

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WEEK 1

    Shot the right quad this morning, it was easy money.....i can feel it kicking in a little...
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭

    While there are numerous hormones we may aptly label important in-terms of proper function and health, for men the hormone testosterone is of great importance. Both men and women require testosterone for a well-functioning body but men do so in far higher amounts then their female counterparts. While a very important hormone and largely misunderstood, testosterone is easily one of the most exciting hormones we can discuss, especially as it pertains to performance enhancing; in-fact, we can confidently say it is the most important hormone in the performance enhancing game. Without adequate levels of testosterone our goals will largely not be met and without increased levels you can in many cases wave goodbye to the idea of surpassing these goals to a great degree. As a very important hormone, in order to make the most of exogenous use, meaning in this case testosterone introduced beyond our natural production, we are best served to first have a general understanding the hormone itself and then how best to maximize its use regarding its various forms.

    What is Testosterone?
    Testosterone belongs to a class of hormones known as androgens; in-fact this is the primary androgenic hormone. A very powerful hormone in its own right, testosterone is largely responsible for testicular and prostate development, as well as the development of muscle tissue, bone density and strength. Beyond these basic functions, testosterone is by-in-large imperative for our overall general health and well-being; low levels of testosterone can not only negatively affect muscle and bone strength but can negatively affect our state of mind.

    While a member of the androgenic class of steroidal hormones, testosterone is also highly anabolic. As both androgenic and anabolic, like all steroidal hormones testosterone is derived from cholesterol and is largely regulated in terms of production by luteinizing hormones (LH) and follicle stimulating hormones (FSH). Being regulated by LH and FSH, in order for these hormones to be released the pituitary gland must first be stimulated in order to achieve this purpose; once achieved and LH and FSH are released, testicular stimulation is achieved thereby causing the production of testosterone. As you can easily see, as important as the testicles are in testosterone production, the pituitary gland is of equal importance; without adequate pituitary function natural testosterone production cannot occur.

    The Birth of Exogenous Testosterone:
    While a hormone we naturally produce and for centuries athletes of all types have experimented with testicular extract but true synthetic testosterone intended for human use first made its way to the scene in 1935, largely thanks to chemists Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka who both received a Nobel Prize for their work. With the testosterone hormone now being isolated and synthesized the first successful injections of testosterone were available in the form of Testosterone-Propionate.

    Once the first batches of testosterone were made available, soon after many other forms would be introduced and made ready for human use but there is something important you need to understand. All testosterone in a general sense is the same; it is the ester attached that gives it its own unique function regarding time release and duration of activity but by-in-large all exogenous testosterone is simply the same testosterone. We will explain as we go along and get into understanding half-lives.

    The Benefits of Exogenous Testosterone Use:
    There are many benefits to testosterone use and while they are generally the same for anyone who uses they can be largely dose dependent in-terms of the overall effect. Many men who use testosterone simply do so as part of a hormone replacement therapy plan; the idea is to raise testosterone levels to a normal range after they have fallen short. Many other men use testosterone for an entirely different purpose; to increase levels far beyond normal in order to enhance performance. Regardless of your purpose you can expect to receive the following benefits to one degree or another:

    Increased Recovery Abilities: The most apt example revolves around training/exercise. The act of training is not when muscle is built but rather torn down; it is through the recovery process in-which muscle tissue is built. Testosterone will increase the rate of recovery, improve the efficiency of recovery in-turn leading to a more efficient and capable physique.
    Stronger Anti-Catabolic Protection: some hormones have a negative effect on muscle tissue and can promote body fat; most notable is the hormone cortisol. Testosterone can aid in blocking and reducing this negative hormone reaction ensuring your muscle tissue is protected and body fat is not accumulated.
    Increase Red Blood Cell Count: Testosterone can greatly increase your endurance; the higher the endurance will result in the ability to do more work, i.e. train. By this increase in red blood cells we are able to increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood which increases working capabilities and can lead to greater muscle tissue efficiency.
    Increased Protein Efficiency: By supplementing with testosterone we increase protein synthesis, thereby increasing the level and rate in-which we build muscle tissue or protect it in a calorie restricted diet. Further, we are able to maintain a higher level of protein storage in-part due to an increase in nitrogen production due to higher levels of testosterone.
    These are all positive attributes to supplemental or exogenous testosterone use and the same effects can be achieved regardless of the form of testosterone we use. While these are not the only positive traits these are the most fundamental to our process and essential to our goals revolving around testosterone use.

    Testosterone Forms:
    There are many forms in-which testosterone can be found, as well as application methods. The most common form of application is by way of injection but there are transdermal gels and patches that may be used as well and even ? administered gel caps and tablets. While injectable testosterone is by far the most effective, all forms can be largely found in a hormone replacement plan but for the performance enhancer the injectable administration will prove to be far more efficient and desirable.

    Beyond application, ester attachment is the largest difference most testosterones will display and this will be the most important aspect regarding the various types as it pertains to interest and understanding. While there are many types of testosterone, in the grand scheme there are six common forms worth discussing in detail; beyond these six there are other forms included as we will see but the following six will be of the greatest importance to you and they include:


  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The original testosterone; Testosterone-Propionate is one of the most popularly used forms the world over. This type of testosterone is defined by the fast-acting short ester it has attached known as the Propionate ester. The results and effects caused by this testosterone will largely be identical to all other forms but it is in the half-life it possesses where it differs to the highest degree. Testosterone-Propionate carries with it a half-life of approximately 48 hours; due to this short half-life most users will need to administer the hormone quite frequently; most performance enhancing athletes will inject this testosterone on an every other day schedule in order to maintain stable blood levels.

    Milligram for milligram Testosterone-Propionate has been reported to be slightly more potent than many other testosterone forms; however, this difference is very negligible. There is another effect/benefit that is noted by many Test-Prop users as it is commonly called and it revolves around water retention. All testosterones have the ability to cause excess water retention; although very diet dependent, however, many Test-Prop users report less water retention with use as compared to other forms.

    Theres no doubt about it; Testosterone-Propionate while a very simple hormonal compound is very effective and a more than solid choice in testosterone for most any athlete. Even so, some users will find this particular form difficult to use; some, the majority will not. Some individuals will find they are very sensitive to the Propionate ester and will find they experience a level of discomfort from the medication. If you fall into this category all hope is not lost; those who experience degrees of pain from Testosterone-Propionate in most all cases will not experience it from other common forms.


    Testosterone-Enanthate is a pure testosterone with a slow-acting long ester attached and is a testosterone of high popularity. Like the Propionate version it is one of the most common forms used the world over by performance enhancing athletes. As for the functional properties of Testosterone-Enanthate, the same exact results will generally be obtained in comparison to the Propionate version assuming doses are similar.

    As a long ester testosterone, commonly known as Test-E, this steroid carries with it a half-life of approximately 15 days. Due to the long half-life, injections will not need to be of a frequent nature, especially if it is used in a hormone replacement plan. However, for the athlete an administration schedule of 2 injections per week is common place and generally accepted as the best form of application. Most athletes will find 2 injections of equal doses to provide them with the results they are looking for. As this protocol is very effective, increasingly many competitive bodybuilders will opt for a more frequent injection schedule, as often as once every other day. Although this is not necessary when we consider the long half-life and duration of drug activity many bodybuilders report more stable blood levels and a general better feeling by keeping testosterone levels at maximum peak levels.

