Glendon Cameron's free 30 days to $10,000 webinar. Start your own business course.

black caesar
black caesar Members Posts: 12,036 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2014 in Strictly Business
I've been checking out this guy named Glendon Cameron on YouTube for 4 months now. He teaches people how to start a business. Some products/webinars are free and some are not. The brother seems to be on point. I already have businesses I'm working on, but I did learn some game from him. I notice that there doesn't seem to be a thread for entrepreneurship, so I figured this would be a good place to start.

Glendon Cameron already did a free 26 day course called 30 days to $2500. Thats over but, he just started this new course two days ago. It's free to sign up. Here's the link:

You need to download the gotomeeting app on your PC, iPhone, or Android. That app is also free. Not sure if its on Blackberry. Be sure to have some pen and paper. If you're on a PC, you can use some software to record the webinar. Hopefully, some of you guys sign up, and learn something. I know I did.

Check out this video by him: