little did they know I would come along one day.1. The whole world is deceived, they got this image on movies, cds and dvds, t shirts, key chains, necklaces, bracelets, ornaments, stockings, pictures, coffee mugs, pens, air fresheners, wrist bands, watches, rugs, bill boards, windows, and even tattooed on their body, thinking it's Christ when really it's Cesare Borgia lol.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Question: So what should the people know and do?

    Deuteronomy 4:15 - Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire:

    FYI: Ask yourself, if the people didn't see no image of Christ, but only heard the voice of the words, then how did they know what he looked like? Because as I just proven, the images that were given by the Catholic Church are suppose to be Christ, but yet they don't look as how the bible says Christ looked. Who the racists? Same devils!

    Question: Why should they take good heed, what if they make them a similitude and say it's Christ?

    Deuteornomy 4:16 - Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,

    FYI: Deuteronomy 4:15 warned us to take heed because we never saw what Christ looked like, and Deuteronomy 4:16 tells us why, because if we make ourselves a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, we are corrupted. What is a graven image? Graven Image - a material effigy that is worshipped as a ? . So those who have the blonde hair blue eyed picture who is suppose to be Christ, and those who have the black face dredlock hair picture who is suppose to be Christ, and those who have any picture that is suppose to be Christ, you are corrupted and an idolatry worshipper. Bible describes Christ and his people as people of color, but that doesn't give no one the right to make an image of what the bible says they look like. Repent before you burn in hell!

    Question: What else does the scripture say?

    1 John 4:12 - No man hath seen ? at any time. If we love one another, ? dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

    FYI: No man hath seen ? at anytime, so how is it that the world has pictures who they say is ? , and believe they are ? , despite the scripture saying no man hath seen ? at anytime?

    Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    FYI: Because the devil has deceived the whole world! If your pastor has a picture that is suppose to be Christ in the church, or home, or condones them in society as being Christ, he is a false prophet come out from among him and be ye separate.

    2 Corinthians 4:13 - We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;

    FYI: We have the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, we believe, therefore we speak whats written, so if it's not written that Christ was white with blonde hair and blue eyes, then how do you have faith if what you believe is not written? You not even saved!
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Humus Soil

    Question: So how did ? create man and what did he look like?

    Genesis 2:6 - But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

    FYI: When water gets on the ground, it makes the soil fertile in which when something is fertile, it is able to produce an offspring because it's capable of reproducing. For example, a woman can't just have a baby she has to be fertile first and she becomes fertile by first, ovulating which then she ripens and releases an egg or eggs from the ovary for possible fertilization. So ? ripen and released water onto the ground to make it fertile to produce an offspring.

    Question: So now that the ground, which is soil, is able to reproduce or give life, what did ? do next?

    Genesis 2:7 - And the LORD ? formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    FYI: So from the soil of the ground, ? formed man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. The garden of Egypt is located in Northern East Africa in which today it's existence and location is known as the Fertile Crescent, because of it's nutrients in the soil that makes it so fertile to give life to plants and other things. Humus is an organic component of soil which is mostly found in Northen East Africa. It is a dark brown organic component of soil that improves the water-retaining properties of soil, making it more fertile and workable. So if the soil is dark brown and from the soil ? created man in his image, and today dark brown people are referred to as black people, then it is true that Adam and ? were black.