    There are many quality brands you may choose from when using Testosterone-Enanthate but there is one brand that is universally accepted as the premier form and that is Testoviron Depot. While there are many other quality pharmaceutical grade brands available, many just as good, Testoviron Depot has for whatever reason developed a grand mystique behind its name, so much so that it may indeed be the most popular brand of Testosterone-Enanthate or any testosterone of all time.


    Virtually identical in almost every way to Testosterone-Enanthate, Testosterone-Cypionate is another slow-acting long ester testosterone of high popularity. Absolutely everything that can be said of Testosterone-Enanthate can be said of Testosterone-Cypionate with one minor difference. While generally structurally the same as the Enanthate ester, Test-Cyp or simply Cyp as its commonly known possesses a half-life of approximately 24 hours longer. The very slightly longer half-life is of negligible mention when we consider the total half-life time span, so much so that injection frequency schedules will be the same with Cypionate as they were with Enanthate.

    There is however a more or less urban legend regarding Testosterone-Cypionate; for one reason or another this legend has really taken hold in the United States. The common story goes and is believed by many that Testosterone-Cypionate is stronger than Testosterone-Enanthate; the truth is thats a lie. You may absolutely find a more powerful Cyp if youre basing your experience on underground versions but as Human Grade pharmaceutical testosterone goes both Test-E and Cyp are virtually twins and this includes the kick they provide.


    While Test-E and Cyp are virtually identical and Test-Prop is close to the same except for the shorter ester, while Testosterone-Suspension is simply testosterone too it has perhaps the most notable differences of all; two of importance. Unlike most forms, Testosterone-Suspension does not have an ester attached. Because of the lack of ester the conversion rate or actual usable and absorbed testosterone from each injection is 100% while other common forms carry with them absorption rates of approximately 75%.

    Another important aspect regarding Testosterone-Suspension revolving around its lack of an ester is the frequency in-which it must be administered. As you may or may not understand, the ester attached to a steroid will determine its duration of activity; for example, if we inject 100mg of Testosterone-Propionate with a half-life of 48 hours, at the 24 hour mark after injection we now have 50mg of active testosterone left; after another 48 hours we now have 25mg of active testosterone left and so on until there is none left at all. From one 100mg injection of Testosterone-Suspension in less than 24 hours we will have no active testosterone left. For this reason very frequent injections of this steroid must be administered to have any desired effect; athletes will inject this steroid at minimum once per day and often at least twice.

    Testosterone-Suspension further carries the trait of being suspended in water; while almost all testosterones are suspended in oil this gives Testosterone-Suspension an even more potent and fast acting effect. It is important to note, as a water based steroid this testosterone can be very painful to inject; so much so that most athletes cannot tolerate the pain. As this pain can be very intense, it is largely an individualistic type of thing; much of steroid use is largely trial and error and while it may be painful to inject this steroid for you, for another there may be no pain at all.

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sustanon-250 is not a testosterone in of itself but a mixture of four different testosterones. Like all testosterone, the four various forms mixed together here are simply testosterone; in that there is no difference. However, each form mixed to comprise Sustanon-250 has a different ester attached to it thereby giving a slow steady release of testosterone for an extended amount of time. The composition of Sustanon-250 is as follows:

    Testosterone-Propionate: 30mg
    Testosterone- Phenylpropionate: 60mg
    Testosterone-Isocaproate: 60mg
    Testosterone-Decanoate: 100mg
    While we are familiar with the Propionate ester the remaining three esters that create Sustanon-250 are almost always found as part of a mixture or compounded anabolic androgenic steroid.

    Developed by Organon, the original idea behind Sustanon-250 was to provide a testosterone form well-suited for hormone replacement therapy that would only needed to be administered once every few weeks and for all intense purposes the idea was a success. For the performance enhancing athlete Sustanon-250 can be a fine choice but the idea of injecting only once or twice a month is not applicable here. As a performance enhancer this testosterone like all forms will need to be administered on a more frequent basis. This mixture carries with it two fast, short esters, Propionate and Pheylpropionate, a longer more moderate ester Isocaproate and the very slow and long Decanoate ester. In order to keep testosterone levels stable and at their peak most athletes will inject Sustanon-250 at a minimum of every 3 days and more commonly every other day for optimal results.


    Everything that can be said of Sustanon-250 can identically be said of Omnadren. While virtually identical the only difference worth noting is the four esters attached. Like Sustanon-250, Omnadren is comprised of 4 various testosterones each with its own ester, the difference here is in the last ester or longest ester. While the longest ester in Sustanon-250 is that of Decanoate, Omnadrens final ester is Caproate dosed identically at 100mg; beyond this very slight difference there is nothing worth noting regarding Omnadren.

    Side-Effects of Testosterone Use:

    Testosterone use carries with it the possibility of negative side-effects as do all anabolic steroids. As this may sound unpleasant and any side-effect is, keep in mind, all medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them the possibility of adverse reactions. The most common possible side-effects include:

    Testicular Atrophy
    Water Retention
    High Blood Pressure
    Adverse Cholesterol Reactions

    Of these side-effects only one is certain and it is testicular atrophy; yes, if you are a male and you use exogenous testosterone your testicles will shrink; however, once you discontinue use they will return to their normal size. There is a very simple explanation for this occurrence; our natural testosterone is produced in the testicles, once outside testosterone is introduced into the body our testicles no longer have a need to produce any testosterone and therefore shrink. Once use is discontinued and natural testosterone production begins again our testicles will return to their previous state.

    As for the remainder of the side-effects, these are largely avoidable or reversible if they do occur; a simple breakdown would be as follows:

    Water Retention: Testosterone use can cause us to hold more water than we would otherwise, this much is true but in most cases this is highly exaggerated. In most all cases and we will see this to be true with most possible side-effects, ones diet will largely affect this outcome. Diets that are too high in carbohydrates will cause you to bloat or hold more water; add in excess testosterone and this will be more pronounced. While some individuals will be far more sensitive than others the use of a good Aromatase Inhibitor (A.I.) will largely eliminate this problem.

