Stories You Have to Question In the Bible...

toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
Hustling Husband -

After ? made man unable to understand each other at The Tower of Babel, he left man alone for several hundred years until a man named Abraham was born. Abraham came from a family that worshipped many different Gods. One of these Gods, talked to Abraham and told him to leave his family and travel to another country and if he did, this ? promised to make him a great nation. So Abraham did what this ? told him to do and he took his wife, Sarah and his nephew, Lot and all their slaves and possessions and traveled to a land called Canaan. While they were journeying near Egypt, Abraham became afraid that the Egyptians would see his beautiful wife and they would ? him and take her so he told his wife to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister and not his wife. When the Egyptian princes of Pharoh saw her, they told the Pharoh about her and the Pharoh had her brought to his house so he could have sex with her. The Pharoh purchased Sarah from Abraham with sheep, oxen, camels, ? , and slaves. Abraham still didn't tell them that she was his wife. Abraham, ? 's chosen man, was pimping his wife out as a prostitute and did ? punish HIM for doing this? NO! ? sends a plague to the Pharoh and his household! The Pharoh had done nothing wrong but ? punished him anyway. When the Pharoh learns that the plague is because he was having sex with the wife of ? 's chosen man, he says, "Abraham, what have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me she was your wife?" Then Pharoh gave Abraham his wife back and sent him on his way along with all the riches that Abraham had gained from pimping his wife (Genesis 12:18-20).


  • ThaChozenWun
    ThaChozenWun Members Posts: 9,390
    edited November 2010
    ? slaughtering thousands of newborns. There's others but that's the main one.
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited November 2010
    Moses Establishes Idol Worship

    When Moses came down off the Mount with the tablets that had the ten commandments written on them, he saw the people dancing naked and worshipping the golden calf idol. This made him so angry that he threw the tablets down and they broke (Exodus 32:19). He then had the people ? each other (See The ? Bible). ? had commanded that his people were not to make idols or images that they would bowed down before and worship (Leviticus 26:1). Moses and the Brass Serpent IdolBut during one of the times when ? failed to provide food or water for his pets, (the Hebrews) they dared to complain and he sent them "fiery" (poisonous) snakes which bit the people and many of them died. When Moses asked ? to take the snakes away, ? commanded Moses to make an idol for the people to bow down to, in violation of his own law. This idol was a brass serpent which was placed on a pole. Any who had been bitten by the snakes who looked at the idol would be cured (Numbers 21:5-9). The Bible doesn't mention why ? didn't just use his magic powers to heal those who had been bitten. Why was it suddenly okay to worship a serpent, of all things? The serpent was supposed to be evil wasn't it? It seems to us that this story was stolen from some other mythology since ? would never have commanded his people to create an idol of a serpent to look up to for their salvation.
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited December 2010
    The Sons of ?
    Christians are taught that Jesus was the only Son of ? , but the Bible tells us about other sons that ? had. The first mention of these sons of ? comes after Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden. During that time, man had begun to multiply and cover the face of the earth and men began to have lots of daughters. The Bible tells us that the sons of ? saw these daughters of men and they took them to be their wives. These sons of ? then proceded to have children with human women. These children grew up to become mighty men (Genesis 6:1-4). Similar stories can be found in Greek mythology of heroes coming from the unions of Gods who mated with human women. Christians who refuse to believe these Greek mythologies (such as the story of Zeus mating with a human female and creating Hercules) should reconsider the reasons they believe the biblical versions.

