When Did You Show "It," to Her?

Maximus Rex
Maximus Rex Members Posts: 6,354 ✭✭✭✭✭
Aha Ha! Got You! Since I've you to click this thread by using "trolling trickery," "it," isn't the "it," you nasty ? are thinking of. I mean your collection of stuff, be it your action figures or comic book collection and/or both.

Personally, I've always been a little leary of showing chicks my collection of stuff and to this day my Boo-Boo has been the only chick to ever see my comic book collection; in addition to being the only woman to ever accompany me to comic book place when I bought a comic book.

It's not I'm hesitant about sharing my fanboy nerdom with women, but rather, my comics, action figures, and posters are a very personal and private thing to me that's not be shared with just anybody. You know, it's analogous to sharing your favorite song, place, or thoughts with a chick. Hell, I have a few chicks meet my mother, but they never saw my comics.

I've been a fanboy since I was 13, (though I'm on hiatus,) and I've been collecting action figures since I was 19, beginning with the initial release of Toy Biz' Marvel line. For me to share my hobby with a woman, means I'm sharing the part of me that's still a nerdy and smart 13 year old that can name all of the presidents. It's me letting a chick know, that this is my hobby and I hope that you can accept and understand being a fanboy is what I am and I trust you to think I'm not some socially inept introvert that plays with toys.

I did subject chicks to what I called the "Room Test." Right now my stuff is in storage, but at the time I would have some it displayed, namely my action figure display for the month would be on the T.V. and I had my posters on the wall. I would tell a chick to wait outside of my room, then I would tell her to come in. As she walked into my room, I would play close attention to her response to see if would be, "WTF," or if she was cool with it. My rationale was if she didn't like my room, then she wouldn't like me.

So when do feel it's appropriate to share your collection with a chick? And what do you do if she ? up and says, "Aren't you to old to be playing with toys," or she initially cool with your hobby, but later tries to get you to sell your collection, give your collection away, or put it storage?
