Everwonder when&how the US in 1776 up to 1996got involved in the Middle East? No? Peace

luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
edited September 2013 in The Social Lounge
I wondered when did the US get involved in the middle east and this is what I read. These are quotes (not my thoughts)from a book. I'll reveal the author and title too once I'm through writing all the stuff I found interesting from it. It's good food for thought since some soldier's might actually be going over there not knowing the US's history and other people might just be curious and don't feel like reading long books. When I'm done with this I'll post on Eusebius (a roman guy, not a christian, who (like Josepehus)wrote in his present day like 230AD the accounts of the christian's persecutions, compared scriptures and writings by christians, and found those families who were living at that time that would later be in what is called the New Testament/2nd covenant of the bible and how the new testament bible was coming into existence along with family names and the weird things the roman's lay witness to when killing christians; along with writing about what the apostles did long after Christ was resurrected). But back to the point...proceed to 1776 to 1996.I'm about to make a bunch of spelling errors so fu if u care about grammar. Here it goes:


  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    constitution drafted for using tax dollars to build the navy-due to middle east conflicts
    1830 is the antebellum of america ’s relations with the middle east. It attained a legal and commercial status in the middle east equal to Europe and began selling American weaponry to the region. (p.116) They also sold cotton clothes, cloth itself, chairs, tables, carpets, textiles, glass and windows in exchange for rugs

