“The spell of Leviathan”

beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
edited January 2012 in R & R (Religion and Race)
Do anyone know more about this?


“The spell of Leviathan”
Much of the purpose of Nuwaubian doctrine and practice is to counteract what they call “the spell of Leviathan” or “the spell of Kingu.” In Nuwaubian mythology, Leviathan is a ? associated with the Moon, sex, and spirit — also known as Lucifer, Sin, Set, Thoth, Siva, Hermes, Jehovah, Poseidon and the biblical serpent.
Nuwaubians believe that the Spell of Leviathan was cast by the devil thousands of years ago to hypnotize Black people into “spiritual ignorance and racial indifference through such media as the Bible and certain elements of popular culture.
Leviathan has many aliases:
Sam is short for one of his titles, SamaEl meaning “poison those of EL.” He knows his name. He calls himself Uncle Sam or Dr. Seuss (Zues) with his famous statement, “Sam I Am, I Am Sam.” This is what they teach the children; not ours however, for they will get right knowledge.


  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    Yeah. According to Black Roots Science Yahweh along with his soulmate who is also called Yahweh was called lucifer, evil by his fellow Africans because he was preordained to bring forth evil in the world. He created the White race/light skinned race ( Asian, Mongolians whites, etc.. ) by repressing the dominant black germ that's found in all blacks/africans. He did this along with about 58,000 other 'volunteers' who becamed the Elohim once they ascended.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    yes Yahweh is the name of a pagan ? that was called on by babyloians, that's how slick the enemy is
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    What does Pagan means?
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    What does Pagan means?

    Definition of PAGAN

    : heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)
    : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person.

    so many defentions i can go on and o
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    The guy that wrote Black Roots Science said that he could see with his own eyes thousands of years worth of history in several nights when he performed his native rituals. These rituals are no longer taught openly anymore. So in essence he saw with his own eyes Yahweh, Jesus etc..
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    waterproof wrote: »
    Definition of PAGAN

    : heathen 1; especially : a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)
    : one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods : an irreligious or hedonistic person.

    so many defentions i can go on and o

    correct but pagan is also a word the evil white man uses to demean other religions.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    The guy that wrote Black Roots Science said that he could see with his own eyes thousands of years worth of history in several nights when he performed his native rituals. These rituals are no longer taught openly anymore. So in essence he saw with his own eyes Yahweh, Jesus etc..

    i wouldn't doubt that he seen what he saw but Yahushua name is not Jesus and Yahuwah is not Yahweh that's the name of idols and pagan ? 's, he might just called them that because during ancient times false names what put on them .
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    waterproof wrote: »
    i wouldn't doubt that he seen what he saw but Yahushua name is not Jesus and Yahuwah is not Yahweh that's the name of idols and pagan ? 's, he might just called them that because during ancient times false names what put on them .

    yeah. Black Roots science covered the names extensively. Yahweh in africa pronounced spelled differently. I use the common name Jesus so that people know what I'm talking about.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    yeah. Black Roots science covered the names extensively. Yahweh in africa pronounced spelled differently. I use the common name Jesus so that people know what I'm talking about.

    word up, i understand what you meant but there's people that will take that and run with it, but i know a little about black roots science you should make a thread about it
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    waste of time. these black people on this board is straight kitten. They love the white man. There's nothing anyone can do but wait and see if their mentality change with the passing of the next few years.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    Yeah. According to Black Roots Science Yahweh along with his soulmate who is also called Yahweh was called lucifer, evil by his fellow Africans because he was preordained to bring forth evil in the world. He created the White race/light skinned race ( Asian, Mongolians whites, etc.. ) by repressing the dominant black germ that's found in all blacks/africans. He did this along with about 58,000 other 'volunteers' who becamed the Elohim once they ascended.

    Interesting would like you to post more about that... A similar theory is also believed in Gnostic Christianity, they also believed that gods or Elohim created people on this earth with the names of Yaltabaoth or Yahweh.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    beenwize wrote: »
    Do anyone know more about this?


