Religious folks!!!! I have a serious question(no trolling) that has never been properly answered



  • God_Yunn
    God_Yunn Members Posts: 9,081 ✭✭✭✭✭
    xxCivicxx wrote: »
    ? is everything that exists.

    Stop looking upward and look inward
    This doesn't make any sense lol. This seems like something a young single mother on facebook would post.

    you're not gonna get your answer from these cats.

    my answer is something thats not popular opinion.

    Have faith in yourself dont look for it in other places or people or what other people worship cause they are bias.

    they ignoring your question and telling you to read the its ? and off topic
  • Brian B.
    Brian B. Members Posts: 6,717 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Brian B. wrote: »
    let me start off by sayin even tho I'm trollin, I'm still serious lol

    there's over 30,000,000 Gods in Hinduism

    if you were to buy jus one lotto ticket (Jesus, Allah, etc.,) your chances of winnin are very slim

    but say you bought 30,000,000+ tickets... see what I did there lol
  • xxCivicxx
    xxCivicxx Members Posts: 6,927 ✭✭✭✭✭
    xxCivicxx wrote: »
    ? is everything that exists.

    Stop looking upward and look inward
    This doesn't make any sense lol. This seems like something a young single mother on facebook would post.

    That's because you're not thinking hard enough. Idk what to tell you
  • Matt-
    Matt- Members Posts: 21,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, first you need to understand that just a belief in the existence of ? is what ensures your place in heaven.

    2nd you need to understand that taking up a religion just so your percentages of going to heaven are raised. That's not going to work either.

    3rd. If you don't accept Jesus Christ, you will go to hell

    Good luck my brother
  • vitoria
    vitoria Members Posts: 445 ✭✭✭✭
    Praise ? that He has placed the desire for you to know Him in your heart my friend. No one can come to the Father, unless He first draws them to Himself. ? is the one who is always taking the first step! He is the one who is always seeking us out.

    It's been the same since the garden of Eden. Mankind messes up, we hide, ? calls out after us, and then it's up to us for us to respond to His call.

    ? is calling you to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior for the forgivness of your sins and the free gift of eternal life my friend. This isn't about religion, this is about a genuine, deep, and everlasting personal relationship with the true and living ? !

    Religion WILL not save! Religion condemned and CRUCIFIED the Son of ? !!!!!!
    The same people who served in the very temple of ? , who condemned ? to death, will be cast in to outer darkness on the last day. That's what religion does!

    You must be Born Again my friend! This isn't fantasy! This is reality! Being born again means being born by the Spirit of ? so that you can have fellowship with ? !

    Jesus Christ loves you my friend and He wants to make Himself real to you! I guarantee that if you are truly sincere in the very bottom of your heart and soul that you want ? to be your Lord and Savior, He will honor His word and give you tangible evidence that you have been redeemed!

    You see but you have to really mean business. You can fool me and the IC for all eternity, but you am can't fool ? ! He sees and knows the heart! He knows our thoughts, intents, and motives even before we have them.

    So you put ? to the test and see that He is good! Call out to Him in a contrite and repentant heart. Say Lord Jesus I know that You are Lord! I come to you as a lost sinner seeking His way back home! I have been found now Jesus and I believe that you are Lord and that you rose from the dead to save and justify me from my sins forever! Thank you Lord for saving me! Pour the Holy Spirit upon me mightily so that I can serve you with zeal and in love all the days of my life! In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

    It's done if you sincerely obeyed.

    "If you confess with your mouth The Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that ? raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."/b] Romans 10:9

    Romans 10:2,3 “They have a zeal for ? , but not according to accurate knowledge. For because of not knowing the righteousness of ? but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of ? . That's why today, a large number of religions exist that “teach commands of men as doctrines.” -Mark 7:7

    So since a lot of churches dub themselves a religion doesn't mean that they are the true religion.
  • Dupac
    Dupac Members, Writer Posts: 68,365 ✭✭✭✭✭
    everything starts with a personal relationship with ? ....

    work on that first.....everything else comes in time..

    man can be judgemental as hell, and people are always pushing their personal agendas...but i 100% believe that true salvation comes from you personal relationship with ? if you truly seek that, everything else will be made clearer as the time comes
  • Ajackson17
    Ajackson17 Members Posts: 22,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Find it on your own brother and study and research on your own. No man can tell you anything about your spiritual path.
  • Lab Baby
    Lab Baby Members Posts: 8,154 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First off, to properly answer that question for yourself you have to understand what and where your soul is. If you want the fluffy cloud heaven with a thousand ? , I can't help you with that. There is no physical gratification for the soul. We warn people of eternal hellfire and all that, but that's part of the control system of organized religion. We are a learning creature, but the first thing we are taught in religion is NOT to learn. There is no singular existence that can call themselves "? ". There are avatars, christs and all that, but ? is existence itself. From my experience, ? has shown him/her/itself to me in many occasions, whether it be in thought, an incident, or some occurrence that was too well placed to be just a coincidence. There is no religion, doctrine or person that can help you strengthen your relationship with ? . They can guide you, but only on a path they already travelled. ? has a path and destination especially for you. Just experience, observe and make your own decisions. You'll get there, we all do.