    1776-us forfeits the protection of britain ’’s navy and have no navy of their own.
    1784-The boston brig betsy is seized by Moroccan pirates
    1785-john lamb conducts first diplomatic mission to mid east
    1787 spurred in part by the need to confront N.Africa, delegates meet in Philadelphia to draft a constitution
    1788-first American john ledyard explored mid east
    1794-congress votes to create a navy “adequate for the protection of the commerce of the US against Algerian corsairs.”
    1801-Tripoli declares war on the US
    1803-Tripoli captures the USS Philadelphia and its 305 man crew.
    1815-James Madison dispatches an Am. Fleet to force Algiers , Tripoli , and Tunis to cease attacks against American ships.
    1821-Greek war begins and forces America to determine if it will give arms to Greece because it was a Christian nation and thus ruin forever the commerce trades it could have with the Ottoman empire or decide to go with economics. US stays out of the war and therefore secures its ability to do trade with the mid east.
    p.17 America was a seafaring nation with it shipbuilding wood and natural harbors. It lost its ability to trade with the world when Britain ’s navy didn’t protect it. Pirates and barbaries were able to infiltrate their ships and take hostages. The profits of the trade outweighed the harships.  Americans got raisins, capers, figs while giving timber, tobacco, and sugar.  Big thing is Americans traded rum for Turkish ? in which the Turkish sold to China . 
    Pg18-By the 1770’s 1/5th of the colonies annual exports were destined for Mediterranean docks. Prior to the Revolution the only threat to America ’s trade came from the Middle East who seemed set on preying on their cargoes and enslaving American crews.
    From the 12th-to 18th century the barbary pirates were a threat to Europeans (Miguel de Cervantes).
    -Earliest attack against Europeans by north Africans was in 1625 when Moroccan corsairs captured a merchant ship sailing from N. America .
    20 years later Algerians attacked an American ship but were repelled..  In 1678 Algiers seized another Massachussetts ship and 13 vessels from Virginia .  Of the 390 english captives ransomed from Algiers in 1680, 11 were residents of New England and New York . This is when America started to ask Britain for protection and Britain would assign soldiers on the American ships to protect the ships.
    According to the Franco-American Treaty of Alliance signed in 1778 France was supposed to proved soldiers for US ships to protect them against any attack in the Barbary seas.  But when called on by the US to protect them, France backed out due to fear it would interfere with their own trade with the mid east and their alliance with Britain whom at the time considered the US an enemy.
    2 months after Betsy was captured, Dauphin and Maria were abducted by Algiers . Now the muslims did this b/c America was supposed to do a peace treaty with them and pay a price to travel their seas, but congress took to long to act and offended the emperor of Morocco; so the Moroccans in retaliation felt it necessary to capture the American ships to prove to the Americans that the seas were theirs and that the Americans could not travel them for free without paying the Moroccans.    This is why they captured the Betsy.
    Lord Sheffield stated “it will not be an easy matter to bring the American states to act as a nation.  America cannot retaliate.”  America began paying for the release of American captives from Algiers .
    Thomas Jefferson stated “we ought to begin a naval power, if we mean to carry our own commerce.  It will procure us respect in Europe and respect is a safeguard to interest. He wanted the US to join spain , Portugal , naples , denmark Sweden , and france against Barbary and with its combined navies  set up a permanent presence in  N.africa’s coast. He asked congress for 2million to build a navy ship w/150guns but was denied. Instead they gave him $70000 to build one.
    Tripoli ’s Abd al-Rahman pronounced no nation could travel the Mediterranean without a peace treaty with them or without paying 30,000 guineas, plus 3000 guinea gratuity. Morocco and Algiers stated the same, except twice as much to travel their seas.  The total came to $1 million American dollars, which at the time was a tenth of America ’s annual budget.
    p.28 America bought back the Betsy for $20,000 as well as a Treaty of Peace.  It build it’s oldest national landmark in Tangier.
    p.29George Washington stated that he believed “the American people would prefer confrontation with Barbary to blackmail, but they still lacked the warships to fight.”
    “Without a national system of gov’t America will become prey to the nations of the earth.”-Benjamin Russell wrote to John Adams.
    In 1787 during the drafting of the constitution this is what was stated:
    What is there to prevent an Algerine pirate from landing on your coast and carrying your citizens into slavery.” Hugh Williamson.
    p.29“May not the Algerines seize our vessels?” George Nicholas from Kentucky .
    p.30“If we mean to be a commercial people….we must endeavor as soon as possible to have a navy.” –Alexander Hamilton
    p. 31-These men began to welcome pirate attacks because they knew it would compel the states to rally against the middle east and unify (since they were not united and had no reason to unite or pay taxes to support anything outside of individual states) under paying taxes to build a navy and thus began the propaganda spread in newspapers to instill fear among Americans of the middle east by reporting on all the attacks and deaths suffered by Americans sailing to the middle east.  This united the states because almost all the states shipped products abroad and those who did not were attached to companies that did and it was enticing to see how much more money they could make if their goods were not stolen by pirates or if they had the freedom and protection to ship goods out to the middle east and receive goods from their to sell back in the US.
    p.31&p32-On March 4, 1789 the constitution adopted and declared congress the right to declare war and “to provide and maintain a navy.”  Thus the threat from the middle east played a role in creating a truly United states.  For the first time America was a nation capable of defending not only its borders at home but its vital economic interests overseas.
    P33 On Dec.1790 Jefferson recommended America go to war.  “the liberation of our citizens has an intimate connection with the liberation of our commerce in the Mediterranean,” he explained to congress.The senate rejected his proposition and paid $140,000 for the purposes of paying of ransoms and tributes. Jefferson took $25,000 of the $140,000 and gave it to an officer John Paul Jones to take to Algiers, knowing that the dey/leader would not accept it. Jefferson did this to try and insult the leader and get him to initiate an attack on the Americans, so Jefferson could lie to America and say he offered the leader $140,000 and he still would not take it, when in fact he only offered $25,000 for the release of captives. He felt the rejection would lead congress to invest in a full-time Mediterranean squadron. Jones died before being able to carry out the plan. Meanwhile Algier captured 11 more American ships and shackled 119 sailors.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    p.34 Out of fear for the France vs. Britain war and other states and foreign gunboats close to America’s shores, George Washington and congress opened a debate to create a navy in 1793.
    p.35 The legislation to build a navy ship passed by a vote of 50 to 39 on the condition that the construction of warships cease the moment peace was attained with Algiers.