    Macquirelatory - If what color he was didn't matter, then it wouldn't have been described in the bible, and when John turned, he would have said I didn't see no color, I just see Christ, lol as you hypocrites say today. But the color of his skin is not whats going to save us hebrews or the gentiles, having the spirit of ? is whats going to save us. But don't play ignorant and not acknowledge Christ's people are the same ones you have been taught to call ? ! Repent before you all lift up your eyes in hell!
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Though maybe people need to be weary of the falseness of the image of Christ, I believe we must be careful how we identify Satan. It's not that he cares one way or another, but to narrow down his greatest deception to what the he did through the Catholics is...a pseudo-insult to his craftiness. Yes, Satan plays the race card, but he can do so much more...but he is glad, in a sarcastic way, that someone noticed.
  • Bully_Pulpit
    Bully_Pulpit Members Posts: 5,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Glad to see someone else notices the vatican and israel is complicit in all of the madness, ive known this for awhile now.
  • jere17
    jere17 Members Posts: 35
    edited July 2011
    Well first of all the prohepht jesus dervived from horus like some many other prophets before him. Horus was born of a ? mother jesus was horus perform miracles jesus did also check this out
  • Lincoln
    Lincoln Members Posts: 1,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Interesting read. I agree with everything but the reasoning, the intent was not to deceive, but rather to create a following, it was basically propaganda. You can see this throughout history, where leaders will commission artists to portray them as religious figures in order to sway the people to their side, show their spiritual connection, display their power, and also to pay tribute. It was just propaganda, and nobody really believed that the figure appeared that way. Constantine, Nero, and Caesar, all did this.

    As well, it seems any image of Christ is a false image, jere17 is onto something there.. If you look around, it seems that the character of Jesus is actually based on religious figures and deities that came way before him. The similarities are undeniable..
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    jere17 wrote: »
    Well first of all the prohepht jesus dervived from horus like some many other prophets before him. Horus was born of a ? mother jesus was horus perform miracles jesus did also check this out

    well 1) The Messiah Yahushua walked the earth, he was on coin's and lot of other evidence.

    2) Didn't the bible said that at one time the occupants of the earth spoke the same tongue until after the Tower of Babel then then the people all had their tongues confuse and left to different parts. Ok it was before The Great Flood of Noah which was a great event in the history, in which the flood had effect of the entire earth. The Flood is not just a bible story it's a mankind story since it effected the entire earth. So Everybody knew of the flood and tranlate or record it in their own tongue.

    3) It's the same thing when people say the Egpytains had the laws before the Hebrews. Man always had Yah laws since the start of time, but mankind corrupted his laws, so When Yah issues his laws again he didnt give it to mankind he gave it to the Hebrews Isrealites who where chosen to teach man his laws again
  • bmoreeast
    bmoreeast Members Posts: 3,436 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2011

    Killah Priest told us this 15yrs ago. This thread is hella late!
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    bmoreeast wrote: »

    Killah Priest told us this 15yrs ago. This thread is hella late!

    And the Scriptures told Killah Priest, nothing is never to late, for all these black's that follow the doctrine of Paul
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Lincoln wrote: »
    Interesting read. I agree with everything but the reasoning, the intent was not to deceive, but rather to create a following, it was basically propaganda. You can see this throughout history, where leaders will commission artists to portray them as religious figures in order to sway the people to their side, show their spiritual connection, display their power, and also to pay tribute. It was just propaganda, and nobody really believed that the figure appeared that way. Constantine, Nero, and Caesar, all did this.

    As well, it seems any image of Christ is a false image, jere17 is onto something there.. If you look around, it seems that the character of Jesus is actually based on religious figures and deities that came way before him. The similarities are undeniable..

    I think it was to deceive and they made a deal with the devil or did his bid, They push Christmas which is a pagan holiday and changed the Most High Laws and they enslave The Most High People and used a man name Shaul letters to enforce slavery, have women to have no voice in the church and push all types things that Go against the Most High, that's why they used Shaul
  • rapluva
    rapluva Members Posts: 232
    edited July 2011
    Lincoln wrote: »
    Interesting read. I agree with everything but the reasoning, the intent was not to deceive, but rather to create a following, it was basically propaganda. You can see this throughout history, where leaders will commission artists to portray them as religious figures in order to sway the people to their side, show their spiritual connection, display their power, and also to pay tribute. It was just propaganda, and nobody really believed that the figure appeared that way. Constantine, Nero, and Caesar, all did this.
    Were did U read about Emperor Constantine doing this, because I never heard/read this?
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    rapluva wrote: »
    Were did U read about Emperor Constantine doing this, because I never heard/read this?