    “The spell of Leviathan”
    Much of the purpose of Nuwaubian doctrine and practice is to counteract what they call “the spell of Leviathan” or “the spell of Kingu.” In Nuwaubian mythology, Leviathan is a ? associated with the Moon, sex, and spirit — also known as Lucifer, Sin, Set, Thoth, Siva, Hermes, Jehovah, Poseidon and the biblical serpent.
    Nuwaubians believe that the Spell of Leviathan was cast by the devil thousands of years ago to hypnotize Black people into “spiritual ignorance and racial indifference through such media as the Bible and certain elements of popular culture.
    Leviathan has many aliases:
    Sam is short for one of his titles, SamaEl meaning “poison those of EL.” He knows his name. He calls himself Uncle Sam or Dr. Seuss (Zues) with his famous statement, “Sam I Am, I Am Sam.” This is what they teach the children; not ours however, for they will get right knowledge.

    This Samael character is also in Gnostic Christianity... Where do Nuwaubians get their info from?

    In the Apocryphon of John circa 120-180 AD, the Demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself:
    Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas (“fool”), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, "I am ? and there is no other ? beside me," for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.

    He is Demiurge and maker of man, but as a ray of light from above enters the body of man and gives him a soul, Yaldabaoth is filled with envy; he tries to limit man's knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in paradise. The Demiurge, fearing lest Jesus, whom he had intended as his Messiah, should spread the knowledge of the Supreme ? , had him crucified by the Romans. At the consummation of all things all light will return to the Pleroma. But Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, with the material world, will be cast into the lower depths.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    beenwize wrote: »
    Interesting would like you to post more about that... A similar theory is also believed in Gnostic Christianity, they also believed that gods or Elohim created people on this earth with the names of Yaltabaoth or Yahweh.

    he name YHWH (Yahweh) should be spelled
    The first H sound following YA should be clearly
    pronounced, as should the last H in HU.
    2. For proper pronunciation, the sounds should be
    separated as follows:
    3. HWE should not be pronounced as WEH. It should be
    pronounced starting with the H sound, as HWE, the way
    some black folks pronounce the H sound in the word 'why'.
    They clearly start it with the H sound as if it were spelled
    'hwy'. The H sound in HWE should be pronounced the same
    To put it another way, the name should be pronounced as it
    usually is, but making sure to distinctly pronounce the H
    after YA and end it with HU.
    4. Now, the meaning of the name YAHWEHU is:
    5. The sound YAHWEHU is how it was pronounced by the
    ancient white-skin races that were taught about their ?
    4,000 years ago. The Black people who lived then did not
    pronounce the name like that.
    6. You have to realize that the non-blacks were taught
    language like little children, even though they were adults.
    The reason is because soon after they were made, they
    completely lost the ability to speak when they were
    incarcerated behind the Caucus mountains in the caves of
    Europe. This happened when they were expelled from the
    'Garden of Eden' 6,000 years ago. They lost all contact with
    civilization and soon thereafter, they lost the ability to speak
    or carry on any civilized human activities.
    7. That happened because they became separated into
    small family groups, each one living in its own enclosure,
    without much interaction. Their entire time was taken up by
    survival amid the wild animals with which they had to
    compete for food and shelter. This went on for 2,000 years.
    These severe conditions led to the total loss of language
    and culture.
    8. When Moses was sent to gather them together and
    bring them back to the Middle East and Africa, they could
    only make animal sounds as a way of speech, and he had
    to teach them how to speak.
    9. So after the most intelligent ones were rehabilitated and
    taught the rudiments of language, it should be
    understandable that their tongues were like the tongues of
    young children learning how to speak for the first time.
    Young children tend to condense and shorten words,
    leaving out the pronunciation of what to them seems as
    unnecessary parts of speech. This is clear to anyone who
    has heard the speech of children.
    10. The Black people of that time, the original owners of
    language, pronounced the name in its proper
    pronunciation as