    On March 27,1794 Washington signed the bill $688,888 to build six frigates “adequate for the protection of the commerce of the United States against Algerian corsairs.”
    This how the navy was started
    1795Hassan Dey of Algiers demanded the US pay him $2 mill for the release of us hostages.
    Tunis and Tripoli then began to practice the strategy of attacking Americans and then negotiating with the US for ransoms.
    Tripoli pillaged 3 US ships.
    Tunisia sacked the Eliza ship.  The US paid the two nations $160,000 for the release of the prisoners.
    p.38The US gov’t was not diverting 20 percent of its yearly revenues to the barbary states,paid out in gold, or precious stones, cannons, powder and gunboats.
    America first used its navy in a “quasi-war” where France in the Caribbean and Napoleon tried to block America’s trading with Britain.
    p.54 1798 Tripoli lotted two American ships (the Catherine and the Franklin) and demanded $100,000.  Tunis then demanded for 40 cannons, 10,000 muskets, plus a ships with 6 guns.
    p.55 May14th, 1801 Qaramanli’s troops of Tripoli marched to the American consulate and cut down its flagpole and declared formally a war.
    The US sent the Essex, President, and Philadephia with the Enterprise and launched a few shells into the city of Qaramanli.  The US ran up against a Tripoli ship and the US put up a british flag (since Britain was an ally of Tripoli) until it was face to face with the ship and then hoisted the US flag and fired.  They then took the commander of the ships sword and let him sail back home having killed 30 and injured 30 of his 80 men crew. 
    On February 6, 1802 Congress passed an Act for Protection of Commerce and ? of the US against the Tripolitan Corsairs, declaring war.
    1802 Richard Morris stepped on to Tripolis shore waving a white flag.  Qaramanli made him pay $200,000 in gifts plus $20,000 annuity to be set free to go back to the US .
    1803 Tunis and Algiers heard about this and upped their tribute demands on the US .  Morocco declared war against the US .
    1803 the Philadelphia ship and its 307 crew were captured.
    1804 Stephen Decatur set out to free the captives and burn the captured ship. 
    p.62 Thomas Jefferson declares “the crisis in the middle east is the nation’s highest foreign relations priority.”
    1801 Tripoli declared war on the US .
    p.65William Eaton, a consul to Tunis  declared “there is but one language which can be held to these people…terror.”  “He stated only by changing Tripoli ’s regime could Americans redeem their national honor with steel and not with gold.”
    He then set out with 9 americans, 90 tripolitans, 63 mercenaries from Europe and 250 Bedouin all to go to war and enforce a regime change in Tripoli and put a guy named Hamid (from Triopoli) into power.  Once put into power by the US Hamid would free the American hostages and provide free trade with the US . On April 25th 1805 he reached Yusuf and declared him to hand his throne over to Hamid.  After the war in May the US gov’t said that they would back out of supporting Hamid and that they made an agreement with Yusuf, but the US never informed Eaton of this. The agreement was the US would return 100 tripolitan prisoners and $60,000 for 296 of the captured US soldiers that had been prisoners for 2 years.
    p.70 On june 22 1807 the Chesapeake departed the US to go to the Mediterranean and was captured by the british.
    1809 Algiers captured the Sally and its 15 men crew.
    June 1812 Algiers captured the Edwin and its 11 men crew.
    Algiers dey Ali Pasha said “my policy and my views are to increase, not to diminish the number of my American slaves.”
    p.72 In 1813 america paid $25,910 to free 6 of the men captured.
    War of 1812 with the British helped strengthen the US navy and America ’s support and tax dollars to go toward investing in the navy. After this war the Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814 with Britain .
    p.73 1814 James Madison went to congress to ask to declare war on the Barbary pirates and congress granted permission. 
    May 15 1814 Decature went to Algiers and captured 500 prisoners from Algiers . 7 Americans were killed.
    On June 28th dey Omar Pasha saw 10 american warships in Algieria.  He went to Britain to beg Britain for help, but Britain had signed the Treaty of Ghent and was no longer at war with the US .  Decatur told the Algerian ruler “if you insist on receiving powder expect to receive ? with it.”  He told them the US would no longer pay any ransoms and in return Algiers must pay $10,000 indemnity and unconditionally release its American captives. 
    James Madison staed “the US , will buy peace with none.”  Madison then sent the ship Independence to Algiers to permanently position itself in the Mediterranean Sea with guns aimed at Algiers .
    Decatur then went to Tunis and Tripoli and demanded the US ’s ships back and the release of US prisoners.
    So in total the Barbary pirates captured 35 american vessels and over 700 sailors. Over the previous years. 
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    The price the US spent for war with Tripoli between 1802 and 1805 was 3 million dollars. This price was more than what the US had been paying for bribery to receive passage and get back a few prisoners.
    Thomas Jefferson said “by erecting and independent attitude in the Middle East the US shielded itself from blackmail and garnered respect internationally.”
    The Niles Weekly Register wrote “the name of an American is now the proudest in the world.”
    p.75 according to the writer of the book the Barbary wars altered European perceptions of the US and transformed America ’s image of themselves.
    “My country right or wrong.” Stephen Decatur.
    In memory of the Barbary wars countless municipalities were named after Decatur .  The US Marines still sing a hymn “to the shores of Tripoli .”  The marines brandish a scimitar sword to remind them of when Hamid presented it to Lieutenant O’Bannon.
    The nation’s oldest war monument in Annapolis and commissioned by an act of Congress, commemorates the victory over North Africa .  Another memento is the bell of the USS Philadelphia retrieved from the sea and returned to the US in 1871.  The last is the Star spangled banner that used to say “turbaned heads bowed to the brow of the brave.”
    1820 the Middle East ports received a 400 percent increase in visiting American ships for the purpose of trading.
    The US gave Turkey rum and Turkey gave the US ? .
    1823 President Monroe prohibited any European intervention in the New World and the Middle east with American ships. 
    In the book the writer states his belief that America supports Jerusalem and jews because of Judeo Christianity.  They believe if they restore power to the jews by giving them their own state that this will bring or quicken the second coming of Christ.
    {{{{I'll fill the gap btw. pgs. later}}}}}}
    p.313 May 18, 1904-200 armed men raided america's most prominent citizen in TAngier and kidnapped him.
    pg.314-Tangier made demands to the US to help them receive justice from morocco's sultan and some ransom money. The US refused and asked France and Britain to join together to use arms to fight for Perdicaris (the prominent US citizen) freedom from being kidnapped. Britain declined and France went and reinforced the defense of Tangier to protect Tangier from an American led attack. Roosevelt sent 7 ships to morocco for war. This was America's 4th time using its navy in the middle east. Morocco's gov't paid the kidnapper Raisuli money to release Perdicaris.
    Americans invented the word middle east.