    Gynecomastia: AKA Gyno or ? ? can occur due to testosterones aromatizing effect. While this is a side-effect no man wants, if we supplement with adequate aromatase inhibitors such as Anastrozole (Arimidex) or Femara (Letrozole) we will largely eliminate any Gyno occurrence. However, some individuals will find they are extremely sensitive to testosterone use and even a good aromatase inhibitor will not save them; while a minority, these individuals will have to have their Gyno surgically removed if they desire to supplement.
    Blood Pressure & Cholesterol: Testosterone use can have a negative effect on both of these issues. Keep in mind, if you are already susceptible to either the chances of you being negatively affected will increase. If you already have issues you are highly advised to get them under control before you begin use; for the remainder of you there are things we can do to prevent them from happening. As with so many things regarding anabolic androgenic steroid use, diet and nutritional intake is of the utmost importance. Supplementing with healthy Omega Fatty Acids in many cases can eliminate these side-effects from occurring.
    Acne: It is a dreaded side-effect for one simple reason; whats the point of a well-tuned physique if its covered in pimples? While most all forms of anabolic androgenic steroids present this risk, by-in-large it is highly exaggerated. In most cases, not all but most, acne is caused by using gear you shouldnt be using in the first place; were talking about the plethora of underground gear that is nothing short of garbage. Use human grade testosterone and most of you will never see this problem occur.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Testosterone Doses & Cycles:

    For the individual who undergoes hormone replacement therapy your doctor will determine your appropriate dose but for the athlete looking for a boost this dose will always be a great deal higher. There is no question, a mere 250mg per week of testosterone can provide a fantastic edge but in most circles 500mg per week is considered the gold standard for optimal results. Yes, doses can range much higher than 500mg per week; it is not uncommon for many athletes to use as much as 1,000mg per week and while less common but certainly not rare even as high as 1,500mg per week. It is important to note, there is a risk to reward ratio highly in effect as it pertains the our testosterone use; the higher the dose the potential for a higher reward but the higher the dose the greater increase of risk in-terms of negative side-effects and risk to our overall health. Most all beginners are advised to never go beyond 500mg per week and many veteran users will find this is all they ever need. If you do desire to chance a higher dose that is a call only you can make but understand the increase in risk is very real.

    As for cycles, in this instance were referring to the duration of use, a common minimum length of time is 8 weeks, with 12 weeks being far more optimal for quality results. While a majority of veterans will use at minimum for 16 weeks, although not as common many will use for far extended periods of time; again, greatly increasing the risk to reward ratio. For most athletes, regardless of their level of experience with testosterone use, cycles of 12 weeks to 16 weeks in length will be their best bet and best suited for their long-term overall health.

    * This product is not to be used by anyone 18 years of age or younger. Use under a doctors supervision. This product is not a drug and should be used correctly. Use in conjunction with a well balanced diet and an intense bodybuilding or exercise program.

  • LUClEN
    LUClEN Members Posts: 20,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2013
    I've been contemplating getting up on some gear for awhile now... a lot of the heads I spoke to about it think I should hold off until I get closer to my natural limit tho. How long did you wait before you stepped up to pro gear?
    J-GUTTA Members Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭
    RodrigueZz wrote: »
    I've been contemplating getting up on some gear for awhile now... a lot of the heads I spoke to about it think I should hold off until I get closer to my natural limit tho. How long did you wait before you stepped up to pro gear?

    IMO it's more about your age. If your in your early 20's I wouldn't do it you should have enough natural test flowing through you.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WEEK 2

    monday was chest day

    tuesday -Great day at the gym, had 5 hours of sleep last night bad ass kids. Was going to sleep extra hours but ? that 1scoop of protein, 1 scoop of carbo plus no xplode and it was a go, my old school stack done it's job I put on an inch on the arms and chest, my shirt now have a crease between the pectoral area, arms getting separation from the forearms, 3 heads and triceps.

    One dude said ur shirt is getting tight u need a bigger shirt and I had a 3x and cutting, blasted arms and the ? kicked in today, well sense of being, feelin good, good aggression when I hit failure another gear kicked in and push foward the pain and acid build up, libido up, women smells test was getting looks and walk bys by women and head nods by meat heads, when u get the head nod that's the meathead way of acknowledge ur zone and work ethic and acknowledge the heavy poundage and that train u on...

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2013
    WEEK 2

    ok AGRESSION is up and well being felling also, around family happy, around other people, SMH.........

    Blood Pressure is up a little today, i will up my intake of hawthrone berry from 1 cap to 2 a day and will add celery seed extract also to help with the blood pressure..

    AGRESSION is up i want to pound weights, ? is kicking in

    my lipido is up alot, Lot of Older black women looks hell of sexy to me right now, lol.... my mom neighbor is around her late 40's keep smiling and waving i'm bout to blow that back out......

    KING ALPHA MALE MODE is now in effect, im listening to alot of Sean Price, guilty simpson grow man conan type of ? ....
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    RodrigueZz wrote: »
    I've been contemplating getting up on some gear for awhile now... a lot of the heads I spoke to about it think I should hold off until I get closer to my natural limit tho. How long did you wait before you stepped up to pro gear?

    @RodrigueZz like i said i waited until i got into well into my thirties and it was because i didnt know where to get it from and it was the best thing for me, i started off with PRO HORMONES, in my mid-late 20's AND i still was green, went to a supplement store and they sold me EVOL with out giving me no support supps after reading on line i went back to cuss his ass out and i got liver support...

    i will post information also on pro hormones down the line, if you not sure then dont do it until u ready if you think you ready for pro hormones then that's where u should start to get your feet wet.
  • Lady_Capoeira
    Lady_Capoeira Members Posts: 197 ✭✭
    Feels good going back to MMA... Sore as hell, though. This coming friday boxing and jiu jitsu back to back!!!!! Is that safe?
  • LUClEN
    LUClEN Members Posts: 20,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some ph info would be good. I love reading about PEDs even if I never end up using em.

    This summer im expecting to be doing construction w/ my uncles again. Last summer i tried to hit the gym 4 days a week while workin my ass off 5 days a week and i gained no size, lost strength and seem to have fallen into overtraining. I'm hoping with a better diet and proper supplementation i can avoid that and really see all kinds of gains this year
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WEEK 2

    7 POUNDS already and i know i aint holding water and i am on a strict diet, went to the gym step on a scale and 7 pounds this ? is no joke, LOL, the muscles is harder from the masteron and the agression is up and strength is up, i put on size around the chest area...

    i was shock the ? is officially on, the pumps is crazy, back is a lot better but still no squats and deadlifts....

    I did some leg extensions, i go for the pump in the leg extensions so i go 15-20 reps for 4 sets using 90 lbs but something told me to put the pin at 130 lbs, banged out 15 reps 4 sets with ease.....

    then i went to the seated squat press for some light reps, now the sauce is kicking i am going heavy on everything

    i UP MY CARDIO ALSO TO 5 X week

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Feels good going back to MMA... Sore as hell, though. This coming friday boxing and jiu jitsu back to back!!!!! Is that safe?

    what a badass you are congrats on your return and recovery, as long as you pace yourself, get good rest the night before and healthy foods and water in your system, pacing yourself i see why not.

    "Civilize the mind but make savage the body."
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Low Testosterone

    Low testosterone is something that affects most every man at some point in his life regardless of how healthy the individual may be. By age 40 over 50% of all men suffer from low testosterone and by the age of 50 the numbers reach a staggering amount, upwards of 80%. As we age our testosterone levels naturally decline, it is inevitable but we do have the ability to offset the end outcome. You've seen the commercials advertising treatment for "Low-T" which is simply a simplified version for saying low testosterone and there is truly only one remedy; anabolic steroids, most notably testosterone therapy. Through sound therapy we can see our levels return to a stable and more efficient range however many men choose to ignore the problem and assume the ill-effects are simply due to natural causes. It is true, age plays an important role but as our lifestyles have increasingly become sedentary coupled with nutritional intake that's ? at best, many times the problem is far more exasperated than need be. However, if we can recognize the symptoms and understand low testosterone we can largely eliminate the problems associated.