    These sons of ? are mentioned again in the book of Job. Twice there are instances where the sons of ? come to present themselves before ? to report on their activities (Job 1:6, 2:1). Exactly what are these sons up to? The Bible suggests that they are reporting on the state of affairs on earth. Why the all-knowing, all-seeing ? , needs someone to tell him what's going on is a mystery. When the sons of ? come to visit ? , Satan decides to join them. Apparently the authors of the Bible thought that Satan was able to freely enter ? 's presence. The Bible claims that Satan would annoy ? by reporting to ? anytime one of his saints committed a sin. ? finally grew tired of Satan's badgering and had him thrown out of heaven (Isaiah 29:20, Rev. 12:10).
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2010
    I could get into talking about getting into the context is which these Biblical stories are in, but it would really "cheapen" the essential element of believing the Bible in the first place (and then...I'm not really "versed" to handle such a task). I'm more willing to say that those who are interested in only the facts will only treat the Bible as just a historical account of things and not as the Word of ? .
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited December 2010
    Balaam and the Donkey
    While the Hebrews were traveling from Egypt to invade the land that ? said they could have for their own, they left a path of utter destruction in their path (See The ? Bible). The king of one of the heathen cities they approached saw their vast size and heard about what they had done to the other cities they had passed through so he decided to call on a wizard to curse the Israelites. This wizard was named Balaam and apparently he talked with ? just like the Israelite prophets. When the king's messengers told Balaam that the king wanted him to curse the Israelites, Balaam told them that he would first have to ask ? about it. That night ? came to Balaam and asked him, "What men are these with thee?" (Numbers 22:9) We're not sure why does ? not already know who they are. Maybe he's just making conversation with his wizard. So Balaam tells ? that the king has asked him to curse this group of people that are approaching the city. ? tells Balaam that he is NOT to go with the king's messengers. Balaam is forbidden to curse the Israelites because they are ? 's chosen people and they are blessed (Numbers 22:12). Modern Christians pretend that ? doesn't deal with wizards and sorcerers but here we have additional proof that this ? plays both sides against each other (See The Authors of Human Misery). Balaam tells the messengers that ? doesn't want him to curse the Israelites. The messengers return to their king who sends them back to bribe Balaam. This time Balaam calls on ? and when ? comes to Balaam this time ? tells him to "go ahead and go with them but say only what I tell you to say." (Numbers 22:20)

    The next day Balaam gets on his donkey and leaves with the messengers, just as ? told him to do but the Bible tells us that ? was angry with Balaam because he went (Numbers 22:22). What a wishy-washy ? ! Apparently ? changed his mind overnight because he sends an angel to block the path of Balaam's donkey. After several attempts to make the donkey go, the donkey begins to talk to Balaam, asking him "Why are you beating me when I have always served you loyally?" Balaam procedes to argue with his donkey, until the angel makes himself visible to Balaam. When Balaam sees the angel he is understandably confused ("why is ? blocking my path when he just told me to go with the messengers last night?") and he tells the angel "I'll go back home if you don't want me to go with them." Suddenly the angel changes his tune and he tells Balaam that he can now go with the messangers but he is to say only what ? puts in his mouth. (The same thing ? had told him the night before) What is going on here? Other than the obsurdity of talking animals, it seems like ? has trouble communicating with his angels because this angel didn't know that ? had given Balaam permission to go with the king's men the night before. Maybe there was a breakdown in the Godly message server. Heavenly e-mail must not be all it's cracked up to be!

    Balaam does what ? has told him to do and blesses the Israelites in the face of the king instead of cursing them like the king had desired. What is Balaam's reward for his obedience? ? has Moses ? him along with all the rest of the five kingdoms of Midianites (Numbers 31:8). It really sucks to not be one of ? 's chosen race.
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    The Curse for eating the Apple/Fruit
    "'Unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it:
    "[1] cursed is the ground for thy sake;
    "[2] in sorrow shalt thou eat (of) it all the days of thy life;
    "[3] Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;
    "[4 ) and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
    "[5 ) In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; "for out of it
    wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen. 3: 17-19 ).

    This was Adam's share in the tremendous curse; and just what was it? Let me state its terms
    1. The ground is accursed;
    2. in sorrow shalt thou (Adam) eat it all the days of thy life (though he was to die on the very day
    he ate it);
    3. thorns and thistles shall grow from the ground;
    4. thou shalt eat the herbs of the field;
    5. thou shalt eat bread in the sweat of thy face until thou return unto the ground; that is, until thy death.

    This is every single solitary item of the fearful "curse on man." it is no curse upon adam (man) at all, except the one item of having to work for an honest living; all the rest of the "curse" is upon the harmless and helpless earth, which ? had just created with such a deal of pains that he had to rest a whole day -- which with him is as a thousand years (2 Peter 3: 8 ). But there is not a single word or remotest hint of sin, or death of soul, or eternal damnation. If ? ever said:
    "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" ( 2: 17 ) he either "repented" as usual,
    or it was all a brutal Jahvic bluff; for Adam continued to live, after that fatal day, for just nine
    hundred and thirty years, if the vital statistics of Genesis are to be credited. But I repeat that there is not one word in the whole record of sin or death or damnation as a penalty against Adam himself, much less against his posterity and all humanity.
  • fiat_money
    fiat_money Members Posts: 16,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    That story about the one guy making the Earth and some other place called "heaven", and then adding light to it after-the-fact.