    p.318 Egypt's 1st anti-american demonstration was held when Roosevelt visited. "down w/ roosevelt," they said. This came after roosevelt said Egypt couldn't govern itself and was better off letting Britain rule. The leaders of the protesters and nationalists ironically were graduates from Syrian Protestant College built by the US. It was from school they leanred to want and demand independence from Britain and the US.
    pg.319-Italy in 1911 engaged in a 20yr war with tripoli and daraa and libya. In 1912 France seized control of morocco. French also smoked to death Algerians fighting for independence. pg. 328
    pg.326 America accounted for 23% of all Turkish exports.
    1910 while the rest of the world was at WWI, the Sstandard Oil Company of New Jersey looked for oil in Mesopotamia. Standard of NY then began drilling in Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor.
    The reason was America knew its local US reserves could not supply US demand in the future.
    During WWI, Turkey declared English an enemy language and kicked out all British and proclaimed war against all allied Christian nations.
    p.329Hundreds of Christians are hung in Turkey. Armenians in Turkey during WWI had horseshoes nailed to their feet, 800 executed, extraction of teeth, 1,000 pupils were placed in a ditch and shot, starvation, burning to the face with an iron, burned them alive in churches, herded them into freezing rivers, orient them to the desert to die. Women nailed to crosses.
    The Turks claimed Armenians were spics and sympathizers to Russia, but it was really because they were Christian.
    In one summer 800,000 Armenians were killed.
    pg.331-Turkey wanted race extermination of Armenians.
    pg. 336-Morgenthau, an american jew in Turkey, raised $100million to help Armenians in Turkey. He got with the NY times publisher Adolph and published over 14 articles in 1915.
    He offered $1million of his own money to resettle 500,000 armenians to the US
    Turkey bragged that they were using torture methods from the Spanish Inquisition. pg.337
    1.5 million armenians were killed.
    A famine struck Istanbul with over 200,000 people perished. 800,000 people in Egypt and Syria.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    pg.340 The Laconia in 1917 was attacked. The ship carried 6 americans. Germany struck it with 2 torpedoes and it sunk killing 73 passengers.President Wilson declared war and the US entered WWI.

    p. 347 Briitsh wanted to conquer palestine and make it a jewish nat'l home.
    pg.351-jews in america were told by a former rabbi 1897 not to recreate a jewish statehood in america or any other country b/c it might raise anachronistic anti-semitic behavior to the very country that is protecting them and letting them in.
    pg. 357-In 1912 President Wilson promised to help Zionist Jews in other countries find safe haven in Palestine. America got jews out of Syria, Egypt, Turkey, using 4 navy ships. America in doing this rescued the jewish state of palestine. The british army joined in and it was called the balfour declaration. Zionism had over 200,000 members and multi-million dollar budget. pg. 365

