seems like chris "birdman" anderson may not be a ? ....was being extorted....

ATTS Members Posts: 6,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2012 in From the Cheap Seats
seems like no Child porn, but more like Athlete with large sum of money being extorted by disgruntled woman looking to cash in...

''A female fan in 2010 mailed Mr. Andersen multiple letters and included several photos in which she was scantily clad,'' Bresee's statement reads. ''Chris and this woman communicated with each other and in 2011, this woman, who represented herself as 21 years of age, flew to Colorado, showing her required identification.''
The statement continued: ''After leaving Colorado, she became upset at his lack of interest. In 2012, she threatened to retaliate if he did not provide financial remuneration.''
Someone claiming to be the woman's mother wrote in an email that '''i (sic) want him to pay for everything on her Amazon wish list, 5K for her bedding stuff and her victoria secret wish list,'' according to the statement.

FULL article here