    I always "lol" at that one.
  • Tha-Realist
    Tha-Realist Members Posts: 491
    edited March 2011
    Why not just make this short and say "The Bible" period. I don't even understand why it needs to be a discussion in 2011. Tha bible is inaccurate and outdated. It's obvious that a lot of tha content is ? , but that's too touchy to be talked about on a serious level outside of tha internet. I wish they'd have some kind of legit discussion about this ? on national TV. But that won't happen any time soon because "attacking" Christianity seems to be one of tha worst things you could possibly do in America for some reason.
  • The True Flesh
    The True Flesh Members Posts: 466 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

    If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1 Peter 2:2-3

    You either know that the Bible transcends our understanding or you don't

    Hypothetically speaking (for the sake of non-believers) If the Bible ? truly is the creator of everything and everyone, How could any of the moral judgements we make on His character be valid ?

    Furthermore if you firmly believe that the Bible isn't truth, why question any of it's stories ?

    No answer/explanation given to you by men ever will well it shouldn't

  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    Hustling Husband -

    After ? made man unable to understand each other at The Tower of Babel, he left man alone for several hundred years until a man named Abraham was born. Abraham came from a family that worshipped many different Gods. One of these Gods, talked to Abraham and told him to leave his family and travel to another country and if he did, this ? promised to make him a great nation. So Abraham did what this ? told him to do and he took his wife, Sarah and his nephew, Lot and all their slaves and possessions and traveled to a land called Canaan. While they were journeying near Egypt, Abraham became afraid that the Egyptians would see his beautiful wife and they would ? him and take her so he told his wife to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister and not his wife. When the Egyptian princes of Pharoh saw her, they told the Pharoh about her and the Pharoh had her brought to his house so he could have sex with her. The Pharoh purchased Sarah from Abraham with sheep, oxen, camels, ? , and slaves. Abraham still didn't tell them that she was his wife. Abraham, ? 's chosen man, was pimping his wife out as a prostitute and did ? punish HIM for doing this? NO! ? sends a plague to the Pharoh and his household! The Pharoh had done nothing wrong but ? punished him anyway. When the Pharoh learns that the plague is because he was having sex with the wife of ? 's chosen man, he says, "Abraham, what have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me she was your wife?" Then Pharoh gave Abraham his wife back and sent him on his way along with all the riches that Abraham had gained from pimping his wife (Genesis 12:18-20).
    Thats not how the story goes. YHWH wasn't one of the idols in his father's house. He broke all the idols. Pharaoh never had sex with her either. Every time sex is a pivotal point in the O.T. it will mentioned that someone "knew" someone else or it will just say they lied together.
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    Moses Establishes Idol Worship

    When Moses came down off the Mount with the tablets that had the ten commandments written on them, he saw the people dancing naked and worshipping the golden calf idol. This made him so angry that he threw the tablets down and they broke (Exodus 32:19). He then had the people ? each other (See The ? Bible). ? had commanded that his people were not to make idols or images that they would bowed down before and worship (Leviticus 26:1). Moses and the Brass Serpent IdolBut during one of the times when ? failed to provide food or water for his pets, (the Hebrews) they dared to complain and he sent them "fiery" (poisonous) snakes which bit the people and many of them died. When Moses asked ? to take the snakes away, ? commanded Moses to make an idol for the people to bow down to, in violation of his own law. This idol was a brass serpent which was placed on a pole. Any who had been bitten by the snakes who looked at the idol would be cured (Numbers 21:5-9). The Bible doesn't mention why ? didn't just use his magic powers to heal those who had been bitten. Why was it suddenly okay to worship a serpent, of all things? The serpent was supposed to be evil wasn't it? It seems to us that this story was stolen from some other mythology since ? would never have commanded his people to create an idol of a serpent to look up to for their salvation.

