Was Da Vinci Codex a clue to Human Origin?

toktaylor Members Posts: 612 ✭✭
edited December 2010 in R & R (Religion and Race)

"The human form fits very mathematically into the centre of the stone circle at Stonehenge with the head positioned above the ‘altar’ stone. In a wider context… the solution becomes even clearer… because it turns out that Stonehenge and its surrounding monuments were designed as a star map of the heavens. A grouping of nearby manmade mounds replicates a prime star constellation explored in the author’s book, while the outer stone circle’s geometry is suggestive of the outline of a star in conjunction with two smaller mounds mimicking planets in orbit (see Stonehenge page). Herschel believes that because the shape of the human form is very ingeniously linked to the star that their pyramid star maps isolate (found also at two other ancient sites), it seems the ancient civilisations were trying to tell us that their ancestors… the ‘gods’ came from one and the same star."

It is definitely not a PENTAGRAM, but an unusual elongated PENTAGON… and in its own right seems so perfect, as if it is shouting out that the human form is not entirely a creature evolved by chance through natural selection. Logically speaking, there has to be is a design code that life conforms to… a life force originating from the central nucleus of the universe… the place where all matter was created. The place of the One… we call ? !”
- http://www.the hiddenrecords.com

Recent research as revealed that the message conveyed by the sketch seems to suggest that this sacred form is only part of an even deeper enigma. That the symbols/sketches represents a message or a clue to the origin of mankind. After all, why keep innocent mathematical geometry unique to the human form a secret? What if the geometry is part of a source of ‘forbidden’ knowledge that did not fit at all into religious teaching during the renaissance era?

As we approach one step closer to 2012 let us seek to discuss deeper and enlightening topics for the new year instead of the usual war on religions....Happy New Year Ill Community!!