Sex With ? Proposed By Ancient Book- Ladder of Divine Ascent To Jesus Christ

toomy Members Posts: 369
edited December 2011 in R & R (Religion and Race)
This by far the strangest thing I have ever read. Has anyone here ever heard of this book?

The Ladder of Divine Ascent, or Ladder of Paradise (Κλίμαξ; Scala or ? Paradisi), is an important ascetical treatise for monasticism in Eastern Christianity written by John Climacus in ca. AD 600 at the request of John, Abbot of Raithu, a monastery situated on the shores of the Red Sea.

Benedict XVI explained: "These are the highest phases of the spiritual life. […] "The last rung of the scale […] is dedicated to the supreme 'trinity of virtues': faith, hope and above all, charity. Regarding charity, John speaks also of eros -- human love -- figure of the matrimonial union of the soul with ? . And he chooses yet again the image of fire to express the ardor, light and purification of love by ? . […] "John is convinced that an intense experience of this eros makes the soul advance more than the hard fight against the passions, because its power is great."

I guess this is the secret of the monks and nuns.


  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited December 2011
    Here are the 30 steps to heaven listed...

    Steps or Rungs on the Ladder to Heaven

    The Scala consists of 30 chapters, or "rungs",

    1–4: Renouncement of the world and obedience to a spiritual father
    1. Περί αποταγής (On renunciation of the world, or asceticism)
    2. Περί απροσπαθείας (On detachment)
    3. Περί ξενιτείας (On exile or pilgrimage; concerning dreams that beginners have)
    4. Περί υπακοής (On blessed and ever-memorable obedience (in addition to episodes involving many individuals))
    5–7: Penitence and affliction (πένθος) as paths to true joy
    5. Περί μετανοίας (On painstaking and true repentance, which constitutes the life of the holy convicts, and about the Prison)
    6. Περί μνήμης θανάτου (On remembrance of death)
    7. Περί του χαροποιού πένθους (On joy-making mourning)
    8–17: Defeat of vices and acquisition of virtue
    8. Περί αοργησίας (On freedom from anger and on meekness)
    9. Περί μνησικακίας (On remembrance of wrongs)
    10. Περί καταλαλιάς (On slander or calumny)
    11. Περί πολυλογίας και σιωπής (On talkativeness and silence)
    12. Περί ψεύδους (On lying)
    13. Περί ακηδίας (On despondency)
    14. Περί γαστριμαργίας (On that clamorous mistress, the stomach)
    15. Περί αγνείας (On incorruptible purity and chastity, to which the corruptible attain by toil and sweat)
    16. Περί φιλαργυρίας (On love of money, or avarice)
    17. Περί ακτημοσύνης (On non-possessiveness (that hastens one Heavenwards))
    18–26: Avoidance of the traps of asceticism (laziness, pride, mental stagnation)
    18. Περί αναισθησίας (On insensibility, that is, deadening of the soul and the death of the mind before the death of the body)
    19. Περί ύπνου και προσευχής (On sleep, prayer, and psalmody with the brotherhood)
    20. Περί αγρυπνίας (On ? vigil and how to use it to attain spiritual vigil, and how to practice it)
    21. Περί δειλίας (On unmanly and puerile cowardice)
    22. Περί κενοδοξίας (On the many forms of vainglory)
    23. Περί υπερηφανείας, Περί λογισμών βλασφημίας (On mad pride and (in the same Step) on unclean blasphemous thoughts; concerning unmentionable blasphemous thoughts)
    24. Περί πραότητος και απλότητος (On meekness, simplicity, and guilelessness, which come not from nature but from conscious effort, and on guile)
    25. Περί ταπεινοφροσύνης (On the destroyer of the passions, most sublime humility, which is rooted in spiritual perception)
    26. Περί διακρίσεως (On discernment of thoughts, passions and virtues; on expert discernment; brief summary of all aforementioned)
    27–29: Acquisition of hesychia, or peace of the soul, of prayer, and of apatheia (dispassion or equanimity with respect to afflictions or suffering)
    27. Περί ησυχίας (On holy stillness of body and soul; different aspects of stillness and how to distinguish them)
    28. Περί προσευχής (On holy and blessed prayer, the mother of virtues, and on the attitude of mind and body in prayer)
    29. Περί απαθείας (Concerning Heaven on earth, or Godlike dispassion and perfection, and the resurrection of the soul before the general resurrection)
    30. Περί αγάπης, ελπίδος και πίστεως (Concerning the linking together of the supreme trinity among the virtues; a brief exhortation summarizing all that has said at length in this book)