Far Cry 4 Story Is Approximately 35 hours, Including The Long Side Task, Will Have MP

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Far Cry 4 is undoubtedly one of the finest Upcoming Games in 2014. It is the result of far 3 (of course), now in the hands of Ubisoft, I can say that the game will highlight the battle with the ? furtive for us. The trailers updates ​​Far cry 4 get is very good attention of players. But it’s hard to say how you’re going to play. Far 3 follows the story of Jason Bordy after being left an island, he went to rescue his friends. So, back to the main topic, I bet you guys are curious about how much time Far Cry 4 would be, although like all the other Ubisoft games release in 2014, Far Cry 4 is also extremely long.

Alex Hutchinson, Creative Director of Far Cry 4 revealed on Twitter that the game will be approximately 35 hours.

“Difficult to say. Depends on your aim to complete all the contents side. Likely 35 hours an average for everything. It is great.“

Which is become one of the past problems, ideal for players who like long games, it is an incredible news for them. Now I’m worried about the minimum system requirements Far Cry 4 and I bet a lot of other players are too worried, because do not worry Alex Hutchinson further stated that system requirements will be soon. Now move to the multiplayer section, Alex Hutchinson has said that with system requirements multiplayer will be announced soon.

“MP will be announced soon … System requirements should be shortly as well!”

Now, for soon I hope it meant very soon, the year before Far Cry 3 was not too demanding and hopefully far Cry 4 is not highly demanding and will be properly optimized. The game will follow a story about Ajay Ghale, came to Kyrats (in the Himalayas) to scatter the ashes his mother but is in a brutal civil war and it is the only hope for stopping the self-proclaimed the king district of Pagan Min.