    Since America waited so long to enter WWI and played neutrality, the US missed out on the opportunity to divide the Ottoman Empire. Britain would own everything between the Jordan River and the Persian Gulf. France would control Syria and Mosul. Russian and Italy owned Anatolia. The US would own nothing. pg. 346. The US saw that not entering the war would put them at a huge disadvantage in the future, but they could not enter the war with Britain as an ally in order to fight Turkey b/c the US had interests in Turkey diplomatically.
    pg.365 Louis Brondes, the father of Zionism. After he died the jews-not-only-wanted shelter for jewish refugees, but wanted an empowered sovereign nation defined by citizenship and borders pg. 366. (This is when conflict rose between Jews in Palestine that were now saying Palestinian land was at one time the jews land)
    pg. 369 Between 1880 1914 100,000 arabs and christians mainly from syria and palestine and egypt came to live in the US.
    British controlled Egypt pg.357
    pg.372 Rihani distinguishes the difference between native jews of palestine considered Arabs vs. European zionists (who are not jews, according to him, but reactionaries from Roman Days. Meaning Romans that sympathized and wanted to be jewish to attach themselves to christian roots by name but did not suffer and were not by blood truly jews. These are better known as white jews instead of the arab jew)

    pg.373 President Wilson envisioned a league of nations (united nations) that would be an international assemblage in which Anglo Sazon values would predominate the world.
    pg. 389 Arabia preferred US rule or British rule over French.
    pg. 392 To restore jews it would cost at least $100million to taxpayers and 100,000 troops permanently settled in Palestine/Jerusalem.
    Lansing said America's involvement would make it involved in Europe's conflicts and an occupier of native peoples.
    pg.395 The effort to construct a new middle east after WWI was the cause of so much bloodshed and was a failure.
    The successes were a Syrian college that was the first middle eastern university to let women in and missionary work be allowed.
    pg. 408 Over a quarter of a century of missionary doctors over 300,000 Arabians were treated. Saudi's were grateful.
    pg. 410 America's demand for oil in 1920 sky rocketed. Iran had the most oil, but Britain had a monopoly on it, Soviet Untion owned the north of Syria and Iraq; and Palestine was now owned by the League of Nations and since the US never joined it could not drill.
    President Hoover united all America's oil companies in retaliation against Europe and since Europe got profits and oil from the US this forced Europe to let the US in on its oil monopolies in the Middle East agreement called IPC-Iraq Petroleum Company. Americans received 23.75 percent of all oil extracted from Middle East.
    In return to this agreement America could not explore for oil outside of the Middle East. (What????)
    Due to this the US bankrupted Saudi Arabia b/c it no longer went to Saudi Arabia for oil b/c it was not allowed to.
    America's 7 leading oil companies- new Jersey's Exxon/Esso- Texas Texaco, Sinclair, Mexican, Atlantic, Gulf, and New York's Mobil.
    The only company willing to break the agreement was SOCOL who went to Bahrain, found oil and bided against the IPC for drilling rights and became CHEVRON also known as California Arabian Standard Oil Company SOCOL.
    Bahrain is Saudi Arabia and ended up pumping 3,690 barrels a day.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    pg. 416 By 1937 America received 14 percent of its oil from Mid East. The King of Saudi Arabia asked the US for 10million. US declined and said ask Britain. The King felt offended and said he needed it to protect his country from other Arabs. He also said the jews got money from the US and were now using it to encroach on Arabs. Tel-Aviv is modern day jews first city. Due to the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations, the jews had an independent state.
    An estimated 300,000 palestinians were displaced by jewish land purchases and were marginalized when it came to jobs given to jews over palestinians. p.g 421
    Arab nationalism awoke due to this and the people acted against Zionism. Winston Churchill told them "the british had no intention of transforming palestine into a jewish state. Jews considered british to be not honoring the Balfour Declaration when they heard this and decided to organize a jewish army. pg.422. They demanded an immediate creation of a jewish state that would separate themselves from Palestine and give jews both banks of the Jordan.
    Anti-Semitism grew around the world. This made it so jews from Poland, Germany, Russia and everywhere fled those lands to Palestine by the 100,000's and made Palestinians in return respond to the jewish invasion. pg. 426
    pg.430 British killed 20,000 palestinians to prevent the arab rebellion against jews. The british limited jewish immigration in palestine to 75,000 over 5 years and eliminated jewish land purchases in palestine in may 17th, 1939. Somehow this was a victory for arabs.

    pg.436 Some Jews wanted a bi-national state in which arabs and jews lived together equally.
    pg.444 Zionism depended on America to build an army, resettle palestinian land to jews and maintain its position with jews.
    LEMZIMUS_RAMSEY Members, Writer Posts: 17,670 ✭✭✭✭✭

    good job
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    lemzola wrote: »

    good job

    Thanks man. I'd been planning to do it, but it's a lot of damn typing.

