heyslick Members Posts: 1,179
edited September 2012 in The Social Lounge
I'm really trying to understand where/what President Obama's true agenda is for America. I see so many parallels in this article below and his ideology - hes uses different terms,but if you are truly honest about what's within YOU will see them....I can't believe that so many have been fooled by this man....his policies will destroy America. Feel free to read it and show me how I'm wrong about what Obama truly wants but won't tell you straight up what his forward thinking actually means

(check out the bolder area at the bottom of this article) - if you don't know about his past, it might just come back to bite you.

I've spent the last two years in the archives unraveling the connections. Here are a few.

By the mid-1980s James Cone, Jeremiah Wright's theological mentor, had struck up a close cooperative relationship with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Cone and a prominent follower spoke at the Socialist Conferences Obama attended. Shortly after the 1984 conference, Cone joined the Rev. Wright in Cuba, where they expressed support for the Cuban social system as a model for the United States. Wright touted his Cuba trips to his congregation for years. Obama would have quickly discovered Wright's ties to the liberation theologians he'd first learned of at the Socialist Scholars Conferences.

The connection helps explain Obama's choice of Wright as his pastor.

A little-known community organizer training institute in Chicago -- called the Midwest Academy -- is in many ways the key to Barack Obama's political rise. The Midwest Academy was closely allied to the DSA, which sponsored the Socialist Scholars Conferences in New York. Most Midwest Academy leaders remained quiet about their socialism. Inspired by the success of the American Communist "Popular Front" and by 19th-century American reformers who used populist and communitarian language to achieve socialist ends through incremental legislative means, the Midwest Academy's leaders advocated a strategy of stealth.

In the '70s and '80s, theory was put into action in a series of "populist" coalitions quietly controlled by the socialist leadership of the Midwest Academy and the DSA. The Citizen/Labor Energy Coalition, for example, fought a series of legislative battles against oil and gas companies. Its signature proposal was the call for a public energy corporation to "compete" with private companies.

Officials from the Midwest Academy network trained Obama, supplied him with money and had him appointed head of Illinois Project Vote. Years later, Obama sent foundation money to the Midwest Academy. Barack and Michelle Obama ran a project called "Public Allies" that was effectively an extension of the Midwest Academy.

Alice Palmer, the Illinois state senator who chose Obama as her successor, was once a high official in the Midwest Academy network. Several Midwest Academy leaders advised Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. Academy founder Heather Booth is now a key figure coordinating grassroots support for the president's budget, health care and financial reform plans.

The leaders of the Midwest Academy were eager to avoid public exposure of their socialism. Yet they trusted Obama enough to put him on the board of their satellite organization, Chicago Public Allies, and to succeed one of their own as state senator.

As I detail at length in "Radical-in-Chief," deceptions and glaring omissions about his radical past reach far beyond Obama's involvement with the Socialist Scholars Conferences and the Midwest Academy. Archival documents reveal that Obama fudged during campaign 2008 about his ties to ACORN. New evidence confirms that Obama has hidden the truth about his relationships to Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.

The unknown story of Obama's deep involvement with a radical group called UNO of Chicago is revealed.

The claims of candidate Obama and his mentors that he shunned Saul Alinsky's confrontational tactics turn out to be a sugary fairy tale.

The obfuscating techniques of Obama's memoir, "Dreams from My Father," are exposed.

The pattern of misdirection upon which President Obama's political career has been built has its roots in the socialist background of community organizing. ACORN, the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers were all routes into that hidden socialist world. And that is why Obama has had to obscure the truth about these and other elements of his past.

More important, the president's socialist past is still very much alive in the governing philosophy and long-term political strategy of the Obama administration.

As we move into the first national election of the Obama presidency, Americans are confronted with a fateful choice. Either we will continue to be subject to President Obama's radical, and only very partially revealed, plans for our future, or we will place a strong check on the president's ambitions.

Knowing the truth about Obama's past is the best way to safeguard our future.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.


  • heyslick
    heyslick Members Posts: 1,179
    Don't SO many of you love to dwell in the past - well lets FIND OUT about President Obama past - oh btw HE won't reveal his college transcripts for obvious reasons -- his association with all of the aforementioned radicals could bring him down.
  • heyslick
    heyslick Members Posts: 1,179
    Ignore it or learn something about President Obama's REAL agenda for America - ALL of his rhetoric aligns with this kind of ideology even tho he words it differently. Check-out the bolded - Obama says: share prosperity - below a society of shared abundance - WOW!

    Material premise of socialism

    Socialism will undoubtedly bring about a revolutionary transformation of human activity and association in all fields previously conditioned by the division of society into classes—in work, in education, in sports and amusements, in manners and morals, and in incentives and rewards.

    But all these changes, which can be anticipated and predicted, will begin with and proceed from the revolutionary transformation of the system of production and the consequent augmentation and multiplication of the productivity of labour. This is the necessary material premise for a society of shared abundance. The revolutionary reorganisation of the labour process—of the manner of working and of regulating, measuring, and compensating the labour time of the individual—will take place first and should be considered first, because it will clear the way for all the other changes.