    The Lost Books of the Bible

    The Church View:
    In the Catholic Church the version used is the Douay-Rheims Bible consisting of 73 books. In the Protestant church only the 66 books approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885, which today is known as the Authorized King James Bible, are used. No other books, neither the Apocrypha, which was included in the original King James Bible, nor the 22 books mentioned or quoted in the King James Bible, are considered inspired.

    The Bible View:
    There was no specific list or accounting of all the books that made up the Bible until the commission of the first Bible by the Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century AD. The books that make up the Authorized King James Bible were chosen by men, not divine forces. The language of the King James Bible is obscure and limited.

    An Introduction

    Human history has allowed precious few ancient religious writings to survive the onslaught of the more aggressive and powerful religious forces, which seek only to gain territory and wealth. Genocide and cultural eradication always go hand in hand with missionary zeal. In many cases every trace of the conquered society's religious writings, practices, icons, and even buildings were destroyed, in the name of conversion from worship of gods considered evil, and religious customs labeled as heresies. What generally results from past crusades is the conqueror's religion replacing or predominantly blending with the conquered culture's former religious practice, making the its religion almost unrecognizable. Christianity falls into the latter category, having been the victim of the Roman Empire, under the Emperor Constantine, who blended the Christian Church with the institutionalized "pagan" practices of Rome and eliminated any semblance of either the Jewish religious influence or the first church Jesus established during his ministry.

    The First Reformation

    After solidifying his position to gain complete control of the western portion of the empire in 312, the Emperor Constantine instituted the Edict of Milan, a "Magna Carta of religious liberty," which eventually changed the Empire’s religion and put Christianity on an equal footing with paganism. Almost overnight the position of the Christian Church was reversed from persecuted to legal and accepted. Constantine began to rely on the church for support, and it on him for protection. The Church and the Empire formed an alliance, which remains to this day. Very rapidly, the laws and policies of the Empire and the doctrine of the Church became one with Constantine as the interpreter of both law and policy. This was accomplished by eliminating hundreds of books thought to be against "Church" doctrine and watering down what remained by blending Christian beliefs and practice with long established Roman sanctioned pagan worship.
    Constantine believed that the Church and the State should be as close as possible. Constantine tolerated pagan practices, keeping pagan gods on coins and retaining his pagan high priest title "Pontifex Maximus" in order to maintain popularity with his former subjects. In 330 he began an assault on paganism but used a clever method of persuasion to force people to follow the laws by combining pagan worship with Christianity. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun ? , the official holiday now celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. He also replaced the weekly day of worship by making rest on Saturday unlawful and forcing the new religion to honor the first, not the seventh day, as a day of rest. As a way of defining his concept of the new universal religion he simply classified everything "Jewish" to be an abomination. Considering almost every aspect of the Bible is "Jewish" by association, every doctrinal biblical principle was changed or eliminated. After 337 Constantine increased his purging of the more obvious aspects of paganism.
    Through a series of Universal Councils, he and his successors completely altered doctrine without regard to biblical edict, set up a church hierarchy of his own design, and established a set of beliefs and practices, which are the basis for all mainstream Bible-based churches. The separation of the Protestants and the Roman Church caused a physical split but the beliefs and practices established by Constantine remained almost identical. Very little has changed since the 4th century Councils changed the face of Christianity. An effective practice instituted was the purging of any book in the formerly accepted biblical works, over 80% of the total, that church leaders felt did not fit within their new concept of Christianity. The doctrines and practices remaining in the surviving books were effectively eradicated by simply changing them by replacing clear scripture with Church-sanctioned doctrine.