  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    pg.450 In 1942 Germans crushed American forces in Tunisia and killed 6,000 US soldiers. In 1943 america retaliated and won. North Africans watched.
    pg.451 350,000 N.African jews lived there a 1,000 before Islam's presence in the 7th century, but were oppressed.
    pg.465 Americans killed thousands of N.Africans by airstrikes missing their targets.
    pg.471 King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia told Roosevelt when Roosevelt visited Saudi Arabia that America had to stop helping the jews and jews were using money not to fight germans but arabs. He threatened america was making itself an enemy and oppressor and a war would be waged. Roosevelt agreed to stop assisting the jews.
    pg.476 Truman became president after Roosevelt died unexpectedly. Truman was viewed as a simpleton. Truman over saw the final defeat of Germany and Japan, he presided over the creation of the UN and NATO, he confronted communism in Berlin and S.Korea, reconstructed war torn Europe, and introduced the atomic bomb to the world. He also altered the Middle East.
    1951 US recognized Libya's independence by the UN.
    pg. 480 Truman fought in 1946 to keep Russia from obtaining oil rights.
    America now at this time accomplished what they wanted in the middle east and that accomplishment was to have middle eastern allies. Economics in the Mid.East and America dealt with contracts of exclusivity that alienated Russia purposely. So when Russia came to the Middle East and tried to take over oil fields and barter agreements with Middle Eastern countries all America had to do was send word to its Middle EAstern country allies not to do business with Russia and Russia had no leverage.
    pg.481 Greece and Turkeyform the sole obstacle to Soviet ? of the entire mediterranean and conquest of the middle east, oil included. If there was no Greece and Turkey -then Western Europe would have collapsed to Soviet communism ? and Eastern Europe would have ruled the world. A report by the NEA told the president it is for this reason Truman had to convince the US to defend Greece and Turkey and enter war in the Middle EASt.
    Russia's influence was convincing because it hid its imperialistic racism under communism and they hated jews. Hating jews gained Arab muslim acceptance of Russia, thus the middle east allowed Russia to regain control of roads that were once patrolled by British in the Middle east and once deemed impassable to Russia. Russia gained oil fields.
    pg.485 Americans in European 1945 treated jews the same as ? 's, except the US didn't ? them. The US put them in concentration barbed wire camps and starved them to death. Due to this, the jews didn't want to be repatriated to the US, but preferred Palestine. This was told to Truman and America broke the law of the White paper and allowed 100,000 jews to enter palestine. The Arabs were infuriated.
    pg.488 B/c of palestine policy-america was now the most hated in the mid.east by Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. Fire was set to US information center in Beirut. Underground guerilla warfare was declared throughout the arab world. You could say this marked the beginning of what is considered by Americans modern day "Terrorrism."
    Truman was the first president to publicly sanction demand for jewish statehood.
    $64 question was to fight palestine and defend the jews.

    pg.493 Two independent states would emerge in palestine- one arab, one jewish; with the UN approval and the US. Truman stopped all arms sales to the Mid.east on Nov.29; the general assembly approved resolution 181.
    This made is so the arabs/palestinians went to war with the jews and the jews retaliated and the US had to tell palestinians it would change resolution 181 so that the jews nor palestinians would be recognized as a nation or state in order to stop the war.

    pg.499-Israel's birthday is may 14th. This is Israel as a state.
    pg. 501 Cyrus the Great (576-529BCE) repatriated jews to jerusalem and rebuilt a Judean state and presided over an immense Mid.east empire. Not since then had the jews had a state.
    (Timeline is around 1970's)
    pg.506-Ralph Bunche brought peace to Israel after it created a jewish state. He brought peace to the mid.east by armistice agreements with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
    pg.508 MEDO is the Middle East's version of NATO. Middle Easter Defense Organization
    Gamal Nasser staged a coup to overthrow Egypt's leadership. He was supported by the US and CIA. He was an Egyptian nationalist. The armistice was short lived and Egypt blockaded Israel bound cargo and in retaliation Israelis raided Arab territory in Palestine. Jordanians banned Israelis from entering East Jerusalem.
    pg. 513-Gamal fought the british in egypt and got all the british to evacuate egypt. This ended the british 70yr occupation. Gamal announced to stun the world that Egypt would nationalize the Suez Canal. Somehow to the british he became known as ? . The would make Europe "totally descend on the Arab's goodwill." pg. 514
    French and British got together with Israel to tell Israel to attack Egypt and they'd come together to Israel's defense. Israel attacked the Suez Canal and war began. America was made and United with Russia in an agreement to the UN for the UN to send forces to protect the Suez Canal. France and Britain ignored this and continued bombing Egypt. America finally levied massive economic pressure on Britain. Britain then complied. The suez canal remained controlled by egyptians. Nasser looked like a hero driving out France, Israel, and Britain and keeping the suez canal. America grew mad with Nasser b/c he wouldn't join MEDO and be an ally. America then supported the French to try and overthrow Gamal.

    pg. 519 Kennedy is Elected and seeks contact w/ Gamal and congratulates him on creating the United Arab Republic-The uniting of Egypt and Syria.
    Gamal then went to overthrow Yemen's pro-western Imam and transferring over 10,000 troops to Yemen. Egyptian planes bombed saudi targets. This threatened the oil reserves the US was dependent on and Kennedy had to send war planes to Riyadh.
    Jews try to build an atom bomb and claim they fear Gamal is another ? . Kennedy feared this would cause the mid.east to retaliate and also build an atom bomb.
    He offered jews ground to air missiles, special missiles america had never given to anyone in place of the jews making an atom bomb.
    pg.522 Nasser was known to be backed by Russia. In 1964 rioters burned the US Library Embassy in Cairo. Gamal called for the closure of America's largest asset in Libya, which was an air base.
    pg.523 Syria's al-fatah organization was led by an engineer known as Yaser Arafat. He led guerrilla attacks against jews in palestine.
    pg.525-Gamal established PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization. (I wonder how since Gamal was Egyptian) Gamal had military pacts with Jordan, Syria and Iraq.
    500,000 arab soldiers were on the border of Israel waiting for Israel to strike first. If the Egyptians struck, Pres. Johnson said the US 6th fleet would bomb strategically Egyptian targets.
    Israel struck first and bombed Egyptian jets destroying 286 of them. Due to Israel winning, Pres. Johnson (basely) delayed stopping the war b/c he enjoyed Israel's victory. The Soviet's never came to the Arab's aid. This was known as the 6th day WAr. Israel took control of E.Jerusalem, West Bank and Baza.
    New rules and proposals were made on the land rights. No Palestinians had a say on the division of their land. This was known as UN Resolution 242.