    Another false point. There was no worship involved. The book doesn't say that in Hebrew or English.And never are serpents mentioned as evil per se. The serpent and satan are not the same thing by a long shot.
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    The Sons of ?
    Christians are taught that Jesus was the only Son of ? , but the Bible tells us about other sons that ? had. The first mention of these sons of ? comes after Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden. During that time, man had begun to multiply and cover the face of the earth and men began to have lots of daughters. The Bible tells us that the sons of ? saw these daughters of men and they took them to be their wives. These sons of ? then proceded to have children with human women. These children grew up to become mighty men (Genesis 6:1-4). Similar stories can be found in Greek mythology of heroes coming from the unions of Gods who mated with human women. Christians who refuse to believe these Greek mythologies (such as the story of Zeus mating with a human female and creating Hercules) should reconsider the reasons they believe the biblical versions.

    These sons of ? are mentioned again in the book of Job. Twice there are instances where the sons of ? come to present themselves before ? to report on their activities (Job 1:6, 2:1). Exactly what are these sons up to? The Bible suggests that they are reporting on the state of affairs on earth. Why the all-knowing, all-seeing ? , needs someone to tell him what's going on is a mystery. When the sons of ? come to visit ? , Satan decides to join them. Apparently the authors of the Bible thought that Satan was able to freely enter ? 's presence. The Bible claims that Satan would annoy ? by reporting to ? anytime one of his saints committed a sin. ? finally grew tired of Satan's badgering and had him thrown out of heaven (Isaiah 29:20, Rev. 12:10).

    What Christians are taught and what the book actually says are too different things. And the O.T. and N.T. dont really belong together. Anyway, satan is not a proper name. Isaiah 29:20 does not say that. Who said that the Creator did not know what they were up to before they presented themselves? How does presenting yourself = giving a report. Yah didnt even speak to them or ask them anything nor did any of the Sons of ? (in Job) say anything. Moreover the word "? " by itself does not = the Creator (YHWH mistranslated as LORD). Gods = Elohim which can be any number of entities. It can even refer to powerful humans.
  • The True Flesh
    The True Flesh Members Posts: 466 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    Although I don't fully know Judahxulu's beliefs, I appreciate the patience he displayed in responding to this thread's inquiries.......Good Stuff!

  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    Thats not how the story goes. YHWH wasn't one of the idols in his father's house. He broke all the idols. Pharaoh never had sex with her either. Every time sex is a pivotal point in the O.T. it will mentioned that someone "knew" someone else or it will just say they lied together.

    Gen 12:15-16 15 The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. 16 And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he ? , and menservants, and maidservants, and she ? , and camels. (KJV)
    Subsequently the Pharaoh married Sarai and Abram was rewarded generously for the hand of his "sister". (you do know that Abraham married his sister)
    The essence of the biblical account of the journey to Egypt is that Sarai, the wife of Abram, also became the wife of the ruling Pharaoh. This, in the custom of the time, would not only have involved the paying of the bride-price to Abram for the hand of his "sister", but sexual intercourse on the same night as the actual marriage ceremony.
    So far we have noticed a lot:
    • We saw Abraham passing off Sarai as his sister
    • We saw that Sarai was seen by the princes of the Pharaoh who commended her beauty to their King
    • We saw Sarai being taken into the royal palace
    • We saw the marriage of Sarai to the Pharaoh
    • We saw the Pharaoh's generous treatment of Abram (presents of sheep, oxen, etc.)
    • We saw the gift to Sarai of the slave and handmaid Hagar
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    Another false point. There was no worship involved. The book doesn't say that in Hebrew or English.And never are serpents mentioned as evil per se. The serpent and satan are not the same thing by a long shot.

    The Lord sent venomous snakes against the people when they spoke out against ? . Then He told Moses to make a snake, put it up on a pole,anyone who is bitten can look at it and live. So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole, and anyone who looked at it lived.

    If ? chastised them for making a golden calf and worshiping it, why would he tempt them by saying they must make a snake and put it on a pole to live? Isn't this tempting them to follow false idols?
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    What Christians are taught and what the book actually says are too different things. And the O.T. and N.T. dont really belong together. Anyway, satan is not a proper name. Isaiah 29:20 does not say that. Who said that the Creator did not know what they were up to before they presented themselves? How does presenting yourself = giving a report. Yah didnt even speak to them or ask them anything nor did any of the Sons of ? (in Job) say anything. Moreover the word "? " by itself does not = the Creator (YHWH mistranslated as LORD). Gods = Elohim which can be any number of entities. It can even refer to powerful humans.
    how convenient...consider there is only one bible...and one ? ..moreover look at the inconsistencies with this story... (ending of Genesis 10)