    Forbidden Not Lost

    Constantine began what was to become a centuries long effort to eliminate any book in the original Bible that was considered unacceptable to the new doctrine of the church. At that time, it is believed there were up to 600 books, which comprised the work we now know as the Bible. Through a series of decisions made by the early church leadership, all but 80 of those books, known as the King James Translation of 1611, were purged from the work, with a further reduction by the Protestant Reformation bringing the number to 66 in the "Authorized" King James Bible.
    What we now have in Bible-based religion, whether labeled as "Catholic", or Protesting Catholic, known as “Protestant", is unrecognizable form either the Hebrew religion, now known as the Jewish religion, or the church established at Jerusalem by the Apostles and disciples of Jesus. The practices of this first church are not practiced by any major religion and they are almost unknown, despite being clearly outlined in the existing New Testament. In its place are doctrines and practices first established in the first "true" Reformation of Christianity begun by Constantine.
    There is much controversy over how many books the Bible should actually contain but considering the depth and scope of those few works remaining in the "accepted" Bible, we see but a fragment of incredible wisdom and history. A study of the Lost Books of the Bible is incomplete without a clear understanding that this is not a matter of simple loss, but a campaign by the Roman Catholic Church to purge books variously classified as heretical, dangerous, and corruptive. To the public they are “lost”; to the Church they are “forbidden”. Although the exact number of books purged is known only to the Church, and not shared knowledge, some can be determined by the discovery of their presence in the church prior to the reformation resulting in what became known as the Roman "Universal" Church.
    One of the more obvious forms of discovery comes from the surviving books themselves, which sight works not present in the existing collection. Also many do not know that the Apocryphal books were actually included in the King James translation until they were officially purged by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885. Other writings also connect many books to the first church. Whatever the number before the purge by the formation of Catholicism by Constantine; even one lost book is a great loss indeed.
    We claim no expertise concerning the authenticity of any the lost books and leave this judgment to the reader. We do, however, strongly reject the self-proclaimed authority of any dogmatically motivated and church-controlled mortals who think themselves qualified to make such decisions. One of the most logical and realistic concepts in the Bible is the caution that one should prove all things. We believe that proving the veracity of a given thing is an individual responsibility, which must not, and should not be the duty of those who think themselves better judges.

    The Apocrypha in the original King James Bible:
    1st Esdras
    2nd Esdras
    Add to Esther
    The Wisdom of Solomon
    Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Jesus Son Sirach
    Letter of Jeremiah
    Prayer of Azariah or Song of the Three Young Men
    Bel and the Dragon
    Prayer of Manasseh
    1st Macabees
    2nd Macabees
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You see these people had a agenda that was backed by the Devil, All those books that was part of the bible and was taking out because it contains TRUTH and there was prohicies in those books about those very people, and some had more info on the other tribes of Israel and their location, The Same Apocrypha that christopher columbus used to find the new world.

    Those books like the wisdom of solomon told what will happen and what they were going to do. I'm bout to get all the books that was taken out and read them in order with my KJV
  • rapluva
    rapluva Members Posts: 232
    edited July 2011
    waterproof wrote: »

    The Lost Books of the Bible

    The Church View:
    In the Catholic Church the version used is the Douay-Rheims Bible consisting of 73 books. In the Protestant church only the 66 books approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885, which today is known as the Authorized King James Bible, are used. No other books, neither the Apocrypha, which was included in the original King James Bible, nor the 22 books mentioned or quoted in the King James Bible, are considered inspired.

    The Bible View:
    There was no specific list or accounting of all the books that made up the Bible until the commission of the first Bible by the Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century AD. The books that make up the Authorized King James Bible were chosen by men, not divine forces. The language of the King James Bible is obscure and limited.

    An Introduction

    Human history has allowed precious few ancient religious writings to survive the onslaught of the more aggressive and powerful religious forces, which seek only to gain territory and wealth. Genocide and cultural eradication always go hand in hand with missionary zeal. In many cases every trace of the conquered society's religious writings, practices, icons, and even buildings were destroyed, in the name of conversion from worship of gods considered evil, and religious customs labeled as heresies. What generally results from past crusades is the conqueror's religion replacing or predominantly blending with the conquered culture's former religious practice, making the its religion almost unrecognizable. Christianity falls into the latter category, having been the victim of the Roman Empire, under the Emperor Constantine, who blended the Christian Church with the institutionalized "pagan" practices of Rome and eliminated any semblance of either the Jewish religious influence or the first church Jesus established during his ministry.