    The Aging Effect:
    As discussed, we age and our natural testosterone levels fall but in many cases the process is so slow and building over time that it largely goes unnoticed. For many men by the time their levels are truly low they have become so accustomed to the slight changes they accept them as "normal". There are some men who will experience a rapid decline in a very short period of time, even at a much younger age but they are in the minority and for most the effects will not be felt or noticed until we enter into our thirties and much more pronounced as we enter our forties.

    The Effects of Low Testosterone:
    There are many negative effects brought on by low testosterone levels and while an inactive lifestyle and poor diet can cause many of these problems low testosterone will only make them worse. From physique and physical related to sexual performance, the effects are vast and often dramatically felt; common effects of low testosterone include but are not limited to:

    •Erectile Dysfunction
    •Decreased Libido
    •Decreases in Strength
    •Decreases in Lean Muscle Tissue
    •Increased Body Fat
    •Decreased Energy
    •Increased Irritability

    If you suffer from any of these symptoms there's a very good chance you suffer from low testosterone, however, in most cases if you suffer from one you will suffer from multiple effects listed above; in many cases every single one. The good news is there is treatment and we can largely reverse every single negative effect associated with this problem and the truth is it is rather a very simple process.

    Low Testosterone Treatment:
    There is no cure for low testosterone; once your levels become low they will forever remain naturally low; however there is remedy. While we cannot cure the problem we can treat the symptoms and although we do so by supplementing with the same hormone you now produce in lower levels for all intense purposes this synthetic treatment is just as good. The reactions your body undergoes through its own natural production will be identical when a synthetic version is applied; your body will not know the difference, it simply has a desire and need for testosterone.

    Once you begin therapy you will rapidly notice improvements but as there is no permanent cure continuous therapy is of the utmost importance. Once you begin therapy if you decide to discontinue your low testosterone levels will return very quickly. Granted, this is for some a little annoying but ask yourself one question, would you rather undergo therapy that is very simple or suffer from low testosterone?

    To increase your testosterone levels you have several options and each one holds its own specific place in the order but some will prove to be more effective and efficient than others. By-in-large the form of testosterone treatment you undergo can be a very individualistic type of thing; what is best for you may not be best for another, however, this will not change the facts associated with each form of treatment. The most common forms of treatment include:

    •Injectable Testosterone
    Injectable Testosterone:

    This will prove to be the most effective and efficient type of therapy we can use. For most, a single injection of testosterone once every 10 to 14 days will correct the problem and will generally be well-tolerated by most who use it. Some individuals will need more frequent injections but this will largely be dictated by the type of testosterone you use. Some men will find the idea of injections to be bothersome but we can assure you it is a painless process and if you’re looking for an absolute remedy this is and will always be your best option.

    AndroGel is a transdermal testosterone cream. This is simply a cream or lotion type substance applied directly to the skin that absorbs into the body. A much higher dose of AndroGel will need to be used in comparison to the injectable form due to topical absorption having a far less efficiency rating. Further, unlike the injectable form you will need to perform treatment every single day; failure to miss a day of treatment will not be the end of the world but for the best results every day is optimal. If you miss multiple days you will find your low testosterone to return very rapidly.

    Everything that was said of AndroGel can be said of AndroDerm. As a transdermal medication the only difference is in its form; while AndroGel is just that, a gel, AndroDerm is a patch we apply directly to the skin for a 24 hour period of time. Once the 24 hour mark has passed we simply apply a new patch.

    Important Note:
    With both transdermal medications there is the possibility of skin irritation at the applied area in the form of burns or rashes. If these symptom exists in you injectable testosterone may be your only option, however you will find skin irritation is not a problem when testosterone is administered by intra-muscular injection.

    Receiving Treatment:
    If you believe you suffer from low testosterone you will need to schedule a visit to your local physician or hormone replacement clinic. If you have a hormone replacement clinic in your area this will many times be your best option as this is what they specialize in. Once you schedule your appointment a simple blood work test will be performed. By sampling our blood we can determine how much active testosterone we have in the body, determine where our levels are and how much therapy we need to increase them to a more stable and normal level.

    While treatment will increase your levels there is an interesting fact we cannot ignore. Low testosterone is not easily defined; there is no set standard, no accepted level. Granted, certain readings will be deemed low by all physicians and generally there is a more or less accepted low reading(s) but where they should end up is often highly debated. Due in-part to a lack of education regarding anabolic steroid hormones in general is largely responsible for these discrepancies among many physicians; again, this will make a hormone replacement clinic a far superior choice in most cases.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Testerone is a new revolutionary complete testosterone recovery and enhancing tool and generally all you will ever need to obtain such an order. Of course they all say that don’t they; every testosterone booster on the market claims to be the next best thing but here’s the difference, Testerone isn’t a testosterone booster but a complete testosterone increaser and yes, there’s a very big difference. Testerone is not designed to simply give you a boost but rather it is a synergetic formula created with the purpose of increasing testosterone levels so that they may be in an adequate range to even increasing them beyond standard production so that we may truly thrive.

    Fight Low Testosterone with Testerone:
    Men the world over suffer from low testosterone, often referred to as Andropause. It is inevitable; we age and our natural testosterone levels fall and as they do often such symptoms rear their nasty heads:

    •Loss of Sex Drive
    •Erectile Dysfunction
    •Loss of Muscle Mass
    •Loss of Strength
    •Increased Body-Fat
    •Loss of Energy
    •Lack of Mental Clarity
    •Immune Deficiency
    Those are some tough symptoms as they severely diminish ones quality of life. Many men do not realize they even have a problem as it generally creeps in very slowly; so slowly they become accustomed and attribute it to daily stress and part of the aging process but it doesnt have to be this way. Men who increase their testosterone levels and there is no better way than Testerone can expect the following:

    •A Leaner Physique
    •A More Muscular Physique
    •A Stronger Physique
    •Increased Sex Drive
    •Increased Sexual Performance
    •Stronger Bones
    •Higher Energy
    •Improved Mental Clarity
    •Healthier Sleeping Patterns
    •An Overall Greater Sense of Well-Being

    Doesnt sound too shabby does it but does it really work? Absolutely; Testerone has been shown and proven highly effective in numerous clinical trials and by countless personal testimony. Many who supplement with Testerone report positive results within a matter of days and generally most report a serious improvement to their overall well-being and quality of life in mere weeks.

    Performance Enhancement with Testerone:
    Testerone is not only for the testosterone deficient man but very well-suited for enhancing performance as well. For performance enhancing were speaking of an individual who does not suffer from low levels of testosterone but who wishes to increase his testosterone levels beyond the normal productive range. By such increase the same benefits garnered by the low testosterone patient are received but simply to a higher degree. Testerone is a perfect supplement for most any athlete looking for an added edge, perfect for the competitive bodybuilder looking for a bigger and better physique and absolutely flawless for the gym rat who simply wants a better looking physique staring back at him in the mirror.

