Anyone ever take steroids??



    BP OIL SPILL FACE Members Posts: 2,526 ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    lol not even. Imagine being able to lift double even triple what you are lifting now.

    I'd rather do it the legal and safer way.
  • dreadedbwoy661
    dreadedbwoy661 Members Posts: 198 ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    Yeah i guess. There is a lot of misinformation about steroids. They are illegal yes, but they are not nearly as dangerous and unhealthy as people think if you don't abuse them.
  • The Steve Boogie
    The Steve Boogie Members Posts: 28
    edited March 2010
    steroids are for ?

    if you can't get the job done yourself you're a ? with no heart
  • dreadedbwoy661
    dreadedbwoy661 Members Posts: 198 ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    steroids are for ?

    if you can't get the job done yourself you're a ? with no heart

    lol you think you just put steroids in your body and all of a sudden you become the Hulk? People that get results on steroids work harder than natural lifters. Their diet has to be perfect, their training has to be intense. They have more heart than most lifters.

    The funny thing is, maybe this is not you, but a lot of these so called "natural" lifters even though they aren't taking steroids are supplement junkies. They are taking so many supplements, and spending so much money on products which don't do anything in order to gain muscle and strength that they might as well just take their money and spend it on the real deal.