Dango My ? Awareness/Appreciation Thread

Young_Chitlin Members Posts: 23,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2011 in Animania
I don't know how many rap/anime mixes are out there, but the following I stumbled upon by accident:

Here's some of the comments, I'll post more of them later:
? just got kawaii
Real Gangstas watch clannad
Plies getting a dango chain? I'd buy his album if he did
The only Busta Rhymes song in my Media Player playlist.
imagine him performing with this beat remix in Japan, ? would make everyone ? in their pants
Lol I actually approve of Busta Rhymes - I really wonder if any of you rappers would be capable to rap under this. Someone said ? just got kawaii. Sure. But kawaii also became the ? .
?  dat ? be sugoi as a mug.
? , this ? make my ? hard.
Shiiiiiiiit ? , you kawaii.
PAUSE @ the last two comments