  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    [This is the last part but a continuation will be on part 4 for the pages left out of part 1]
    Palestinians continued small armed war led by Arafat. Gamal continued to bomb Israel. Pres. Johnson continued supplying Israel with 150 war planes.
    6 Arab states severed ties with the US for defending Israel. It could be assumed this is when terms like "Islamic extremism" "Islamic extremists" came to be coined/fruition.
    pg.529 Gaddafi/Gadhafi in Libya ousted French King Idris, closed America's main asset in the Mid.east known as wheels airbase, and allied himself with russia's kremlin. Russia supplied weapons to Egypt, S.Yemen, Syria and Iraq, Algeria and Sudan.
    pg.530 PLO in 1970 took over 3 planes belonging to TWO. They hi-jacked 54 hostages, 34 were Americans. They set bombs to the planes and blew them up on tv. This was known as Black September.
    pg.531 Anwar El-Sadat expelled 15,000 soviets from Egypt and said to America that Egypt was not in the sphere of Soviet influence.
    pg.532 1972 PLO killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games. The Munich Massacre was the 1st terrorist action captured on tv for America to see and call "terrorism".
    pg.533 Anwar sent 80,000 Egyptian troops under an umbrella of artillery shells and missiles to recapture Sinai from Israel. This is known as Yom Kippur War or October war.
    America couldn't restock Israel's arms b/c America was at war with Vietnam at the time. Nixon demanded more than 22,000 tons of weapons to Issrael anyway b/c he didn't want Egypt's victory coming at the hands of Russia supplying Egyptians with weapons. This changed the war and drove out Syrians from Damascus.
    pg.534 In retaliation Arab oil producers cut off oil supplies to the US due to its support of Israel.
    pg. 537 Israel began breaking Resolution 242 when it rebuilt settlements in Palestinian territory. Hafiz Assad, PLO, sent 40,000 Syrian troops to occupy Lebanon and fight Israelis. 1974 bombed a TWA flight from Tel-Aviv headed to NY, killing 88 passengers.
    pg.539 Nov 19, 1977 Anwar became 1st arab leader to visit Tel-Aviv-the jewish state. He walked into the jewish state on his own, unannounced and with no appointment. The jews did not know why he dared to enter their state this way. This made tv. The US had no part in Sadat's talks with Israel leader Begin. In an attempt to bargain with Israel without outside allies interfering with their demands or sending negotiators, Anwar attempted to speak to the president of Israel one-on-one to settle differences and come to agreements. Anwar demanded Israelis vacate all occupied territories and proved for Palestinian self-determination. Begin disagreed. Once the talks were over and word was sent out for what was said, Jimmy Carter agreed with Anwar.
    pg.540 Carter tells Anwar "you are probably the most admired statesman in the US." Carter threatened to cut off american aid to Israel and support Anwar. Begin complied what is known as Camp David Accord. This time America hosted Israel's leader Begin and Egypt's President Anwar at Camp David. The US supplied billions to both countries. The 3 way handshake in 1979 Sadat, Begin, Carter became the hallmark of Mid east peacemaking. Syria, Iraq, and Libya denounced the Treaty and declared a total boycott of Egypt. Arafat called for Anwar's assassination. Egyptian emembers of Islamic Jihad gunned Anwar down saying "death to the pharaoh!" This happened at the Octover War anniversary in 1981.
    pg. 545 1979 Iranian students hopped over US embassy walls and captured 66 americans. They demanded the president apologize for the overthrow of Mossadeegh, crimes against Iranian people, and the CIA interfering with their country. This was known as the Iranian Crisis hostage.
    Jimmy Carter tried to resolve the issue diplomatically but it didn't work and then he severed ties with Teheran; froze its assets and prohibited the import of Iranian oil into the US.
    pg.547 Soviets backed Iraq and Afghanistan. Jimmy sought to rescue the hostages in a failed military attempt. He embarrassingly had to pay for the release of US hostages. This ruined Jimmy Carter's reputation and made him look weak in the eyes of the US; thus making the gun toting cowboy Reagan sought after by American's to restore America's tough guy image.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    pg.551 May 1981 Gadhafi proclaimed his support for Iran against "the great Satan" and instructed a mob to burn down the US Embassy in Tripoli Reagan then banned oil imports from Libya.
    pg.553 Ariel Sharon of Israel retaliated to Palestinians killing of an Israeli ambassador by invading Lebanon destroying 500 Syrian tanks, 100 planes, containing 10,000 civilians and driving 6,000 Palestinians fighters to Beirut. The US had to send Marines in to help PLO fighters evacuate the onslaught of Israeli retaliation.
    1982 Syrians assassinated Lebanese president Bashir for working on behalf of Israel to sign an accord. Israelites massacred 800 palestinian civilians.
    Ariel Sharon resigned. US marines returned to Beirut to bolster Bashir's brother's gov't. Combat was heavy in Beirut. 1983 a suicide bomber of Hizbollah (party of ? ) drove a truck full of explosives into US embassy in beirut. 17 americans and 40 lebanese died. 6 months later another Hizbollah bomber killed 241 US soldiers, the deadliest single attack against America since post-war period. Americans watched on tv.
    Reagan recalled all US troops. America couldn't restrain Syria.
    pg. 556 Us Embasssy in Kuwait was hit in 1983 and the next year in Beirut the US embassy was blown up. Then Hizbollah bombed a restaurant killing 18 americans in spain and then bombed the US embassy in beirut again. BAsically many more bombings occurred in Europe by Hizbollah targeting Americans. Reagan lined ships up to Libya to entice Gadhafi to strike first. Gadhafi blasted missile boats and US navy fired back in 1986.
    Gadhafi bombed a nightclub in Berline and wounded 50 people. Reagan dropped bombs of more than 60 tons on Tirpoli and Benghazi killing many civilians and Gadhafi's adopted daughter.
    Gadhafi staged Pan Am flight in 1988 and killed 259 passengers. Gadhafi also asked for US hostage to be killed by Hizbollah and Hizbollah obeyed.
    Hizbollah began kidnapping many americans in beirut and killing around 20 of them between 1980-1991.
    Reagan shipped antitank missiles to Israel to give to Iran to help Iran fight Iraw in exchange for Iran to release US hostages. This deal was brought to Reagan by Israel. Iran never released the hostages and America began to ship weapons to Iraq to help Iraq defeat Iran; to teach Iran a lesson.
    pg 560 "The reason was to help them succeed in the war against Iran." Even after Iraq mistakingly bombed a US frigate in 1987 killing 37 sailors the US befriended Iraq's Saddam Hussein. This was after Hussein used poison gas on his own people.
    pg. 563 Hussein's Iraq went broke and in a trillion dollar war debt and he went to Kuwait to try and conquer it to steal its oil and pay his debt. He said Kuwait was Iraq's and it was stolen by the British and never given back to Iraq; so he was really only claiming and taking back what was already his.
    America first said ti would stay out of the war of Iraq and Kuwait and then Hussein attacked Kuwait and the US changed its mind and initiated Desert Storm.
    Arab rulers and European s all feared Hussein's takeover and united with the US. The arabs only condition was that the US give a postwar aid for their alliance against Hussein and not give any to Israel.
    34 nations and 500,000 Us soldiers went to Kuwait to kick Iraqi's out.
    When America tacked Iraq, Hussein cleverly decided to send 38 missiles to bomb Israel in hopes to draw Isral into a war in which would then force Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria to have to honor their treaty with Iraq and engage in war against Israel. Hussein dumped more than 1 million tons of oil in the Gulf and he burned Kuwait's oil rigs.
    pg.568 Colin Powell decided not to destroy Hussein and Iraq completely b/c America needed Iraq to be strong enough to continue fighting Iran for the Us. Hussein surprised the US again when Iraqi's returned from war and then killed the Northern Kurds and Shiites in the south for not obeying Ba'athist rule. US made 400,000 palestinians leave Kuwait b/c they supported Iraq.
    pg.573 The twin tower bombing was first attempted Feb. 26 1993 and only blew up 4 floor and killed 6 people with a 310 lb bomb. This was arranged by Bin Laden. The conspirators were arrested and sentenced 240 years. This was the 1st attack on american US soil.
    White supremacists were responsible for Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 civilians.
    pg.576 Prime Minister Rabin of Israel was shot by a lone jewish gunman. Shimon Peres succeeded him, but due to constant bombings he lost elections to Benjamin Netanyahu.
    pg.577 June 25, 1996 a fuel truck with dynamite blew up Khobar Towers which housed US soldiers-19 killed and 372 wounded. This was by Hizbollah and al Qaeda.
    Aug 7th 1998 al Qaeda killed 244 people and wounded 4,000 with simultaneous blasts to US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Bin Laden called on all Muslims to ? americans and their allies.
    pg.579 In the year 2000 Clinton and the new PM of Israel, Barak offered Arafat 95 percent of the West Bank, all of Gaza, and the Eastern Half of Jerusalem but Arafat turned it down; calling the land useless. Later that year, Palestinians accused jews of trying to blow up a mosque and attacked israel killing hundreds w/ suicide bombers. Israel retaliated and fought palestinians.
    The men responsible for sept.11th were from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon.
    pg.582 3,000 americans died sept 11th. Bush persuaded 18 nations to fight terrorism.