    Joktan was the father of
    Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

    30 The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

    31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

    32 These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

    Then suddenly in chapter 11...
    Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar and settled there

    Chapter x tells of the families and descendants of the triplet sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and
    Japhet; and how their prolific offspring, in only about 144 years since the Flood, had grown into
    many different nations; and how these nations, of which about a score are particularly named,
    with their great cities, were "divided in their lands, every one after his tongue"-which would imply
    that each nation already spoke a different language; that there were, indeed, as many tongues as
    there were nations sprung so suddenly from the three sons of Noah.
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    got proof?

    Or please do decipher how you ascertained that any ' Period Of No Scripture ' = ? had left man alone.


    I ask that you remain astute to the idea that the bible isn't meant to be a world history textbook, it's meant to supply us with chunks of meat for seeking Righteousness. And we have thousands of years proof, that it does EXACTLY that!


    Genesis 11:-
    So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
    From Shem to Abram
    10 This is the account of Shem’s family line.
    Two years after the flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father[d] of Arphaxad. 11 And after he became the father of Arphaxad, Shem lived 500 years and had other sons and daughters.
    12 When Arphaxad had lived 35 years, he became the father of Shelah. 13 And after he became the father of Shelah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and had other sons and daughters.[e]
    14 When Shelah had lived 30 years, he became the father of Eber. 15 And after he became the father of Eber, Shelah lived 403 years and had other sons and daughters.
    16 When Eber had lived 34 years, he became the father of Peleg. 17 And after he became the father of Peleg, Eber lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters.
    18 When Peleg had lived 30 years, he became the father of Reu. 19 And after he became the father of Reu, Peleg lived 209 years and had other sons and daughters.
    20 When Reu had lived 32 years, he became the father of Serug. 21 And after he became the father of Serug, Reu lived 207 years and had other sons and daughters.
    22 When Serug had lived 30 years, he became the father of Nahor. 23 And after he became the father of Nahor, Serug lived 200 years and had other sons and daughters.
    24 When Nahor had lived 29 years, he became the father of Terah. 25 And after he became the father of Terah, Nahor lived 119 years and had other sons and daughters.
    26 After Terah had lived 70 years, he became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran.
    Abram’s Family
    27 This is the account of Terah’s family line.
    Terah became the father of Abram,

    You do the maths….and tell me how many years passed and what other account of ? communicating with man is known during those period
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    Shortly after Jacob had hoaxed the blessing and the inheritance from his blind father, Isaac, thus
    robbing his elder brother Esau of his dearest rights, Jacob started off to look for a wife, and was
    on his way toward Haran. Being overtaken by night, be slept on the wayside, a stone for his pillow.

    In his dream be saw the ladder which reached to heaven, with the angels; and ? appeared to him and renewed the Promise. On awakening, Jacob recalled his dream, set up the stone pillow for a pillar , "and he called the name of that place Beth-el; but the name of that City was called Luz at first" (Gen. 28: 10-19).

    The event is quite otherwise related in Genesis 32. Here Jacob had just tricked his heathen father-in-law Laban by the famous device whereby all the cattle were born "ringstreaked, speckled, and
    grizzled" (Gen. 31: 8-12 ); had stolen away in the night with his wives and the cattle; and after
    sundry incidents, on his way somewhere (32: 1 ), he passed over the ford Jabbok (32: 22 ). Here
    stopping alone over-night, "there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day" (32: 21,);
    and the stranger, who appeared to be ? , changed Jacob's name to Israel, which means Soldier of ? -though Jacob was fighting with ? .