    And definitely don't be a scientologist. They suck.
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    alissowack wrote: »
    My parents are from da souwf and were raised in areas where christianity reigns supreme. So naturally they took me to church with them when I was little. I was born and raised in the bay area which has a mixture of many religions. My best friend that I been knowing since the 1st grade was born into a muslim family. I have family that are muslim, jehovah's witnesses, prodastint(however you spell it), and a few catholic friends. I also chilled with buddhist and jews. I done heard all kinds of religious beliefs, rules, stories, witnessed how they lived their lives etc etc. Me and my best friend eventually moved away from all of that and our parents let us.

    One thing that all of these religious folks actually do agree on. Is that if you don't follow a religion you will not be able to chill in the realm of ? after you die. So whenever me and my potna are asked about our religion and we say we don't follow one. The response is the same from all of them, "do you believe in ? ? You're not going to heaven"(or any other way they like to put it lol).

    All religions say you need to follow their way of worshiping in order to chill in gods realm after death. I don't want my soul to be damned so my question is this.

    Which religion should I join to save my soul then? since If I don't join one I'm damned and if I do join one the other ones are saying my soul is damned. So it's damned if I do and damned if I don't. Which religion is the right path to ? ? How can I avoid my souls horrible fate? I'm a really good person!

    According to Christianity, you can't save yourself. Other religions suggest that you can save yourself.
    This is my point. So who's right and who's wrong here. This is my soul we're talking about here, this is not something to play with. I need a solid answer to make sure my soul will not be damned.

    If your concern of which ? to serve is to avoid damnation, then you're only condemning yourself.
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    xxCivicxx wrote: »
    ? is everything that exists.

    Stop looking upward and look inward

    Just because someone looks inward doesn't mean that they will like what they see.
  • indyman87
    indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭
    According to Quantum Physicists we live in a holographic universe. Our bodies are made up of waves of vibration. The electron; which is the core particle of all matter is nothing more than a wave of vibration when it is not being observed. This means that when you are not looking at yourself in the mirror and when someone is not observing you that your body is nothing more than an abstract mass of vibrational waves. The electron is intelligent enough to know to automatically form into a piece of matter or solid object when it is being observed. Quanta is also another name for Electrons and that is where the term Quantum comes from.

    This is significant to religion because according to Quantum Physics all of these waves of vibration comes from one single source which they called the Field of Intelligent thought. This is nothing new to religion. Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism talks about Maya, life as an illusion. Samsara (The Physical World) is really an illusory display.

  • indyman87
    indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭
    In my opinion Religion is nothing more than the art of entrapment. A type of lucid dreaming that people are held under. Religious leaders have powerful mind and use it to control their congregation.