    As you understand testosterone is the primary androgen responsible for muscle tissue building and preservation and when the testosterone hormone is increased such function is enhanced, in-turn leading to a more pleasing physique and one that is more athletically enabled. The higher our testosterone levels brings about improved functions within the following:

    •Increased Nitrogen Retention in the Muscles
    •Increased Protein Synthesis
    •Increased Red Blood Cell Count
    •Increased Metabolic Function
    •Reduction in Muscle Wasting Hormones
    •Increased Recovery and Muscle Tissue Regeneration

    Again, not too shabby; in-fact, its absolutely remarkable. Regardless of how well you eat, how hard you train, how disciplined you are in the pursuit of your goals without high levels of testosterone they will be mediocre it best; this is a scientifically proven fact. Look at it like this; if you have a job, you work harder and more efficiently than any employee and you are paid $10 per hour after 8 hours youve made $80, the same as a fellow employee who doesnt work nearly as hard. With increased levels of testosterone through the use of Testerone you have effectively given yourself a raise and one that is quite substantial making the work you do far more rewarding.

    The Bottom Line:
    Regardless of your purpose, treating low testosterone symptoms, performance enhancement or simply looking for a higher quality of life, Testerone has the answer as Testerone is the answer itself. The Testerone product is so effectively efficient the manufacturer guarantees satisfaction to the point of where if satisfaction is not reached you may receive every dime refunded no questions asked. While this guarantee provides peace of mind lets put it this way; theres no way on earth youre going to need it. Once youve tried Testerone just once the improvements to your life will only have you wanting more.
  • Lady_Capoeira
    Lady_Capoeira Members Posts: 197 ✭✭
    edited March 2013
    waterproof wrote: »
    Feels good going back to MMA... Sore as hell, though. This coming friday boxing and jiu jitsu back to back!!!!! Is that safe?

    what a badass you are congrats on your return and recovery, as long as you pace yourself, get good rest the night before and healthy foods and water in your system, pacing yourself i see why not.

    "Civilize the mind but make savage the body."

    Yes, I will definitely take my time, especially when Jui Jit su is 2 hours and boxing is 1 1/2 hours. Thanks for the knowledge Proof!!!!! No disrespect, but judging from your work-out you gotta be a beast in bed...
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    waterproof wrote: »
    Feels good going back to MMA... Sore as hell, though. This coming friday boxing and jiu jitsu back to back!!!!! Is that safe?

    what a badass you are congrats on your return and recovery, as long as you pace yourself, get good rest the night before and healthy foods and water in your system, pacing yourself i see why not.

    "Civilize the mind but make savage the body."

    Yes, I will definitely take my time, especially when Jui Jit su is 2 hours and boxing is 1 1/2 hours. Thanks for the knowledge Proof!!!!! No disrespect, but judging from your work-out you gotta be a beast in bed...

    No disrespect is taken, i do admire a women who boxes and do MMA, I think it's one of the sexiest ? in the world when they train and work up a sweat.....
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Steroid Cream

    There are several different steroids that may be aptly labeled a steroid cream and each of these steroids has a unique purpose and function. A common mistake is to assume all steroids are anabolic steroids or muscle building steroids when in truth there are hundreds of various steroids known to man and many of these steroids have the exact opposite effect of anabolic steroids. As it pertains to a steroid cream we can generally place three classes of steroids in the steroid cream category; many corticosteroids belong to the steroid cream family as does testosterone gel and last but certainly not least the infamous steroid cream known as The Clear made famous by the BALCO scandal.

    Testosterone Steroid Cream:

    Testosterone in the form of exogenous application is perhaps one of the most important steroids available, especially in the anabolic steroid category. Although most exogenous testosterone is provided in an injectable form some testosterone does come in the form of a steroid cream. For performance enhancing purposes most individuals will not use this steroid cream due to its inability to have a serious impact in that regard; one would need to apply the steroid cream almost in a constant fashion throughout the day to see any real performance enhancing qualities and injectable testosterone is normally better served for this purpose. However, a steroid cream is often used in the practice of hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of low testosterone; although the injectable forms are also commonly used it is for this purpose a testosterone steroid cream is most commonly used.

    Cortico-Steroid Cream:

    Corticosteroids are very common to medical practice and they serve a multitude of purposes. If youve ever had a pain in a joint or an inflamed muscle theres a good chance youve received an injection of corticosteroids. Now these types of steroids have no muscle building properties whatsoever, in-fact, they possess many opposing traits but they are fantastic drugs in-terms of the service they provide. Although many corticosteroids come in an injectable form they also come in the form of a steroid cream. The corticosteroid that comes in the form of a steroid cream is generally used in the treatment of surface conditions, such as rashes, skin disorders or ailments. This type of steroid cream is one of the weaker steroids available but it serves its purpose well here.

    Steroid Cream The Clear:

    The most infamous steroid cream of all, The Clear made headline news only a few years ago with the breaking BALCO scandal and the host of athletes involved. A steroid cream developed for the purpose of performance enhancing, although it provides this attribute it is relatively weak in comparison to other anabolic steroids. The Clear is comprised of two key ingredients, testosterone and epitestosterone; a combination that allows the drug to be used by a tested athlete in an undetectable manner. Although the drug will not provide massive gains in strength or size it will provide a nice boost and more importantly to the tested athlete it will do so without detection.

    The Bottom Line:

    In the end as you can see, there are many forms of steroid creams available and each one carries with it its own unique purpose. Now that you understand this a little more hopefully the next time you find yourself in a discussion regarding steroids you will be able to carry yourself with a little more authority on the topic at hand. As mentioned and as you well already know, many individuals assume all steroids are of the muscle building category and this includes steroid creams but as you can readily see this is a false assumption.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dangers of Steroid Abuse (health risks, prison, and death)

    For all those readers that are tired of the same old repetitive laundry list of steroid horrors that you’ve all seen before, this article will not be the same and nor will it be some type of medical journal article that only a small percentage of you can comprehend. Whenever a study refers to a medical term, disease, or procedure that’s unfamiliar, it will try to be defined. It is important for readers to fully understand the science behind the facts regarding several very real dangers faced when using anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).

    Unfortunately, the youth of today are acquiring and taking AAS without any knowledge of the associated dangers. Although the short-term adverse physical effects are fairly well known, many users cycle and supplement AAS in such a way that they simply don’t suffer from negative side effects. With that said, users fail to realize the seriousness of taking these drugs and how harmful the long-term physiological and psychological effects, and even severe legal consequences can be.

    Do Adolescents Really Use Steroids?

    The answer to this question is rather blunt but simple, YES. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, the percentage of students who reported lifetime steroid use increased during 1991 – 2003 (2.7% - 6.1%) and then decreased during 2003 – 2005 (6.1% - 4.0%). Although the declining trend is somewhat comforting, and the figures don’t seem staggering, they are still somewhat misleading. Let’s take a look at these numbers a little closer. The U.S. Census Bureau reports a total population of just over 301 million people, and of that number, the National Center for Education Statistics estimates 16.5 million or 5.4% are public or private school children between the 9th and 12th grade. Using the CDC’s 4% current lifetime user’s statistic, we have an estimated 660,000 students (14 to 17 years of age) who’ve admitted to steroid use as of 2005. The fact is, our 4% figure though reported in 2006 only used data through early 2005, which was just prior to any professional sports scandals and subsequent resurgence of steroid popularity. The main thing trying to be conveyed in this article is “the use of steroids among children is a REALLY BIG PROBLEM!”

    Physiological Dangers

    Steroid users can be vulnerable to a host of physiological side effects. This would be dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms. More specifically, it concerns the organs, tissues, and cells, as well as the chemical reactions between them. Physiological side effects are serious and if left untreated can take your life.