    The First Reformation

    After solidifying his position to gain complete control of the western portion of the empire in 312, the Emperor Constantine instituted the Edict of Milan, a "Magna Carta of religious liberty," which eventually changed the Empire’s religion and put Christianity on an equal footing with paganism. Almost overnight the position of the Christian Church was reversed from persecuted to legal and accepted. Constantine began to rely on the church for support, and it on him for protection. The Church and the Empire formed an alliance, which remains to this day. Very rapidly, the laws and policies of the Empire and the doctrine of the Church became one with Constantine as the interpreter of both law and policy. This was accomplished by eliminating hundreds of books thought to be against "Church" doctrine and watering down what remained by blending Christian beliefs and practice with long established Roman sanctioned pagan worship.
    Constantine believed that the Church and the State should be as close as possible. Constantine tolerated pagan practices, keeping pagan gods on coins and retaining his pagan high priest title "Pontifex Maximus" in order to maintain popularity with his former subjects. In 330 he began an assault on paganism but used a clever method of persuasion to force people to follow the laws by combining pagan worship with Christianity. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun ? , the official holiday now celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. He also replaced the weekly day of worship by making rest on Saturday unlawful and forcing the new religion to honor the first, not the seventh day, as a day of rest. As a way of defining his concept of the new universal religion he simply classified everything "Jewish" to be an abomination. Considering almost every aspect of the Bible is "Jewish" by association, every doctrinal biblical principle was changed or eliminated. After 337 Constantine increased his purging of the more obvious aspects of paganism.
    Through a series of Universal Councils, he and his successors completely altered doctrine without regard to biblical edict, set up a church hierarchy of his own design, and established a set of beliefs and practices, which are the basis for all mainstream Bible-based churches. The separation of the Protestants and the Roman Church caused a physical split but the beliefs and practices established by Constantine remained almost identical. Very little has changed since the 4th century Councils changed the face of Christianity. An effective practice instituted was the purging of any book in the formerly accepted biblical works, over 80% of the total, that church leaders felt did not fit within their new concept of Christianity. The doctrines and practices remaining in the surviving books were effectively eradicated by simply changing them by replacing clear scripture with Church-sanctioned doctrine.

    Forbidden Not Lost

    Constantine began what was to become a centuries long effort to eliminate any book in the original Bible that was considered unacceptable to the new doctrine of the church. At that time, it is believed there were up to 600 books, which comprised the work we now know as the Bible. Through a series of decisions made by the early church leadership, all but 80 of those books, known as the King James Translation of 1611, were purged from the work, with a further reduction by the Protestant Reformation bringing the number to 66 in the "Authorized" King James Bible.
    What we now have in Bible-based religion, whether labeled as "Catholic", or Protesting Catholic, known as “Protestant", is unrecognizable form either the Hebrew religion, now known as the Jewish religion, or the church established at Jerusalem by the Apostles and disciples of Jesus. The practices of this first church are not practiced by any major religion and they are almost unknown, despite being clearly outlined in the existing New Testament. In its place are doctrines and practices first established in the first "true" Reformation of Christianity begun by Constantine.
    There is much controversy over how many books the Bible should actually contain but considering the depth and scope of those few works remaining in the "accepted" Bible, we see but a fragment of incredible wisdom and history. A study of the Lost Books of the Bible is incomplete without a clear understanding that this is not a matter of simple loss, but a campaign by the Roman Catholic Church to purge books variously classified as heretical, dangerous, and corruptive. To the public they are “lost”; to the Church they are “forbidden”. Although the exact number of books purged is known only to the Church, and not shared knowledge, some can be determined by the discovery of their presence in the church prior to the reformation resulting in what became known as the Roman "Universal" Church.
    One of the more obvious forms of discovery comes from the surviving books themselves, which sight works not present in the existing collection. Also many do not know that the Apocryphal books were actually included in the King James translation until they were officially purged by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1885. Other writings also connect many books to the first church. Whatever the number before the purge by the formation of Catholicism by Constantine; even one lost book is a great loss indeed.
    We claim no expertise concerning the authenticity of any the lost books and leave this judgment to the reader. We do, however, strongly reject the self-proclaimed authority of any dogmatically motivated and church-controlled mortals who think themselves qualified to make such decisions. One of the most logical and realistic concepts in the Bible is the caution that one should prove all things. We believe that proving the veracity of a given thing is an individual responsibility, which must not, and should not be the duty of those who think themselves better judges.