    This one degree of knowledge is called 'psychic'
    science. It's a science of the imagination. You may
    remember I introduced a brief account of this science in
    the Biology discussion. This is a natural science (as are all
    true sciences) that relies on the natural '? -given' power
    of the mind to be creative. The mind is naturally and
    spontaneously creative, and one can see this in dreams,
    where whole worlds are created out of nothing. Although
    dreams are unreal, given that they are imaginary (the same
    applies to day-dreams and fantasies), nonetheless their
    effects on the human soul is absolutely real. A person may
    wake up from the most awful nightmare and be relieved
    that it was 'just a dream', but the fear he experienced was
    real. If he had come from somewhere where he had never
    experienced fear before, his dream experience of it will
    teach it to him as effectively as experiencing it in real life. It
    may not last long, but it is real at the moment he
    experiences it.
    61. This is one manifestation of the natural psychic power of
    all people. Now the art or science of controlling this power
    comes in the phenomenon called lucid dreaming. This
    power, although powerful enough on an individual basis,
    can be increased dramatically by involving other people in
    it. This too is natural, following the law of rhythms. Human
    minds, with their seat in the brain, 'oscillate' within a
    particular spectrum of frequencies.
    62. It's possible to 'entrap' this oscillation using the law of
    rhythms, according to which oscillations of the same
    frequency enhance one another and unite into a larger
    whole. When a person with a strong mind starts a certain
    type of imagination, and finds other people who are
    sympathetic to it, the rhythm of his mind will 'entrap' those
    willing participants such that all of them engage in the
    same rhythm and thus imagine the same 'reality'. That is
    exactly how children were taught in ancient days. The word
    'entrapment' is totally inappropriate in the ancient context.
    A more proper word would perhaps be 'resonance', where
    a teacher gets the children’s minds and hearts to resonate
    at the same rhythm as his. But 'entrapment' is quite
    appropriate in the modern context because the intentions
    and use of this science have become perverted in many,
    but not all cases. The truth of a science is determined by the
    intent of the user, so the same scientific principles can be
    used for both good and bad.
    63. By this 'entrapment', it's possible to make willing people
    to believe in a 'reality' that does not exist, that is totally
    imaginary. As the knowledge of the 36 neters deteriorated,
    so too were the proper uses of psychic science forgotten. In
    the passage of many millennia, the uses went from one end
    to the extreme until a whole slew of 'ancestral' religions
    were formulated. Many psychically gifted people down the
    ages came and contributed to them and started new ones,
    or changed and modified the old ones. Hence as time
    went by, there arose entire worlds of 'ancestral spirits'
    are totally imaginary.
    64. The 'spirits' possessed those willing to participate,
    causing them to 'prophesy', 'divinate', 'cure' illnesses, 'cast'
    spells, and many other related activities that you are no
    doubt aware of. They gave rise to fetishes, symbols, gods
    and goddesses, and new forms of 'rituals' and sacrifices for
    enhancing the psychic power. What arose out of the
    corruption of psychic science is so convoluted and old in
    terms of centuries, that to try and outline it all would take
    many pages.
  • Dave2one6
    Dave2one6 Members Posts: 1,669 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My parents are from da souwf and were raised in areas where christianity reigns supreme. So naturally they took me to church with them when I was little. I was born and raised in the bay area which has a mixture of many religions. My best friend that I been knowing since the 1st grade was born into a muslim family. I have family that are muslim, jehovah's witnesses, prodastint(however you spell it), and a few catholic friends. I also chilled with buddhist and jews. I done heard all kinds of religious beliefs, rules, stories, witnessed how they lived their lives etc etc. Me and my best friend eventually moved away from all of that and our parents let us.

    One thing that all of these religious folks actually do agree on. Is that if you don't follow a religion you will not be able to chill in the realm of ? after you die. So whenever me and my potna are asked about our religion and we say we don't follow one. The response is the same from all of them, "do you believe in ? ? You're not going to heaven"(or any other way they like to put it lol).

    All religions say you need to follow their way of worshiping in order to chill in gods realm after death. I don't want my soul to be damned so my question is this.

    Which religion should I join to save my soul then? since If I don't join one I'm damned and if I do join one the other ones are saying my soul is damned. So it's damned if I do and damned if I don't. Which religion is the right path to ? ? How can I avoid my souls horrible fate? I'm a really good person!

    "Protestant." those who protest against the catholic church. But people represent and belong to things they dont know about. like Stevie Wonder said on superstition.
  • Dave2one6
    Dave2one6 Members Posts: 1,669 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, as a Black man, I have no desire to live my life in the ways of the A-Rabs, or prehistoric white men.
  • soul rattler
    soul rattler Members Posts: 18,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Disgusting. Three thread starter cMe here asking how to save his soul and you incompassionate so called Christians have no better answer than "whatever you think is right".

    For shame.
  • UinitiatedMgt
    UinitiatedMgt Members Posts: 161 ✭✭
    "Well ? , there may just be an afterlife after all, so let's go along with this so I won't face eternal damnation or a ? up reincarnation" is, for some, the only reason why religion is followed.

    Heaven sounds as boring as ? , anyway, has none of the good ol' debauchery enjoyed here on Earth.
  • LUClEN
    LUClEN Members Posts: 20,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Create your own religion
    PILL_COSBY Members Posts: 6,374 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lab Baby wrote: »

    And definitely don't be a scientologist. They suck.
    What is wrong with scientology? All the religions call it fake and laugh at their path. I checked into it and it does exactly what you and most others have said in here. It's about following your heart and finding yourself. Once you do this then you search for ? .
    alissowack wrote: »
    alissowack wrote: »
    My parents are from da souwf and were raised in areas where christianity reigns supreme. So naturally they took me to church with them when I was little. I was born and raised in the bay area which has a mixture of many religions. My best friend that I been knowing since the 1st grade was born into a muslim family. I have family that are muslim, jehovah's witnesses, prodastint(however you spell it), and a few catholic friends. I also chilled with buddhist and jews. I done heard all kinds of religious beliefs, rules, stories, witnessed how they lived their lives etc etc. Me and my best friend eventually moved away from all of that and our parents let us.