    Some of the systems AAS usage directly impacts:

    ? Effects: Testosterone is essential for the production of sperm, the maintenance of the male sex drive, erectile potency, and the function of the prostate gland and other reproductive structures. The natural production of testosterone is controlled by another set of hormones called gonadotrophins, which are released from the pituitary gland in the brain. AAS can throw this delicate system out of balance which could result in gonadotrophin suppression and can cause testicular atrophy (shrunken testicles), impotence, decreased sex drive, decreased mental and physical activity, infertility due to decreased sperm production, and bone loss (1, 2, 3). Trying to reverse the effects of these varies and is largely dependent on the type, combination, duration, and amount of AAS taken. Some studies suggest restoration of hormonal balance after discontinuation of AAS use allows testicular function to return to normal (4, 5), whereas other studies have shown the persistence of hormonal abnormalities even after discontinuation (6, 7).

    Skeletal-Muscular Injury: In spite of the apparent positive effects of AAS on bone and muscle strength, alterations in connective tissue structure induced by AAS usage have been associated with a weakening of the tendons. More evidence suggests AAS can lead to abnormal growth or development (dysplasia) of collagen fibrils, resulting in an overall decrease in tendon strength (8). The risk of tricep tendon rupture, a very uncommon injury, is also increased with AAS use (9). This is often seen with Winstrol a.k.a. Stanozolol usage, and is more pronounced in athletes who participate in sports which usually require hard starts and stops, such as track or baseball. Even though there are not abundant amounts of clinical information on this topic, in the gym the rumor is that “Winstrol weakens joints”.

    Cholesterol & Lipoproteins: Recreational users and patients receiving AAS therapy often experience fluctuations in lipid profiles. Palatini et al. (10) compared 14 non-AAS using bodybuilders to 10 AAS users. At study completion, the bodybuilders taking AAS had lower HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is the good kind, and elevated concentrations of LDL (low density lipoprotein), the bad kind. Similarly, weekly administration of Nandrolone Decanoate a.k.a. Deca Durabolin (200 mg/wk) to 14 hemodialysis patients resulted in a significant decrease in HDL (11).

    Everything we digest passes through the liver twice and this process contributes to overall liver toxicity. This is one of the reasons AAS users prefer to inject intramuscularly (into the muscle), because this method will divert the first liver pass and go directly into the bloodstream. The first liver pass filters nutrients in preparation for the bloodstream and the second liver pass serves as maintenance to cleanse for the blood. Oral steroids, known as 17aas, have been modified at the 17th position (hence the nickname) in order to survive the first liver pass in tact. This will allow their properties to function as intended once inside the bloodstream (12, 13, 14). Testosterone (T), when compared to other AAS, tends to have less of an effect on lipid profiles. Thompson et al. (15) in their six week cross-over trial of 11 male weight lifters, found administering of oral Winstrol at a dose of 6mg/d resulted in a more adverse lipid profile than a much greater and stronger intramuscular injection of T (200 mg/wk). Serum HDL levels decreased by 33% during Winstrol treatment compared with a decline of 9% during T administration (15).

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dangers of Steroid Abuse (health risks, prison, and death)

    Cardiovascular: Studies are conducted on certain animals, mostly monkeys and mice, because of our distinct physiological similarities. T has been known to induce hypertension in animals for more than six decades (16). Animal studies have shown that AAS increases water and inhibits the conversion mechanism which makes corticosterone, resulting in hypertension in rats (17). This matters to the studies because fluid retention, a traditional AAS side effect, is a known contributing factor to hypertension. Autoradiographic (a kind of X-ray), and biochemical analyses (cell sample examinations) of the hearts of female rhesus monkeys and baboons indicate that arterial and ventricular heart cells contain androgen receptors, a primary absorption site for AAS. The presence of this receptor suggests sex steroid hormones may affect heart function directly and may explain some of the peculiar differences in heart disease between men and women (18).

    Cardiomegaly (an enlarged heart) has been reported in the preclinical studies of AAS (19, 20), and electron microscopy (an imaging technique that makes the picture larger and brighter) shows disintegration and swelling of the heart tissue when AAS are given in conjunction with physical training (21). The risk of arteriosclerosis (a progressive narrowing and hardening of the arteries) may also be increased with AAS use, as shown by an increase in aortic elastin and collagen content (additional and potentially obstructive materials within heart valves) with T administration to male rats. Another study of male athletes found significantly greater cardiovascular risk factors in AAS users than nonusers (22). Similar to the earlier citation, AAS users in this study also had high total cholesterol/HDL ratio, higher low density lipoprotein levels, and lower HDL levels compared to nonusers.

    Hard evidence of cardiovascular morbidity (death caused by heart of artery problems) associated with AAS use, has been difficult to come by. This is mostly due to the high level of secrecy observed by athletes and bodybuilders who use AAS. Even under controlled, medically supervised conditions for patients undergoing therapeutic AAS treatment, there were 16 reported cases of morbid circulatory events (death caused by heart of artery problems) between 1976 and 1993 (23). These were prescribed drugs and dosages, under the routinely monitored care of licensed, board certified physicians.

    Hepatic: Studies have linked various abnormal liver function tests with the use of AAS (24, 25, 26). Jaundice (the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes frequently due to liver problems) occasionally occurs in patients due to hepatotoxicity (chemically caused liver toxicity or damage). Cholestatic hepatitis is a condition where bile cannot flow from the liver to the duodenum (a hollow jointed tube) and connecting the stomach to the jejunum (the central of the three divisions of the small intestine) has also been reported with the use of 17aas (27). If jaundice occurs, it generally develops after 2-5 months of therapy of in AAS users on higher dosages or longer cycles of harsh orals like Dianabol (Methandrosenolone) or Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate).

    In the majority of the patients tested, there is an elevation in transaminases (important enzymes in the production of various amino acids), with levels normalizing after a few weeks of discontinuation (28). In athletes, extreme care should be taken giving liver function tests because the breakdown of skeletal muscle during this intense training can also result in elevated transaminases. With that being said, liver values should not be the sole determinant of AAS abuse (29). Some steroid users will combine very harsh and extremely mild oral steroids, such as Andriol and Anavar (Oxandrolone), but ? /Aids research informs us that combinations such as these can lead to a concentration of harmful levels.

    Peliosis hepatic (a disorder in which multiple blood-filled cystic spaces randomly ravage the liver) has also been reported with the use of AAS (30, 31, 32, 33). There have also been isolated reports of AAS use resulting in carcinomas (any spreading cancer that arises from epithelial or compound layers of cells, that invade the surrounding tissue and organs) of the liver (34, 35, 36, 37). The majority of patients experiencing these conditions were taking compounds for approximately one to seven years, usually at high doses and/or untraditional combinations of 17aas (38, 39, 40, 41).

    Psychiatric: The effects of T on human aggression are controversial. Anecdotal evidence supports the claim the AAS use results in a typical “roid rage” phenomenon, during which athletes experience an increase in aggression and irritability. The scientific validity of this assertion is questionable in consideration of the fact that virtually all evidence supporting this behavior is based on either case reports or studies that correlate (as byproducts of studies that sought other findings) (42). A few well-controlled studies have demonstrated an association between AAS use and feelings of aggression, alertness, irritability, anxiety, suspiciousness, and other types of mood overactive behaviors (43, 44, 45). On the other hand, these results have been contradicted by further studies that found “absolutely no” evidence of aggressive behavior even when supraphysiological (this word means amounts greater than normally found in the body) doses of T were administered (46).