    All this happened by the ford Jabbok, which name Jacob changed to Peni-el (Gen. 32: 24-30 ). It is a bit mystifying to read a little later that ? met Jacob somewhere near a place called Padan-Aram, and without any fight at all, and without any apparent reason at all, changed Jacob's name to Israel; and Jacob, on his part, set up a stone which he had not slept on, for his wives were along and he slept with them, and called the name of the place Beth-el (Gen. 35: 9-15 ). But the name of the place was already Beth-el, for ? had said to Jacob: "Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there" (35: 1 ); "so Jacob came to Luz, that is Beth-el" (35: 6 ); and such had been the name of the place when Abraham camped there two hundred years before (Gen. 12: 8, 13: 3 ).
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    Gen 12:15-16 15 The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. 16 And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he ? , and menservants, and maidservants, and she ? , and camels. (KJV)
    Subsequently the Pharaoh married Sarai and Abram was rewarded generously for the hand of his "sister". (you do know that Abraham married his sister)
    The essence of the biblical account of the journey to Egypt is that Sarai, the wife of Abram, also became the wife of the ruling Pharaoh. This, in the custom of the time, would not only have involved the paying of the bride-price to Abram for the hand of his "sister", but sexual intercourse on the same night as the actual marriage ceremony.
    So far we have noticed a lot:
    • We saw Abraham passing off Sarai as his sister
    • We saw that Sarai was seen by the princes of the Pharaoh who commended her beauty to their King
    • We saw Sarai being taken into the royal palace
    • We saw the marriage of Sarai to the Pharaoh
    • We saw the Pharaoh's generous treatment of Abram (presents of sheep, oxen, etc.)
    • We saw the gift to Sarai of the slave and handmaid Hagar
    the red is the crux of your whole argument. it doesn't say that. period.
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    The Lord sent venomous snakes against the people when they spoke out against ? . Then He told Moses to make a snake, put it up on a pole,anyone who is bitten can look at it and live. So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole, and anyone who looked at it lived.

    If ? chastised them for making a golden calf and worshiping it, why would he tempt them by saying they must make a snake and put it on a pole to live? Isn't this tempting them to follow false idols?

    "making a snake and putting it on a pole" does not constitute idol worship at all. why you trying to make stuff up? you keep inserting your interpretations into your descriptions of biblical stories. kinda dishonest dont ya think?
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2011
    toktaylor wrote: »
    how convenient...consider there is only one bible...and one ? ..moreover look at the inconsistencies with this story... (ending of Genesis 10)

    Joktan was the father of
    Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

    30 The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

    31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

    32 These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

    Then suddenly in chapter 11...
    Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar and settled there

    Chapter x tells of the families and descendants of the triplet sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and
    Japhet; and how their prolific offspring, in only about 144 years since the Flood, had grown into
    many different nations; and how these nations, of which about a score are particularly named,
    with their great cities, were "divided in their lands, every one after his tongue"-which would imply
    that each nation already spoke a different language; that there were, indeed, as many tongues as
    there were nations sprung so suddenly from the three sons of Noah.

    lol. chapter 10 was an overall genealogy, not the immediate chronological precursor to the events in chapter 11. moreover there is not just one bible as there have been many different versions whose varied mistranslations have led many to diverse false conclusions. the o.t is in hebrew. the n.t. is in greek. two different volumes. two different anthologies rather.
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    "making a snake and putting it on a pole" does not constitute idol worship at all. why you trying to make stuff up? you keep inserting your interpretations into your descriptions of biblical stories. kinda dishonest dont ya think?

    that is exactly the major flaw and characteristics of the stories in the bible...they are subject to interpretations...if you take the stories at face value, you are told (by christians) that they are not literal if you then apply logic, then you are told that you are adding stuff and jumping to conclusions. This what has led to the varied denominations and conflicts (even genocides) throughout history by religion and why it is impossible for us to agree on the messages that are being projected from the stories in the bible. However, whatever approach is taken, common sense still tell us that these are just stories...fear of the unknown, forces others (like you) to cling to the belief and "play it safe" attitude so that you may get into "heaven".
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    "making a snake and putting it on a pole" does not constitute idol worship at all. why you trying to make stuff up? you keep inserting your interpretations into your descriptions of biblical stories. kinda dishonest dont ya think?

    exactly what does it signify then?
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    lol. chapter 10 was an overall genealogy, not the immediate chronological precursor to the events in chapter 11. moreover there is not just one bible as there have been many different versions whose varied mistranslations have led many to diverse false conclusions. the o.t is in hebrew. the n.t. is in greek. two different volumes. two different anthologies rather.

    many different writers, many different stories from one chapter to the other, stories not flowing from one to the other and so and so on...this explantion is not helping your cause to the authenticity of the bible...
  • toktaylor
    toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
    edited March 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    the red is the crux of your whole argument. it doesn't say that. period.
    what constituted a marriage in those days..going before a preacher and presenting a ring?