Everything You Need To Know about WHITEY..

geechee slim
geechee slim Members Posts: 2,465 ✭✭✭✭✭
these are my personal thoughts, & I wrote this over a year ago. Don't steal my ? .
hite Supremacy, White Privilege, and all whiteness of the mentality defined by me.

White Supremacy has fathered three children:
White Priveledge (a boy)
White Guilt (a girl)
And White Ignorance (a bastard)

White Privilege assuming that the world is his, can travel anywhere that he wants. And he will be welcomed as the guest or tourist. His father, White Supremacy, worked Hard so that his son Priveledge wouldn't have to. He's got "control," a concept that transcends money or wealth. All Priveledge has to do is wait for his ol man to die, and fully inherit his kingdom.

White Guilt is a girl that got a tongue-lashing after touching a black girl's hair. But she really wants some black friends, and a ? friend, and a pet poodle, and a Honda Fit. Therefore, Guilt began Appropriation finding ways to be more appropriate. Her friends look like a collection of toys, specifically by race, sex, and sexual preference.

White Ignorance is the bastard son. He is well aware of his father , but chooses NOT to recognize him. His biggest excuse is " get over it, that was a long time ago." He also takes Appropriation to another level. He does not know, or care when he's being offensive. The reason is because his father still exists. Most men, whether they know their father or not, still maintain some of his appearance and posture.

So in conclusion, these kids are very aware of what they look like and what you look like. Their father is retired, so we can't blame them for wanting to feel safe around blacks Latinos and natives.
And since they have the environment to themselves anyway, or in their minds, you are actually trespassing within their boundaries.