    One thing that all of these religious folks actually do agree on. Is that if you don't follow a religion you will not be able to chill in the realm of ? after you die. So whenever me and my potna are asked about our religion and we say we don't follow one. The response is the same from all of them, "do you believe in ? ? You're not going to heaven"(or any other way they like to put it lol).

    All religions say you need to follow their way of worshiping in order to chill in gods realm after death. I don't want my soul to be damned so my question is this.

    Which religion should I join to save my soul then? since If I don't join one I'm damned and if I do join one the other ones are saying my soul is damned. So it's damned if I do and damned if I don't. Which religion is the right path to ? ? How can I avoid my souls horrible fate? I'm a really good person!

    According to Christianity, you can't save yourself. Other religions suggest that you can save yourself.
    This is my point. So who's right and who's wrong here. This is my soul we're talking about here, this is not something to play with. I need a solid answer to make sure my soul will not be damned.

    If your concern of which ? to serve is to avoid damnation, then you're only condemning yourself.
    this religion stuff is so confusing. Everybody seems to have their own answer so why gather and group up?

    Dave2one6 wrote: »
    Also, as a Black man, I have no desire to live my life in the ways of the A-Rabs, or prehistoric white men.
    100's of years of brainwashing and almost taking over the whole world is the cause of this. Hearing black people speak jewish and arab is strange. Black people not eating and demonizing one of the wolds friendliest/tasty animals really doesn't make any sense. Back when we had unexplained advance science and a greater understanding of the world. Eating pork was fine. After we got invaded, separated, started following other peoples religions/cultures. For some strange reason not eating one of the worlds most greatest sources of meat has become taboo.

    I really find it odd how harmless animals get demonized in religions over the years and some are worshiped.

    evil in one religion but praised in another


    It's ridiculous!!

    Trashboat wrote: »
    Create your own religion
    Religions have to be created by a man who has talked to ? you fool!

  • LUClEN
    LUClEN Members Posts: 20,559 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No they don't

    Word to L Ron Hubbard
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    alissowack wrote: »
    alissowack wrote: »
    My parents are from da souwf and were raised in areas where christianity reigns supreme. So naturally they took me to church with them when I was little. I was born and raised in the bay area which has a mixture of many religions. My best friend that I been knowing since the 1st grade was born into a muslim family. I have family that are muslim, jehovah's witnesses, prodastint(however you spell it), and a few catholic friends. I also chilled with buddhist and jews. I done heard all kinds of religious beliefs, rules, stories, witnessed how they lived their lives etc etc. Me and my best friend eventually moved away from all of that and our parents let us.

    One thing that all of these religious folks actually do agree on. Is that if you don't follow a religion you will not be able to chill in the realm of ? after you die. So whenever me and my potna are asked about our religion and we say we don't follow one. The response is the same from all of them, "do you believe in ? ? You're not going to heaven"(or any other way they like to put it lol).

    All religions say you need to follow their way of worshiping in order to chill in gods realm after death. I don't want my soul to be damned so my question is this.

    Which religion should I join to save my soul then? since If I don't join one I'm damned and if I do join one the other ones are saying my soul is damned. So it's damned if I do and damned if I don't. Which religion is the right path to ? ? How can I avoid my souls horrible fate? I'm a really good person!

    According to Christianity, you can't save yourself. Other religions suggest that you can save yourself.
    This is my point. So who's right and who's wrong here. This is my soul we're talking about here, this is not something to play with. I need a solid answer to make sure my soul will not be damned.

    If your concern of which ? to serve is to avoid damnation, then you're only condemning yourself.
    this religion stuff is so confusing. Everybody seems to have their own answer so why gather and group up?

    But, if you are interested in the truth, you are not just interested in what majority is saying. There is a saying that says that all religions can be false, but they can't all be true. Truth by definition is exclusive. There is a core belief to every religion despite everything you think makes them the same. If they were all the same, there wouldn't be so many of them.
  • vitoria
    vitoria Members Posts: 445 ✭✭✭✭
    Illustrating how to identify those who practice true religion, the Bible says: “By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?” Matthew 7:16 You need not be a botanist to distinguish a fig tree from a thistle; likewise, you need not be an expert on religion to tell the true from the false. What are some of the fruits, or identifying features, of true religion?

    Jesus Christ didn’t agree with the view that there are many religions, many roads, all leading to salvation. Rather, he said: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” Matthew 7:14
  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm in the same boat as you. I want to atleast choose a religion, but I don't know which one. Also, I do believe in an afterlife.
    You should join the Tabernacle of Churchin and Twerkin. Learn to appreciate this

    I need to join this church. If I donate to a hoe, she better give it up.