    ? et al. (47) recently reported that T administration to hypogonadal men (those with a defect in the reproductive system) resulted in a significant decrease in anger, sadness, irritability, and nervousness along with increased sense of well-being, energy, and friendliness. Sorting through all this research, it appears more likely that increased aggression is partly a product of the type, amount and combination of substances used, and mostly a product of the user’s personality and predisposition.

    Laws and Penalties: There are major concerns over the growing amount of illegal AAS abuse by teenagers and many of the long-term side effects just discussed throughout this article. This led Congress in 1991 to place the entire AAS class of drugs into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Under this legislation, AAS are defined as any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to T (other than estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids) that promotes muscle growth. The possession or sale of AAS without a valid prescription is illegal. Since 1991, simple possession of illegally obtained AAS carrys a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a minimum fine of $1,000 if this is an individual’s first drug offense. The maximum penalty for AAS trafficking (selling, distributing, or possessing enough to be a suspect) is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 if this is the individual’s first felony drug offense. If this is the second felony drug offense, the maximum period of imprisonment and the maximum fine both double. While the above listed penalties are for federal offenses, individual states have also implemented fines and penalties for illegal use of AAS. State executive offices have also recognized the seriousness of AAS abuse and other drugs of abuse in schools. For example, the State of Virginia enacted a law that will allow student drug testing as a legitimate school drug prevention program (48, 49).

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Testosterone in Men

    In the world of performance enhancement testosterone is king yet for reasons that make very little sense in some circles some performance enhancers are petrified of it. The common fears often revolve around estrogenic related side-effects, gaining body-fat and looking soft but when we understand the hormone and when we understand the importance of testosterone in men these concerns begin to look nothing short of ridiculous. In the performance enhancing world, much like most things in life there is an old saying find what works best for you and in most cases this is very good advice; however, as it pertains to testosterone in men it is not so cut and dry. In the arena of performance enhancement the general idea is to get bigger or stronger or to build a more pleasing well-rounded physique and perhaps a combination of all three and there is no hormone on earth more responsible for this action than testosterone.

    Misplaced Fears of Testosterone in Men
    The common belief by some is that they can build a better physique without testosterone and without side-effects that may accompany its use by simply sticking with other anabolic steroids. Lets begin by stating what should be the obvious; the primary hormone in the human male is testosterone and it is by the amount of testosterone in men that we display many of our physical traits; this includes those of a muscular nature. Further, testosterone is the primary hormone for which all anabolic steroids owe their allegiance and not to mention the most well-tolerated steroid for most any man; after all, testosterone in men is not a foreign substance, not by a long shot.

    So what about the side-effects, when we increase the total testosterone in men through exogenous use how do we combat them? As most of the side-effects are due to the conversion to estrogen the answer is very simple; when we increase the levels of testosterone in men we must decrease the amount of estrogen flowing in our body and reduce the conversion process that may occur. Through the use of an aromatase inhibitor such a conversion process cannot occur; you cannot convert something from thin air. However, when we speak of possible side-effects the most worrisome for many is bloating or excess water retention. Excess water retention can occur due to the aromatase process but as weve discussed an aromatase inhibitor will eliminate this problem. However, for the majority it is not the only concern; for the majority the problem is they simply eat too many carbohydrates and blame their excess water retention on the testosterone supplementation. If most men would keep their diets in check, keep aromatase inhibitors on hand then when the testosterone in men increases such problems would be little more than an afterthought.

    Testosterone in Men = Perfection
    As it is the primary male hormone if one is to supplement with anabolic steroids it only makes sense to supplement with the hormone most familiar to the body. Is testosterone the greatest anabolic steroid of all time; there are a few that are more powerful but as it is so easily well-tolerated and powerful in its own right it truly may be the greatest steroid of all time. In the end, when we increase the total testosterone in men they will in-fact display traits of a more pronounced nature, traits they already display, simply amplified and isnt that the very idea?

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Testosterone Levels

    Have you noticed in recent years you have a lack of energy, not as much pep in your step as you once did? Has your sex drive diminished, have you noticed your physique has declined even if you implore proper diet and exercise; have you noticed a lacking in desire for diet and exercise? How about stress, are you generally stressed do you have any symptoms or feelings of depression? If you display any of these symptoms or a combination of a few the odds are your testosterone levels are low and with improper testosterone levels its only going to get worse. While there are other instances and conditions that can cause the same effects, when were speaking of adult men nine times out of ten were speaking of a condition known as low testosterone and it is a condition that will affect nearly every man at some point in his life. While this may sound bleak do not let your heart be troubled for we can increase our testosterone levels through therapy and the process is painless and one of the easiest things youll ever do. Unfortunately no, there is nothing you can do to reverse low testosterone in-terms of bringing back normal production, in many ways its simply part of life but you do not necessarily need to let it beat you down.

    Determining Low Testosterone Levels
    If you display any of the symptoms discussed above there is a good chance you suffer from low testosterone, however, displaying symptoms is not enough; in medical practice in order to receive a needed testosterone prescription an actual number is needed. Herein lies a great problem; natural testosterone levels can vary greatly from one individual to the next; in the United States a general rule of thumb is that an individual will need to display a total testosterone reading of 300 ng/dL or lower to qualify for therapy but what if your previous natural state is much higher? Natural testosterone levels can range anywhere from as high as 850 ng/dL so as you can easily see for some men the 300 ng/dL may not be an accurate point of reference yet it remains so. For this reason it is imperative you are honest with your doctor if testosterone treatment is something you are after; many men are embarrassed when talking about such a condition, especially when we enter the realm of sexually related; dont be, youre only hurting yourself and depriving yourself of proper testosterone levels.

    The Common Lie
    There is only one true way to increase testosterone levels and that is through the use of anabolic steroid therapy and generally the primary anabolic steroid in the form of synthetic testosterone. However, because anabolic steroids carry with them such a strong negative connotation in popular culture many are petrified of use and this stretches far and wide into the medical field as well. For this reason many will search out alternative methods such as natural testosterone boosters, as well as implementing more exercise into their routine and eating foods that have been shown to increase testosterone levels. It is true, weight training has been shown to have a positive effect on testosterone and certain foods and natural supplements can increase testosterone levels to a degree but even with all of these things implored we are talking about miniscule amounts; for the man who suffers from low testosterone he would be as well served performing a ritualistic rain dance in hopes of increasing his levels.

    Eliminating Concern
    As anabolic steroid use is the only way to readily increase testosterone levels one does not need to be afraid. When we are speaking of anabolic steroids we are not speaking of medications or drugs in the common sense largely associated with them; we are speaking of hormones in-which the term Drug may actually be very inappropriate. Further, we are speaking of hormones our body is very familiar with, hormones we have been producing since the day we were born; we are now simply producing them in smaller amounts and that is the problem. Most all men who supplement with exogenous testosterone find it to be very well-tolerated and generally side-effect free when responsible use is implored and in many cases even when supraphysiological doses are taken; however, to increase testosterone levels for therapeutic purposes a supraphysiological dose is not something you will need. Yes, there are possible side-effects that may occur but most all are completely avoidable if precaution is taken. For this reason it is important you do your homework, research testosterone and anabolic steroids in general and you will largely see only positive results; keep in mind, as it is often understated, possible side-effects simply mean possible; it does not mean guaranteed.

