getting rid of the belly fat



  • Trollio
    Trollio Members Posts: 25,815 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    green tea>>>>>>>
    BP OIL SPILL FACE Members Posts: 2,526 ✭✭
    edited May 2011
    ? tea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • earth two superman
    earth two superman Members Posts: 17,149 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    exercise every morning for one hour.

    no soda

    cut your dinner portions in half

    no food after 8 pm
  • Miltown Marauder
    Miltown Marauder Members Posts: 2,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    It's a fact belly fat is the first to come in and the last to go. The ? is very stubborn. However You can't spot focus (ie: doing 500 sit ups a day, etc) CARDIO is how to lose belly fat- it's not a overnight thing though. I'm doing it myself. Also try getting yourself a belly burner belt. They carry these at Sports authority and cost about $18

    Your an idiot.
  • leftcoastkev
    leftcoastkev Members Posts: 6,232 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    Fat storage patterns are genetic and for most men (myself included) lower stomach fat and chest fat are the last places your body wants to let go.

    For me keeping my cal intake in check as well as heavy leg training and cardio (60 minutes of low intensity x2 a week and HIIT x2 a week) seem work well.

    I used to do fat burners (Oxy Elite) but looking back, I loose more fat+muscle with fat burners. They dehydrate you and you will be ? LOOONNNG when you go, I'm talking standing and leaning against the wall, like damn......long, lol. Without them I haven't had issues with muscle loss (yet) on my latest cut. Also, your system may get used to all the caffeine (from fat burners) you're dumping in it, and you may have to gradually ween yourself off of them. After 6 weeks I felt like ? in the morning and had to pop one just to wake up good enough to go to work. I don't mess with them anymore.

    I did LISS only for the first 6 weeks of my cut, and starting mixing in HIIT in the last 3 weeks. I do this because like you, the fat loss stalled and the HIIT jolts my metabolism.

    I only do HIIT on a stationary bike. This KILLS legs and ramps up your metabolism for the rest of the day, so you'll be burning fat long after you're done. My quads and adductors (inner thigh muscles) be pumped and sore as hell. And doing it on a bike is less taxing on the joints as sprinting, rowing, jumping rope, etc. If you have a lot of fat to lose the stationary bike may be your best thing for starting HIIT. You'll still be able to get your heart rate up high ~160bpm during the intervals and that's the point.

    Once you get your fat loss system down pat, everything works well until you hit 12-11% bf....I'd have the top four abs in strong but the bottom 2 wouldn't be defined that good. At this point your diet and routine becomes a slow game of Jenga to get that 6 pack in (to keep your existing muscle mass while losing the last bit of visible fat).
  • DaFifthElement
    DaFifthElement Members Posts: 4,764 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    dieting is could diet and not workout and all and lose all of that belly fat..
  • truth spitter
    truth spitter Members Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    u can lose fat without exercising...follow the 5 rules I posted in the thread about that CNN story and u will lose weight...all u need is a caloric deficit to lose weight...u dont necessarily have to do cardio although it would garner faster and probably better results.