    BRS is basically the same thing that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and NOI taught.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    only to Ancestors. Even today the 24 Elders are not called
    Gods, but Kings and Queens. That is the highest title of
    respect among Black people.
    22. The word ? in our language is MO-DIMO.
    The plural of that is BA-DIMO.
    As you can see, it contains the sacred prefix BA, which
    refers to people. MO refers to one person and is the singular
    of BA. So MO-DIMO means one Ancestor, and BA-DIMO
    means all the Ancestors.
    23. MO (singular) and BA (plural) in MO-DIMO and BA-DIMO
    are the same as those in the tribal names of many African
    tribes, such as MO-TSWANA, BA-TSWANA and MO-SOTHO,
    BA-SOTHO etc.
    24. The word DIMO means high up or ascended. Therefore
    BA-DIMO (GODS) means all the Ancestors on high and MODIMO
    means the Most High One, which is the name of the
    25. This word DIMO is the origin of the Latin word Deos
    (? ), which became the modern word Theo used in
    Theology (from the Greek Theos). The Greeks and Latins
    after them had a tendency to add 'S' to the end of words
    as they were learning our language, such as when they
    change Manu to Manus or Menes and Heru to Horus. So
    they changed DIMO to 'Dimos' and finally to 'Deos'.
    26. As soon as the white races (all the non-blacks) learned
    of their maker, the concept of worship came into being,
    and they worshipped YHWH as their ? . So the true
    concept of ? , which belongs only to Ancestors, was
    brought down from on high and applied to a living person
    for the first time in the person of YA BA-HWEHU.
    27. Before then, the concepts of worship and fear were
    unknown, and Black people would never have used the
    word '? ' (MODIMO) to refer to a person still living on
    It would result in a clear contradiction because a
    person cannot be living and ascended (dead) at the same
    time, since MODIMO means one who is ascended.
    28. But the white races saw no such contradiction because
    they lacked knowledge of the intricate details of our
    language. They just took our language and modified it in
    almost endless ways until it suited their childish concepts
    and eventually gave rise to the multitudes of white
    languages in existence today.
    29. Perhaps they can be forgiven for calling YHWH the Most
    High because when they were taught of him by Moses,
    YHWH was by then living on the earth of the star Sirius, which
    I suppose can be considered as 'on high'.
    Therefore by reason of their childish tongue, YA BA-HWEHU
    became YAHWEHU and eventually YAHWEH, as it remains
    to this day.
    30. Those who are interested to know the full name 'King of
    the white races' in the ancient language, I'll tell you. It's:
    KHOSI means 'King'. That word is the origin of the word Kaiser
    and Caesar (King).
    31. In some West African languages, KHOSI is pronounced
    In modern Setswana we say KHOSI YA BA-SWEU.
    So the full name of YHWH is KWESI YA BA-HWEHU or KHOSI
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    he name YHWH (Yahweh) should be spelled
    The first H sound following YA should be clearly
    pronounced, as should the last H in HU.
    2. For proper pronunciation, the sounds should be
    separated as follows:
    3. HWE should not be pronounced as WEH. It should be
    pronounced starting with the H sound, as HWE, the way
    some black folks pronounce the H sound in the word 'why'.
    They clearly start it with the H sound as if it were spelled
    'hwy'. The H sound in HWE should be pronounced the same
    To put it another way, the name should be pronounced as it
    usually is, but making sure to distinctly pronounce the H
    after YA and end it with HU.
    4. Now, the meaning of the name YAHWEHU is:
    5. The sound YAHWEHU is how it was pronounced by the
    ancient white-skin races that were taught about their ?
    4,000 years ago. The Black people who lived then did not
    pronounce the name like that.
    6. You have to realize that the non-blacks were taught
    language like little children, even though they were adults.
    The reason is because soon after they were made, they
    completely lost the ability to speak when they were
    incarcerated behind the Caucus mountains in the caves of
    Europe. This happened when they were expelled from the
    'Garden of Eden' 6,000 years ago. They lost all contact with
    civilization and soon thereafter, they lost the ability to speak
    or carry on any civilized human activities.
    7. That happened because they became separated into
    small family groups, each one living in its own enclosure,
    without much interaction. Their entire time was taken up by
    survival amid the wild animals with which they had to
    compete for food and shelter. This went on for 2,000 years.
    These severe conditions led to the total loss of language
    and culture.
    8. When Moses was sent to gather them together and
    bring them back to the Middle East and Africa, they could
    only make animal sounds as a way of speech, and he had
    to teach them how to speak.
    9. So after the most intelligent ones were rehabilitated and
    taught the rudiments of language, it should be
    understandable that their tongues were like the tongues of
    young children learning how to speak for the first time.
    Young children tend to condense and shorten words,
    leaving out the pronunciation of what to them seems as
    unnecessary parts of speech. This is clear to anyone who
    has heard the speech of children.
    10. The Black people of that time, the original owners of
    language, pronounced the name in its proper
    pronunciation as

    BRS is basically the same thing that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and NOI taught.

    What connection does the Jewish people living in Israel today have to this Yahweh character?

