So this is how you Black African americans roll? say it aint so USA ...NO GAMEEEE



  • CracceR
    CracceR Members Posts: 4,346 ✭✭✭✭✭
    how can bugatti not tell the difference in accents when she listens to hiphop and watches movies?
    all she ever said in the recordin was ok...okk
  • Sage Wonder
    Sage Wonder Members Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah you right he doesn't have game... but it's not like you contributed to the convo at all. He was better off speaking to a wall.
    Guy: You must have a movie you like to watch
    Thot: I just watch TV.. heh
    Guy: ... What do you watch on TV?
    Thot: Everything. (insert forced fake giggle)
    ^*notice the first fake giggle was inaudible so she did it again*

    Oh, word? You finna watch the safari animal planet special on the hippopotamus later?

    Thot: (insert fake giggle) umm.. no

    [img] -off-obama/say-that-? -again-? .jpg[/img]