VIDEO TUTORIAL - Microphones, MIDI and More!

zandre Members Posts: 8
edited January 2010 in Fresh Produce
We're back for part two! Here is another tutorial this time touching on microphones, MIDI and more! Presented to you by our label Klass-Sick Entertainment. This tutorial is over 9 minutes long and we hope you enjoy it. Please subscribe to the video if you would like to know whenever another video drops or to just show support. If you have any questions, concern or comments you can either post it back on this thread or you can comment directly on the video and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks for your guys time!


  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2010
    This is a very informative video. I heard of triggers but I didn't know that it was used for MIDI. I would sure love to work in a setting like that to get some hands on and experiment with microphones and their settings.
  • zandre
    zandre Members Posts: 8
    edited January 2010
    alissowack wrote: »
    This is a very informative video. I heard of triggers but I didn't know that it was used for MIDI. I would sure love to work in a setting like that to get some hands on and experiment with microphones and their settings.

    Thanks for your response alissowack. Let us know if you'd like to see a future tutorial on a specific topic or if you have any questions regarding recording that I can just answer here.
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2010
    I don't know if this could be made a topic, but I have a question related to sample rates. I currently have Cakewalk Music Creator 2 (very, very old) and the sample rate for it is limited to only 16 bit when more advanced software run 24 bit. Now, I have taken advangtage of it's plug-n-play capability and use my bass effects processor for all of my effects for my instruments so I could cut down on using a lot of plug-ins (don't know if it's a good idea but I like it). Now I read somewhere that if you are going to master tracks, it is recommended to have it done in 24. So, is it possible to take my wave files and have them mastered in 24 or would everything needs to be mixed and mastered in 24? Don't know if it all makes sense, but I hope you all can clear this up.
  • zandre
    zandre Members Posts: 8
    edited January 2010
    We'll look into it. We've never used Cakewalk Music Creator 2 so we'll have to look into it first.
  • alissowack
    alissowack Members Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2010
    I appreciate it. I don't know if you will find Music Creator 2 still out there. I can't even get updates for my software. But it's just like any recording software except it's more basic; like for beginners. It gives the bare minimum. All I really use it for is to record and I limit my plugins to just using EQ, Compression, and a mod-filter.
  • Members Posts: 4
    edited January 2010
    nice video yo, good stuff. I just subscribed to your channel.

    keep it up.