    The NOI believe that blacks were already living on earth b4 Adam & Eve. Louis Farrakhan teaches that Adam & Eve were the first white people created on earth to rule for 6,000 years and bring evil into the world.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    only to Ancestors. Even today the 24 Elders are not called
    Gods, but Kings and Queens. That is the highest title of
    respect among Black people.
    22. The word ? in our language is MO-DIMO.
    The plural of that is BA-DIMO.
    As you can see, it contains the sacred prefix BA, which
    refers to people. MO refers to one person and is the singular
    of BA. So MO-DIMO means one Ancestor, and BA-DIMO
    means all the Ancestors.
    23. MO (singular) and BA (plural) in MO-DIMO and BA-DIMO
    are the same as those in the tribal names of many African
    tribes, such as MO-TSWANA, BA-TSWANA and MO-SOTHO,
    BA-SOTHO etc.
    24. The word DIMO means high up or ascended. Therefore
    BA-DIMO (GODS) means all the Ancestors on high and MODIMO
    means the Most High One, which is the name of the
    25. This word DIMO is the origin of the Latin word Deos
    (? ), which became the modern word Theo used in
    Theology (from the Greek Theos). The Greeks and Latins
    after them had a tendency to add 'S' to the end of words
    as they were learning our language, such as when they
    change Manu to Manus or Menes and Heru to Horus. So
    they changed DIMO to 'Dimos' and finally to 'Deos'.
    26. As soon as the white races (all the non-blacks) learned
    of their maker, the concept of worship came into being,
    and they worshipped YHWH as their ? . So the true
    concept of ? , which belongs only to Ancestors, was
    brought down from on high and applied to a living person
    for the first time in the person of YA BA-HWEHU.
    27. Before then, the concepts of worship and fear were
    unknown, and Black people would never have used the
    word '? ' (MODIMO) to refer to a person still living on
    It would result in a clear contradiction because a
    person cannot be living and ascended (dead) at the same
    time, since MODIMO means one who is ascended.
    28. But the white races saw no such contradiction because
    they lacked knowledge of the intricate details of our
    language. They just took our language and modified it in
    almost endless ways until it suited their childish concepts
    and eventually gave rise to the multitudes of white
    languages in existence today.
    29. Perhaps they can be forgiven for calling YHWH the Most
    High because when they were taught of him by Moses,
    YHWH was by then living on the earth of the star Sirius, which
    I suppose can be considered as 'on high'.
    Therefore by reason of their childish tongue, YA BA-HWEHU
    became YAHWEHU and eventually YAHWEH, as it remains
    to this day.
    30. Those who are interested to know the full name 'King of
    the white races' in the ancient language, I'll tell you. It's:
    KHOSI means 'King'. That word is the origin of the word Kaiser
    and Caesar (King).
    31. In some West African languages, KHOSI is pronounced
    In modern Setswana we say KHOSI YA BA-SWEU.
    So the full name of YHWH is KWESI YA BA-HWEHU or KHOSI

    good looks on the knowledge drop.
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    beenwize wrote: »
    What connection does the Jewish people living in Israel today have to this Yahweh character?

    The NOI believe that blacks were already living on earth b4 Adam & Eve. Louis Farrakhan teaches that Adam & Eve were the first white people created on earth to rule for 6,000 years and bring evil into the world.


    The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) is a book by Arthur Koestler, which advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people. Koestler's hypothesis is that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century, and migrated westwards into Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.

    Koestler used previous works by Abraham Poliak, Raphael Patai and Douglas Morton Dunlop as sources. His stated intent was to make antisemitism disappear by disproving its racial basis.

    Popular reviews of the book were mixed, academic critiques of its research were generally negative, and Koestler biographers David Cesarani and Michael Scammell panned it. Modern genetic research does not support Koestler's thesis that Ashkenazi Jews descend primarily from Khazars.

    Do a search term for Black Roots Science and you will read the claims that Black people are ? and have been on the Earth for millions of years maybe even longer. Whites non blacks are said to have only been on Earth for 6.000 years.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    29. Perhaps they can be forgiven for calling YHWH the Most
    High because when they were taught of him by Moses,
    YHWH was by then living on the earth of the star Sirius, which
    I suppose can be considered as 'on high'.
    Therefore by reason of their childish tongue, YA BA-HWEHU
    became YAHWEHU and eventually YAHWEH, as it remains
    to this day.
    30. Those who are interested to know the full name 'King of
    the white races' in the ancient language, I'll tell you. It's:
    KHOSI means 'King'. That word is the origin of the word Kaiser
    and Caesar (King).
    31. In some West African languages, KHOSI is pronounced
    In modern Setswana we say KHOSI YA BA-SWEU.
    So the full name of YHWH is KWESI YA BA-HWEHU or KHOSI

    I found similar information in my research... They also refer to this Yahweh ? by the name of Jehovah as you see with this Masonic book they wrote.

