A Puppet in the Flesh

REAL_POETICAL Members Posts: 347 ✭✭
edited May 2010 in Waiting To Exhale

* I made a beat to go along with the theme of the piece called Dreaming*

Keep dreaming and scheming
like Pinocchio
for a chance to cut the wires
get the hand out of my ?
and other things to create a spectacle
a pulley in the middle and a mouth full of college
inspiration unknown but he's known to know nothing
each night on display smiling and frowning when they say
or kiss a kid when he pushes me to the cheek
ladies touch the wood and get impressed
their friends used it and they abused it
he don't mind it but it hurts to be unloved
never had a father and fatherhood is overrated
according to the statistics of every puppet along with thee
that talks and smiles whenever the creator uses he or she
please unloosen me and let me be free
free from the lies of me being who I be
a wooden boy with man tendencies
yet my brownish skin feels rugged lack smooth like tree bark
master isn't please by my rebellious capabilities
he beats me and keeps me in line
prayer to a substance but don't believe in stars
can't get far with hand gestures
use to feel good about the hopes and glory
until life seems uncertain and people are unholy
so alone in display and behave like a mute
the truth is that I need fellows and people around me to open up to
somebody in back of me with a hand in my ?
hands all swinging and bringing joy to the masses
yet i'm not happy...making those amused
feeling so misused and lonely
no one understands because they are flesh
me on the other hand i'm a man but can't comprehend yet
gotta get out of master's plot and make myself happy
no more helping those that fail to help me
one night reach for the scissors to cut gift wrapping paper
for master's apprentice birthday
cut string one and felt something different
hand fell can't move it in a instant
don't care cut the others and fall onto the pavement
lay there shattered from head to toe
life is weird and there's no where to go
i'm free but whats there to show
when you are still a puppet within yourself