    The Apocrypha in the original King James Bible:
    1st Esdras
    2nd Esdras
    Add to Esther
    The Wisdom of Solomon
    Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Jesus Son Sirach
    Letter of Jeremiah
    Prayer of Azariah or Song of the Three Young Men
    Bel and the Dragon
    Prayer of Manasseh
    1st Macabees
    2nd Macabees

    The Info on that website has truth mixed in with miss-conceptions/lies.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    rapluva wrote: »
    The Info on that website has truth mixed in with miss-conceptions/lies.

    Again you asked about Constantine, I gave an article about Constantine,I didn't indulge about the whole site, But that Article on Constantine is TRUE and is well documented through out history. Now The Epistle Letters of Shaul have truth mixed in with lies, you know what i do take the truth and throw the lies out, that's all you can do. But this is a Fact Constantine changed christianity.. Go to a book store do some research or Google that all you can do.
  • rapluva
    rapluva Members Posts: 232
    edited July 2011
    waterproof wrote: »
    Again you asked about Constantine, I gave an article about Constantine,I didn't indulge about the whole site, But that Article on Constantine is TRUE and is well documented through out history. Now The Epistle Letters of Shaul have truth mixed in with lies, you know what i do take the truth and throw the lies out, that's all you can do. But this is a Fact Constantine changed christianity.. Go to a book store do some research or Google that all you can do.

    It is NOT WELL documented, it is lied about, do you realise your NOT reading a transcripte of what happend in 325 A.D. (1st Ecumenical Council in Nicea)
    your reading a 20/21 century book/website saying what happend back in 325 A.D.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    rapluva wrote: »
    It is NOT WELL documented, it is lied about, do you realise your NOT reading a transcripte of what happend in 325 A.D. (1st Ecumenical Council in Nicea)
    your reading a 20/21 century book/website saying what happend back in 325 A.D.

    NO ? !! really?? but it's well DOCUMENTED BY people who live in that time, and historians, religous people who did. so now it's a lie, that Constatine and the catholic church corrupted the bible smh check this out there's countless books reference out there. But let's use your logic, everything that happen in history didnt happen because it wasn't documented, SMH.

    matter of fact why dont you go to the vatician library, you get all the proof that you want. I mean this is some funny ? because of one if you look hard enough you can find the truth, So how about you prove that it's not true, can you prove that it's false. Because i got THE TORAH tell me when the sabbath and new year and the birth of christ. And historians and history said Constatimne corrupted the bible It's know for centuries since the Crusades on what Constatine done.

    I dont know maybe you is a ? christian that live and die by the words of men?

    what is your angle?? oh i know that ? just happen out of the blue, gthfohwtbs
  • rapluva
    rapluva Members Posts: 232
    edited July 2011
    waterproof wrote: »
    NO ? !! really?? but it's well DOCUMENTED BY people who live in that time, and historians, religous people who did. so now it's a lie, that Constatine and the catholic church corrupted the bible smh check this out there's countless books reference out there. But let's use your logic, everything that happen in history didnt happen because it wasn't documented, SMH.
    No it's not it's, people in the 20/21 Century CLAIMING to have knowledge of people from the 4th Century "so-called" prooving ST. Constantine did this, for example did those websites show ayou a 1686 yearold "TRANSCRIPTE" of the Council of Nicea?, no

    matter of fact why dont you go to the vatician library, you get all the proof that you want. I mean this is some funny ? because of one if you look hard enough you can find the truth, So how about you prove that it's not true, can you prove that it's false. Because i got THE TORAH tell me when the sabbath and new year and the birth of christ. And historians and history said Constatimne corrupted the bible It's know for centuries since the Crusades on what Constatine done.

    I dont know maybe you is a ? christian that live and die by the words of men?

    what is your angle?? oh i know that ? just happen out of the blue, gthfohwtbs
    You "Hebrew Israelitism" followers don't understand Scripture (Torah) or History.

