Missy Elliot and L-Boggie. The Two Greatest Female Artist of All Time

FyHunnit Members, Writer Posts: 9,699 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2012 in The Reason
We like to compare Nas and Jay-Z because of their feud, but really, those two have nothing in common with each other. Both strived in Hip Hop by perfecting their two different styles.

Comparably, this is the same with Lauryn Hill and Missy Elliot. L-Boggie, may have ILLmatic's sister album (probably the greatest female album), But Missy has 4 platinum albums, and one 2x platinum album.

However, just like Jay-Z with his overwhelming commercial success over Nas - Missy will always left off the top of the GOAT female list because of one Amazing output.

Who's the Greatest Female Artist?

Missy Elliot and L-Boggie. The Two Greatest Female Artist of All Time 22 votes

Lauryn Hill
a_listgeorgia boiinfamous114soul rattlerds.williamsunspoken_respectbossflossymosincrediblegpuguy 90Lab BabyBiggwillieStillFaggyAFgenocidecutter 13 votes
Missy Elliot
FyHunnit 1 vote
Nicki Minaj
Another Female and the Reason Why..
real_hh_repsemi-auto-matoNothingButTheTruthWell Got Damgoldenja_Menace_bears2248bindayvez79 8 votes