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »

    The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) is a book by Arthur Koestler, which advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people. Koestler's hypothesis is that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century, and migrated westwards into Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.

    Koestler used previous works by Abraham Poliak, Raphael Patai and Douglas Morton Dunlop as sources. His stated intent was to make antisemitism disappear by disproving its racial basis.

    Popular reviews of the book were mixed, academic critiques of its research were generally negative, and Koestler biographers David Cesarani and Michael Scammell panned it. Modern genetic research does not support Koestler's thesis that Ashkenazi Jews descend primarily from Khazars.

    Do a search term for Black Roots Science and you will read the claims that Black people are ? and have been on the Earth for millions of years maybe even longer. Whites non blacks are said to have only been on Earth for 6.000 years.

    a great book to read Toomy, Th Hysko's aint no Jews lol im about to drop some knowledge in here in due to time about the hysko's bcause they aint not europeans remember they say all ? 's look a like so that should be a clue but here's a little quick note on the Ashkanzi jews from their ancestors i will make a thread on this in due time.

    At that time Cordoba was the splendor of Moorish Spain (a mixture of black skinned Muslims and Israelites ), and was the main center of European Culture. In his letter to Hasdai, King Joseph stated that he was from the line of JAPHETH, FROM THE SEED OF TOGARMAH, Japheth's grandson. He further stated that Togarmah, who was the brother of ASHKENAZ, had ten sons and the KHAZARS represented the seventh son. With his own lips, this King had given the root of his being and the lineage of his offspring which was from the sons of Japheth .

    Let us now see what the scriptures have to say about Japheth and Togarmah. In the book of Genesis 10: 2 - 5. "The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. and the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, AND Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were THE ISLES OF THE GENTILE divided in their lands everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations

  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    yeah. Black Roots science covered the names extensively. Yahweh in africa pronounced spelled differently. I use the common name Jesus so that people know what I'm talking about.

    NOW LOOK how the pagans's and Amalek who brought the Hebrews the talmud when they was choose to set in Moses seat changed Yahuwah name to their ? .


    Jehovah the invented name: According to unsubstaniated tradition, the name Jehovah was first pronounced in this manner when vowel letter points were placed with the letters of the tetragrammaton YHVH in the Massoretic text. This text is claimed to have been vowel-marked by Rabbi Ben Asher sometime around the eighth century AD. The name Jehovah is first found in a manuscript of Martini's Pugio Fidei (1278AD), and in Galatinus (1518) who wrote an argument against abbreviating it to Jova because this would expose the name as being that of the Latin Jovis (Ibid). To escape a pagan connection it was claimed by these sacred-namers that the spelling of Jehovah was fabricated by taking the vowels out of the Hebrew Adhonay (LORD) and inserting them into the tetragrammaton YHVH. This also has not been substantiated. The King James version of 1611 contained this new invented name of ? . Jehovah has three letter vowels "e", "o", and "a." There is no "e" letter vowel in Adhonay and to claim the "y" as "e" is the source, shows this is nothing but cooking up a name.

    Yahweh the invented name: The name Yahweh has its roots deep in past civilizations among the gods of their pagan pantheons. Yahweh is not the name of the true Jewish ? . This name was invented modernly by Benedictine Gilbertus Genebrardus between 1550-1567. Genebrardus became the champion of the Samaritan Bible's name for ? . He extracted YaBe, changed the "B" to a "V" and produced YaVe, which as we can see is the same thing of the gnostics and neo-platoist Clement--Iao-ve, Epiphanius--Iave, Theodoret--Iabe! By adding the "h" he formed YaHveH and at last YaHweH as it is now spelled. It is interesting to note that not in Clement, Origen, Epiphanius, or Theodoret, was there an attempt to reconcile these names of pagan gods with a tetragrammation name of YHVH. Genebrardus did not try his hand at alphabet soup concerning the name of ? until he translated the works of Origen and there he found the name of ? issue and modernized the spelling.