    pg.599 In 1948 the US was the 1st country to recognize the state of israel.
    pg.601 US supported Iraq dictatorships against iranian theocracy. The US armed Teheran against Baghdad. It backed anti-american islamists in their fight against soviets in afghanistan. It collaborated with saudis who were islamic extremists. It endorsed and then opposed israel's invasion of lebanon and then appreciated israel's bombing of an iraqi reactor.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    {{{continuation of the pages left off from part I}}}} {Comes from a book called Faith,Power Fantasy Michael Oren}
    pg. 105 Pliny Fisk wanted to make the Nile as navigable for a port city as the Hudson and Mississippi.
    President Adams defeated the pirates, quadrupled trade in the mid.east and sent hundreds of missionaries.
    p.109 america raised $100,000 (equivalent to $2million today) for Greece to build a frigate to protect itself from muslim nations. This happened after the greek gov't asked america for help.
    pg.115 may 7th andrew jackson signed america's 1st treaty with the ottoman empire/istanbul/aka Turkey to naviage and Trade.The ottoman foreign minister told britain "one american ship is worth 2 of your. America is our friend."
    pg.124 half of palestine did not agree with muhammad ali's decision to reform palestine and grant christians and jews the same rights as natives.
    pg.126 Asahel in 1832 inaugurated a missionary tradition, providing free medical cre to mid.eastern pop'l in his first year in uremia he treated 10,000 patients. (I wonder if this is true)
    pg.127 Asahel and the US registered his evangelism/healthcare its 1st unqualified mid.east triumph.
    pg.128 1/3 of all missionaries from 1821-1846 died of disease.
    Europe forced Egyptian troops out of Syria and Palestine. In gratitude to Europe, the syrian sultan abdul Mejid granted foreign nations permission to reside permanently in jerusalem and syria and mount lebanon and istanbul.
    pg.132 cyrus hemline was granted permission by istanbul's sultan to set up a school. Within 2 years 1842 he had 40 pupils.These students also worked for him building stoves. This would later be Turkey's 1st modern university.
    pg. 133 by the end of the antebellum period hundreds of muslims, christians, and jews were studying in institutions in the ottoman empire; reading american religious books and textbooks. Through these services, america believed it gained trust from syria.pg.135 decades before the civil war america appointed consular agents to 6 major palestinian cities, making palestine the US's most widely represented western nation in the area.
    pg.136 edward robinson in 1838 super imposed a map of ancient israel and sought to repatriate that map and restore its historical veracity.{I think this is basically when they thought they were going to give the jews palestinian land and take advantage of the kindness of muhammad ali allowing jews to have equal rights and practice their faith}
    Robinson set out to measure with a measuring tape what would be jerusalem's walls. He used the bible and other classical accounts as his guide. He thus founded a new american science called biblical archaeology.
    pg.140 William Lynch, yes that Lynch, wrote a book appealing for the US to help the jews be restored to palestine known as restorationism.He believed this would gain ? 's favor on america and establish communication with ? .
    The mormons were restorationists and went to jerusalem and erected an altar and begged ? to restore Israel.
    pg.147 countless missionaries from US, France, Britain, Russia, and Prussia built schools and clinics in Jerusalem trying to restore it. David F. Dorr, a black slave, in 1854 travelled to the middle east and wrote a book.
    pg.168-After the jew, Frederick Grossteinbeck and his wife were murdered in their farm in palestine, a jew edwin de leon on behalf of the US went to palestine to demand their murderers be found and charged. He then told america to send a frigate to protect the americans in the middle east.October 1859 the US sent the USS Macedonia off the coast of Syria.
    pg.169 George Perkins Marsh created america's conservationist movement due to what he witnessed in palestine from the over grazing of lands, deforested hillsides and soil drained. A nat'l museum built to honor nature was created by him called the Smithsonian Museum.pg.184 slaver in US was causing ottoman empire's to see america as weak. Abraham lincoln asked sultan abdul aziz to renew its treaty and forbid confederate privateers from operating in ottoman waters and in morocco and britain and france.This stopped the south's exports of cotton and its money.
    pg.186 Napoleon III dispatched 30,000 troops to Vera Cruz mexico. With him 500 black egyptian sudanese soldiers followed.The US did not like this and warned Egypt that it would send 100,000 black troops to fight in Egypt if it didn't stop supporting the French in Mexico. 1865 was the 1st time muslim soldiers were deployed in the america's mexico.
    pg.191 The union in 1861 begged egypt to produce more cotton and gave them the cotton gin so it could put the confederate's out of business. Egypt went from exporting $7 million in 1861 to $77 million in 1865.
    pg.197 Colonel Charles Chaille-Long and Stone retrained Egypt's army by teaching them how US soldier's fought, creating military strategy fighting manuals, creating schools and teaching soldiers how to read and their sons.
    pg. 199 By 1873 Egypt had naval colleges, commands for submarines and mines.
    when the south reunited with america;Egypts' s cotton plummeted and Egypt went into debt.
    Egypt leader Ismail decided to conquest/steal/? Ugandans, Ethiopians, Sudanese, and the Central African Republic for gold, gum, and ivory to pay Egypt's debt. With him he took americans lieutenant colonel charles chiniese gordon and charles chaille long.They failed. King John of Ethiopia was too strong and mighty and killed over 2,000 egyptians with his army of 50,000.Egypt had to sell the Suez canal to britain and give its finances over to int'l control Egypt owed $500,000. pg.207. Abyssinian warriors
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    {Comes from a book called Power, Faith, and Fantasy-Michael Oren}** I don't agree with all his findings but the dates and quotes are what they are, one source until somebody comes forth and disputes.**
    pg.208 Britain and france pressured the ottoman turks to occupy egypt, since egypt's dismal would not relinquish total control to britain and france.
    pg.208 48 civil war officers fought for egypt, built schools, and an army in egypt.
    pg.211-edward wilt blyden 1832 was a black man that tried to unite muslims and christians in Africa (Nigeria, Liberia, W.Africa) and the Middle East.pg.213 In Syria by the end of the civil war there were 33 mission schools and a pop'l of 1,000 students 1/5 of them girls.1870 denominations claimed stake. Congregationalists claimed Turkey. Presbyterians Syria, Egypt and Iran. The Dutch reformed arabic and persian gulf.
    pg.215 Cyrus Hamlin in 1860 built an american university in istanbul/turkey of which 5 future turkish presidents and one female president went.pg.217 1862 syria got is syrian protestant college that accepted all religions and races. It was built by Daniel Bliss.
    Judging from this america did help educate and unite the middle east, but in irony the middle east never embraced america b/c it was saw through america's true intent to use them.
    pg.226 Harriet Livermore, the adams community all failed and restorationism with it.
    pg. 228 500 americans per year toured egypt in 1868
    Joel Roberts Poinsettina 1806 said in Persia the Middle east might someday be used for its oil and fuel. He discovered and is who the poinsettia is named after.
    pg.244 mark twain in 1868 sold 1/2 a million copies of 2 books criticizing the middle east.
    pg.247 America's 1st attempt to assist arabs in achieving independence was in syria in 1868. Civil War vets led arabs against ottoman rule.pg.249 ottomans opened the 1st middle eastern embassy in washington dc 1873.
    pg.253 vanderbilt took the obelisk from egypt to america 1880.
    pg.257 ahead urban a native egyptian officer got tired of britain, france and italy putting egyptians rulers in chug and threatening ownership to Egypt due to its dept to those countries. He sought to return egypt to the Egyptians and overthrow the turks that occupied egypt and not pay the debts.
    This began the Riots in Egypt over who ruled Egypt-its foreign powers, itself, or those foreign powers put into power.
    Britain sought to arrest him and went to war and invaded egpt in 1882 to occupy it for the next 72 years.
    pg.261 1879 Egypt begged the US to free it from britain's coming invasion, but the US refused.
    pg.269 bartholdi designed the statue of liberty for the US to be a Egyptian peasant woman, but when he sent it to be constructed his statement and design were changed to be a white woman.
    pg.274 1880 over 2.5 million eastern jews migrated to the US to flee russian persecution. Other jews went to Palestine and tried to force the jews there into an agricultural society to achieve sovereignty and not depend on trade and palestininas.pg.275 jews in america renounced zionism in 1885 "we consider ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community." The union of reform congregations.
    "We expect therefore neither a return to Palestine nor a restoration of the jewish state."
    pg. 285Between 1885 and 1895 400 schools and 9 colleges with a total enrollment of 20,000 also 9 hospitals and 10 dispensaries treated 40,000 muslims annually in the middle east-along with journals, newspapers and bibles in 5 middle east languages.pg.287 alexander webb was a former missionary turned muslim in 1888 that returned to america to build one of its first mosques and muslim newspapers