*Running Shoes* Anyone?

perspective@100 Members Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭✭
edited June 2010 in Fashion Forward
Hey I'm looking to buy some new running shoes. I run heavy in the summer... Had some Nike shocks that lasted for a while but they were to heavy for my liking to begin with. I also bought those Zig Zag ocho Cinco's and they were the worst running shoes ever, haha but they look nice;)

So you all know I'm flat footed and flat as in my feet are like ironing boards, haha... But I run on the ball of my feet mostly and my Toes at times...

I was looking to get the Under armor shoes that go with the way your feet hit the groung but don't know if anyone has had good feed back. Holla at me if you got some knowledge on some good shoes... Peace
