this week on Prophecy Chat: something about North Korea, Babylon and JESUS



  • zombie
    zombie Members Posts: 13,450 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well my brother, the mystery of Babylon the great was a mystery for over 1900+ years. John got the prophecy in 90 A.D. on the island of Patmos. So for almost 2,000 years Revelation 17 and 18 was a mystery to all those who read it. But now ? is revealing the true identity of Babylon the great because ? said in Amos 3:7, "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." ? is taking off the covers because Babylon the Great can be fully known now. When we take and study these passages of scripture:

    Isaiah 13-14, 47
    Jeremiah 50-51
    Zechariah 5:5-11
    Revelation 17-18

    The identity of Babylon the Great can and will be understood. And because every prophetic utterance regarding Babylon the Great must match up, there is no other perfect match than America. You have to put the defendant on trial and prosecute it with the scriptures. If even 1 of the prophecies doesn't add up, the candidate is invalid. America fulfills all the requirements laid out in scripture. There is no denying this. Now, I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you understanding regarding this. We love and serve the same LORD JESUS CHRIST. And He wants all of His saints to come to the knowledge of the truth. i'm 100% certain that Babylon the Great is America. And because I know this to be true, ? has given those who live inside of her directions. We must flee from Babylon before she is destroyed in 1 day and in 1 hour. When will we have to flee? When ? gives the command.

    Noah was warned 120 years in advance and when the time came, ? delivered Him. Lot on the other hand was visited by the angels the night before ? destroyed ? and Gomorrah. So it really doesn't matter when we leave, either years in advance (as some already have) or the night before. What matters is being sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that when He does tell us to leave, we will not question, hesitate, or delay. We have to be ready to get out of America before the disaster strikes. It's going to come so fast and hard that the world itself will shake when it happens. But ? will lead His people to safety. Amen.

    I know your heart is in the right place but i know your understanding of who or what mystery babylon is is faulty. America maybe a babylon but it's not the babylon. The unseen hand of the market closer fits the attributes of what mystery babylon is described as. America is not the mother of harlots and the creator (originator) of abmoninations.
  • twatgetta
    twatgetta Members Posts: 6,705 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Zombie you're denial. you keep separating the Spiritual from the Physical. why? Do you not realize that your fleshy body is merely a vessel for your Spirit?
  • zombie
    zombie Members Posts: 13,450 ✭✭✭✭✭
    twatgetta wrote: »
    @Zombie you're denial. you keep separating the Spiritual from the Physical. why? Do you not realize that your fleshy body is merely a vessel for your Spirit?

    Because things done in the spiritual are not always visable in the physical. They are two different worlds that most of the time interact but not always. That is an advanced spiritual understanding many do not see. It is hard to explain for example when you pray that is a spiritual action that may have no physical power but it has spiritual power or sometimes both Understanding when is actually a gift from ? . Revelation is speaking of things of an unseen manner.
  • twatgetta
    twatgetta Members Posts: 6,705 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Zombie so you do agree with me? Like your example, prayer, when you pray it's spiritual but you best believe that what you prayed for will come to past. whehter it's peace in your life, understanding of the world, etc...prayer works. it's the ivisible ecll phone to the Most High. Everything is connected to Him.