Scars and Razorblades

luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
edited August 2013 in Waiting To Exhale
[This is a song and video I wrote a few years ago]

After you take away the red cloth in his hand

after you clean the same pool of color from his head

After they've closed the hole opened in his head

There in the hallway

you see there stands the kid.

After you've seen the trauma and verbal abuse

After you've heard apologies weened into excuse

After you've slept in fear at 8 years old

After you've learned not 2 believe everything told

After the nightmares become mirrors of reality

After you've learned the road is paved but by a fee

After you've seen him sit and watch only t.v.

After he cleans his gun he leaves it to the right, under his seat.

There is the beer he spilled,

but it's still you he beats.

(You're)Locked in closets

and learned to throw away the key,

Don't care to be found

cause-"ain't nobody looking for me."

I have seen this man

who worked himself crazy–

Red eyes violent hands.

Lies about why he bleeds.

Scars and Razorblades he put on Mommy.

He did push you down when you tried to make him stop.

You ran to the phone, bleeding; called the cops.

They don't come around.

"Help my Mom! She's on her knees! With blood all on her mouth!"

She bows to daddy.

Her head goes back and forth as his pleasure is peaked.

The lights flick on and off.

Her cry becomes a cough.

Kid gets on his feet.

He runs back to the seat.

He holds it in his hand,

[razorblades fall out his father's pocket as 2 of six eyes lose focus for good or bad. The mother runs to the kid and holds him as he drops the gun. The kid reaches down and grabs the dishcloth stained red with the father's blood.]

**There's a part 2 of the father's response if anybody care. Peace
