Should Naruto become Hokage?

Knives Amilli
Knives Amilli Members Posts: 4,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
For those who may have been keeping up or interested....Naruto is in its final stages. Its end game right now and pretty much all of the lingering plot threads are slowly, but surely coming to an end. plot point that has yet to be resolved is what we've all been waiting on: whether Naruto becomes Hokage or not.

From our first introduction to the character, it was his desire, or rather obsession to become Hokage that drove him. This is familiar territory with heroes of Shonen manga; they ALL typically want to the best fighter/duelist/pokemon master/mech pilot/etc. as these types of lofty goals are not only plot drivers, but usually frame the protagonist as hardworking idealist that are crazy/driven enough to see it through.

But Naruto's dream of becoming Hokage always had a poignant side to it. Becoming Hokage was being unequivocally the best and most powerful ninja in Konoha, sure, but for Naruto, the unloved, despised orphan with a demon inside of him, becoming Hokage was the greatest way of justifying his own existence to the village. Who could deny the greatness of the Hokage, after all? For Naruto all the hate and apathy he faced growing up would be wiped away or just wouldn't matter anymore once he became Hokage.

So that WOULD bring the plot full circle, mind you. And it is a rarity in anime/manga to see a hero actually indisputably achieve the lofty goal that they set out to do (18 years later and Ash Ketchum is still chasing that dream).

However, within the story, Naruto no longer really needs to be Hokage anymore. His personality and determination has won over pretty much every ninja in existence and his victory over Pain/Nagato cemented himself as a beloved village legend. Not to mention, he and Sasuke both have experienced a HUGE power upgrade...When its all said and done, Naruto might very well be the most powerful ninja to have ever existed.

But more importantly, given the themes that have been presented, it THEMATICALLY makes no sense for Naruto become Hokage anymore.

The major themes of Naruto are legacy, the endless, tragic cycle of war, and finding something of substance to fight for.

But one of the more powerful and underrated themes of the story is "lost children" and the need for teachers. Most every antagonist that Naruto has faced was someone who had been abandoned. Left for dead. Thrown to the wolves. Naruto himself was close to being one of these types of people had it not been for Iruka, Kakashi, and Jiraiya.

So to me, i'd rather see Naruto not become Hokage, but rather becoming a teacher/sage figure ala Jiraiya. I think Naruto would realize that being Hokage is great, but that he could a lot more good for the people who REALLY need it, as a mentor figure. Hokages have too much to worry about to really perform this role to the fullest.

Plus, continuing the theme of legacy....No one from Kakashi's generation has become a Kage yet. And Kakashi himself comes from that mentor-student lineage of Hokages....
