Which will last longer?

perspective@100 Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2010 in The Social Lounge
Information from the internet, or information from books?

More important?

Greater impact in the future?


  • independentsoundlab
    independentsoundlab Members Posts: 351
    edited May 2010
    of course the internet.. matter of fact.. i see the internet replacing alot of things we do today..schools will all be online, banks will all be online, life will all be online... we will be so dependable on it that losing it will be almost catastrophic..
    books will be collectors items or trash in the next couple of years..

    which is more important? both are important.. instead of having one book, you have millions available on the net.. maybe the net? depends on the person..
  • perspective@100
    perspective@100 Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2010
    of course the internet.. matter of fact.. i see the internet replacing alot of things we do today..schools will all be online, banks will all be online, life will all be online... we will be so dependable on it that losing it will be almost catastrophic..
    books will be collectors items or trash in the next couple of years..

    which is more important? both are important.. instead of having one book, you have millions available on the net.. maybe the net? depends on the person..

    With that stated, seems like books will be obsolete and things of the past and one day may be looked at as a myth correct?

    Do you not find it amazing our History and story of Life and how we define things will be sourced Through wikipedia? Comes up in almost every google search and has become the internets dictionary if you will.

    Our Lives are being scribed right in front of us most people don't even notice or care what is actually being written. Its pretty much the same scenario with the text books in texas, but on a larger more drawn out time scale.... Think about that
  • spaceagepimpin
    spaceagepimpin Members Posts: 436
    edited May 2010
    books will last longer........if books were going to go out of existence......why are they still printing up books now?.......the internet is not reliable.......? goes down......it can be hacked & u can take the bible & take Jesus name out & put whoevers.......the internet is an overrated luxury.....one day, that ? will go down & sad part about it.....kind of what buddy was saying.....books will get thrown in a storage room.......our kids' kids will be lookin at a book like what the fucc is this?
  • whar67
    whar67 Members Posts: 542
    edited May 2010
    books will last longer........if books were going to go out of existence......why are they still printing up books now?.......the internet is not reliable.......? goes down......it can be hacked & u can take the bible & take Jesus name out & put whoevers.......the internet is an overrated luxury.....one day, that ? will go down & sad part about it.....kind of what buddy was saying.....books will get thrown in a storage room.......our kids' kids will be lookin at a book like what the fucc is this?

    You can't swap out Jesus for Brian in a book? Is there some magical power that stops me from printing a Bible about Brian Christ?
  • ThaChozenWun
    ThaChozenWun Members Posts: 9,390
    edited May 2010
    The internet, right now they still print books because the internet isnt as widely available as computers. Most libraries do have em to use for free but alot of people still dont know how to. Once the next generation grows up they will probably start stop printing books and just put everything on computers. IBM already holds a good percentage of stored documents on their computers.
  • perspective@100
    perspective@100 Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2010
    whar67 wrote: »
    You can't swap out Jesus for Brian in a book? Is there some magical power that stops me from printing a Bible about Brian Christ?

    Oh I beg to differ. We have already established books will be obsolete in the next 100 years or so. Who will print them and for what. People don't buy tapes and rarely buy cd's anymore. Its because the distribution for that product has been taken over by the NET. Same thing is going to happen with books, and when it does you can count on some very distinct changes that will become more severe with the passing of time until they dont even resemble what we see today...
    It can be done and will be done. Maybe it won't be Brian But the internet is even easier to manipulate than physical paper backs. The internet is a controlled environment and once you tap into it your computer is controlled whether you like it or not.

    The internet, right now they still print books because the internet isnt as widely available as computers. Most libraries do have em to use for free but alot of people still dont know how to. Once the next generation grows up they will probably start stop printing books and just put everything on computers. IBM already holds a good percentage of stored documents on their computers.

    The ability to download entire Libraries in seconds has already been discovered. Its only a matter of time until we all have home libraries that are really libraries saved on are hard drives