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Side-Effects of Testosterone

    You want to supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids and if you do the most important steroid youll ever supplement with is testosterone; in-fact, for many it will be the only steroid needed. With that in mind a common question is what are the side-effects of testosterone use? That is a fine question to have and it is here we will display the truth.

    The side-effects of testosterone use are very real, that much is true but they are often exaggerated and highly overstated. Exogenous testosterone use is generally well-tolerated by all healthy adult men who supplement responsibly; in-fact, more men will have problems with Aspirin than testosterone. Of course its still important to know what the side-effects are, what we can do to prevent them and what if anything we can do to alleviate them should they occur. Lets delve into the side-effects of testosterone and see what we can learn.

    Common Side-Effects of Testosterone:
    There are five common side-effects of testosterone use and by common we are not saying they commonly occur in most men but they are the most common to occur; there is a difference. With these possible side-effects, largely they are brought on by a buildup of estrogen in the body. When exogenous testosterone enters into the body it will eventually convert into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme. As estrogen levels increase the most common side-effects of testosterone can become a reality but each one of these effects is easily avoidable. Such side-effects include:

    •Excess Water Retention or Bloat
    •High LDL Cholesterol
    •Low HDL Cholesterol
    •High Blood Pressure

    To prevent the common side-effects of testosterone the most obvious route is to combat the estrogen buildup and we have the tools are our disposal. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) can be of great importance here as they will do exactly what their name implies; inhibit aromatase, thereby preventing conversion and even reducing the total amount of estrogen in the body. If it is an estrogen buildup that can lead to these common side-effects of testosterone, if the estrogen isnt there it cannot cause a problem. You will find AIs to be extremely beneficial especially regarding combatting Gynecomastia and excess water retention.

    While AIs can be very useful there are other important factors to consider. If we are to combat the side-effects of testosterone the absolute best thing we can do is to ensure we are living a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle that promotes a healthy blood pressure and proper cholesterol levels will do wonders and largely protect most men. Of course if you already have a problem with either one of these factors, especially high blood pressure, you are encouraged to avoid any anabolic steroid use until it is under control. Further, while steroids are being used it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your health to ensure you dont run into any problems.

    Guaranteed Side-Effects of Testosterone:
    There are two side-effects of testosterone use that are guaranteed in all men who supplement; natural testosterone suppression and testicular atrophy. These side-effects of testosterone use go hand-in-hand as they are dependent on one another. When we supplement with anabolic steroids, even testosterone, our natural testosterone production is suppressed. As our natural production is suppressed and as testosterone is produced in the testicles, they will atrophy when use is at hand. When we say atrophy that is exactly what we mean; we dont mean they will disappear but they will lose some of their fullness.

    Once use has been discontinued and all anabolic steroids are out of your system your natural testosterone production will begin again. As this production begins your testicles will regain their normal level of fullness and everything will be just that again; normal. As you can see, while on its surface this is a very worrisome side-effect it is largely of no concern.

    The End Game:
    In the end the truth is simple; the side-effects of testosterone use are very real but very controllable in healthy adult men. While we have given you the information you need to combat the side-effects there is one more thing we must say and there is not enough emphasis we can put on this fact. To truly avoid the side-effects of testosterone you must supplement responsibly. Keep your doses reasonable and if you respond to a dosing well only to respond to a higher dose in a negative fashion, for crying out loud drop the dose down. This isnt rocket science and if you can hold to a responsible level of supplementation you will hold to a very enjoyable and beneficial experience
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Increase Testosterone
    We hear talk of low testosterone all the time; for crying out loud you cant turn the TV on without seeing a commercial regarding Low T. You see advertisements and articles in all of your favorite health and fitness related magazines with products bragging about increasing testosterone levels to give you a boost but you rarely if ever hear anyone talking about high testosterone. We say rarely because the majority will never visit an anabolic steroid related message board; if you do youll hear high testosterone discussed each and every day but most are completely unaware of what high testosterone can do and how it affects us.

    Lets be clear right from the get go; high testosterone itself is not something to be afraid of as it is a highly beneficial condition. All of us produce testosterone in varying levels and while rare some will do so in massive amounts and generally thrive at a higher level than the rest. For the rest of us there is only one true way to achieve high testosterone levels and it is through the use of anabolic androgenic steroids; specifically exogenous testosterone. This is where problems can occur if the hormones are abused but if supplemented with in responsible fashion by healthy adult males the individual will see his quality of life greatly enhanced and he too will thrive.

    The Advantages of High Testosterone:
    What are the advantages of high testosterone? Actually a better question to ask is what arent they? That is correct, high testosterone can be that amazing as it will positively affect your physical and mental state taking you to new levels of effectiveness in a host of aspects of your life. On the very basis of an improved sense of well-being high levels of this potent androgen should be desired but the benefits hardly end there; no, were just getting started. If this doesnt peak youre interest nothing will; here are some of the advantages of high testosterone:

    •Increased Muscle Mass
    •Increased Strength
    •Decreased Body-Fat
    •Increased Energy
    •Greater Overall Athletic Performance
    •Increased Libido
    •Increased Mental Clarity
    •Increased Memory
    •Enhanced Mood
    •A Greater Sense of Well-Being

    Of course and it should go without saying, the higher our levels the more enhanced these traits will be; of course, at the same time there will be somewhat of a cutoff point to where increasing them anymore is a waste of time and effort. While all this remains true this is where we can begin to get into problems as the only true way to obtain high testosterone levels is through the use of the anabolic steroid testosterone itself. When we supplement with testosterone we will find this is a very safe and effective hormone but it does carry possible side-effects when administered in exogenous fashion. Most healthy adult men who supplement and do so responsibly will be fine but there are important factors we must recognize.

    We are all unique individuals and as such higher doses of testosterone will affect everyone differently. Further, as the dose goes up, although benefits will be enhanced the rate of probability regarding adverse reactions increases as well. It is a tradeoff and some men will respond well to higher doses while others wont and this can be hard to predict. Even so, with responsible use the majority and we do mean the strong majority of men can increase their levels safely and enjoy the benefits within.

    The End Game:
    By the very nature in-which anabolic steroids are often portrayed in popular culture many men are petrified of high testosterone levels; in-fact, many men are petrified of simply receiving treatment for a low level condition. This is we can assure you a misplaced fear. Testosterone is not a foreign substance to the body, it is not poison and no one has ever died from exogenous use. That is correct; there has never been a recorded death due to the use of exogenous testosterone or any anabolic androgenic steroid for that matter. The reason most men are so scared of high testosterone levels is simply because they do not understand what the hormone is and how important and vital it is to our body. Regardless of your position on anabolic steroid use you produce testosterone whether you like it or not and if you can begin to understand the importance of the hormone and its basic functions you can at least begin to appreciate what high testosterone levels can do.