post your competitiveness

IamNumberOne Members Posts: 4,115 ✭✭✭✭✭
post your competitiveness in w.e sport you fancy and if you don't play sports post what you've done in the gym out lifting someone or so

backstory of this video of me busting some random dude 21 to 4 is...I got to the courts late from running an errand after my boy finished running a full court game...everyone left except the random dude so we played a hustle which ended in the kid I'm playing in the video winning 23/21/21 (he had an ugly form but made his shots) boy wanted to leave and I told him to stay for 1 more but he said na and suggested that kid play me in a 1on1...he said cool so I told my boy to stay and watch and he said matter of fact I'll record it...the rest was history