    Were in the Holy Book does it say Angels have the power to Create.

    Were are the 9 Northern Tribes, because we Black decendants of the slave trade in Canada/USA/Western Europe/Central and South America/The Carrabians/Jamacia/Haiti/Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico are ALL from the same 3 Tribes, Yudah (Judah) Benyamine (Benjamine) and Levi.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    rapluva wrote: »
    You "Hebrew Israelitism" followers don't understand Scripture (Torah) or History.

    Were in the Holy Book does it say Angels have the power to Create.

    Were are the 9 Northern Tribes, because we Black decendants of the slave trade in Canada/USA/Western Europe/Central and South America/The Carrabians/Jamacia/Haiti/Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico are ALL from the same 3 Tribes, Yudah (Judah) Benyamine (Benjamine) and Levi.

    ? get out of here wit that BS, you aint saying nothing that i dont know, Scriptures tell's you that Levi, Judah and Benjamin went into captive in slave ships, because they was the last one's left in Isarel after he sent the other tribes into captive all over europe, the middle east ect.. Just like during the time Yahushua was in Jersulem that were the majority of the Hebrews left. Now tell me something I dont know, All the hell you do is spew some bull. If you got something to share then share if you dont got ? else to say, then shut the HELL up. If you cant come in civilize then back the f up, you confuse ass ? one minute you on constantine nuts the next minute you hebrew, well if you hebrew you would of known ROME was is forever Israel enemies and done many of things....

    Who are the Nephilim?

    and do Angels have a mind, can they talk, add or subtract, can they read? then they can create. Is the Devil creating all types of madness on earth??

    Now it's THE SABBATH, im going back to my study, SHALOM
  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Miss me with all the false equivocation Satan/Devil ? , but yes, he brunette blue eyed narrow nosed guy is certainly not Yoshua ben Yosef.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2011
    Miss me with all the false equivocation Satan/Devil ? , but yes, he brunette blue eyed narrow nosed guy is certainly not Yoshua ben Yosef.

    word??? what's misleading about prophecy that says the devil will mislead the world, and what's misleading about scriptures that was in the bible giving warning about the roman catholic church. Nobody is calling Cesar Borgia the devil, but the devil had a lot to do on what happen in the roman catholic church.

    So pretending a white guy that looks like a hippie, and changing the sabbath to sunday, mixing pagan holidays with the church and backing the jews as the original hebrews aint misleading the world or have nothing to do what the devil...... than...........SMH
  • rapluva
    rapluva Members Posts: 232
    edited August 2011
    waterproof wrote: »
    ? get out of here wit that BS, you aint saying nothing that i dont know, Scriptures tell's you that Levi, Judah and Benjamin went into captive in slave ships, because they was the last one's left in Isarel after he sent the other tribes into captive all over europe, the middle east ect.. Just like during the time Yahushua was in Jersulem that were the majority of the Hebrews left. Now tell me something I dont know, All the hell you do is spew some bull. If you got something to share then share if you dont got ? else to say, then shut the HELL up. If you cant come in civilize then back the f up, you confuse ass ? one minute you on constantine nuts the next minute you hebrew, well if you hebrew you would of known ROME was is forever Israel enemies and done many of things....

    Who are the Nephilim?

    and do Angels have a mind, can they talk, add or subtract, can they read? then they can create. Is the Devil creating all types of madness on earth??

    Now it's THE SABBATH, im going back to my study, SHALOM

    Where in the Scriptures does it say Angels, Craete?
  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2011
    waterproof wrote: »
    word??? what's misleading about prophecy that says the devil will mislead the world, and what's misleading about scriptures that was in the bible giving warning about the roman catholic church. Nobody is calling Cesar Borgia the devil, but the devil had a lot to do on what happen in the roman catholic church.

    So pretending a white guy that looks like a hippie, and changing the sabbath to sunday, mixing pagan holidays with the church and backing the jews as the original hebrews aint misleading the world or have nothing to do what the devil...... than...........SMH

    Your definition of "devil" is extremely eskewed.