  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    only to Ancestors. Even today the 24 Elders are not called
    Gods, but Kings and Queens. That is the highest title of
    respect among Black people.
    22. The word ? in our language is MO-DIMO.
    The plural of that is BA-DIMO.
    As you can see, it contains the sacred prefix BA, which
    refers to people. MO refers to one person and is the singular
    of BA. So MO-DIMO means one Ancestor, and BA-DIMO
    means all the Ancestors.
    23. MO (singular) and BA (plural) in MO-DIMO and BA-DIMO
    are the same as those in the tribal names of many African
    tribes, such as MO-TSWANA, BA-TSWANA and MO-SOTHO,
    BA-SOTHO etc.
    24. The word DIMO means high up or ascended. Therefore
    BA-DIMO (GODS) means all the Ancestors on high and MODIMO
    means the Most High One, which is the name of the
    25. This word DIMO is the origin of the Latin word Deos
    (? ), which became the modern word Theo used in
    Theology (from the Greek Theos). The Greeks and Latins
    after them had a tendency to add 'S' to the end of words
    as they were learning our language, such as when they
    change Manu to Manus or Menes and Heru to Horus. So
    they changed DIMO to 'Dimos' and finally to 'Deos'.
    26. As soon as the white races (all the non-blacks) learned
    of their maker, the concept of worship came into being,
    and they worshipped YHWH as their ? . So the true
    concept of ? , which belongs only to Ancestors, was
    brought down from on high and applied to a living person
    for the first time in the person of YA BA-HWEHU.
    27. Before then, the concepts of worship and fear were
    unknown, and Black people would never have used the
    word '? ' (MODIMO) to refer to a person still living on
    It would result in a clear contradiction because a
    person cannot be living and ascended (dead) at the same
    time, since MODIMO means one who is ascended.
    28. But the white races saw no such contradiction because
    they lacked knowledge of the intricate details of our
    language. They just took our language and modified it in
    almost endless ways until it suited their childish concepts
    and eventually gave rise to the multitudes of white
    languages in existence today.
    29. Perhaps they can be forgiven for calling YHWH the Most
    High because when they were taught of him by Moses,
    YHWH was by then living on the earth of the star Sirius, which
    I suppose can be considered as 'on high'.
    Therefore by reason of their childish tongue, YA BA-HWEHU
    became YAHWEHU and eventually YAHWEH, as it remains
    to this day.
    30. Those who are interested to know the full name 'King of
    the white races' in the ancient language, I'll tell you. It's:
    KHOSI means 'King'. That word is the origin of the word Kaiser
    and Caesar (King).
    31. In some West African languages, KHOSI is pronounced
    In modern Setswana we say KHOSI YA BA-SWEU.
    So the full name of YHWH is KWESI YA BA-HWEHU or KHOSI

    This website below is said to contain evidence of Ancient Edomites (white ppl) worshipping a Yahweh ? . This website refers to the Israelites as the white Jews of today.



    The two New Kingdom inscriptions which refer to “the Land of the Shasu of Yahweh” are found in topographical lists. One list is at Soleb and the second at Amarah-West.

    Soleb, a temple dedicated to the ? Amon-Re, was built by the Pharaoh Amenhotep III in ca. 1400 BC. Today it is located in the nation of Sudan, on the left bank of the Nile about 135 miles south of Wadi-Halfa.

    Amarah-West, which is also located in Sudan, is a construction of Rameses II in the 13th century BC and has massive topographical lists inscribed in it. The section of the Amarah-West topographical list which contains the reference to “the land of the Shasu of Yahweh,” was almost certainly copied from the earlier list at Soleb.

    It must be noted at this point that Egyptologists in general do not question the appearance of the name Yahweh in these two lists. For example, Donald Redford writes of the reference to Yahweh at Soleb:

    For half a century it has been generally admitted that we have here the tetragrammaton, the name of the Israelite ? “Yahweh”; and if this be the case, as it undoubtedly is, the passage constitutes the most precious indication of the whereabouts during the late 15th century BC of an enclave revering this ? .

    Redford identifies the Shasu of Yahweh with the Edomites and argues that Yahweh was at first worshipped as an Edomite ? . He also argues that one tribe of Edomites split from the main body of Edomites, moved northwest, and became one of the tribes of the Israelites, taking their ? Yahweh with them. For Redford, this explains how Yahweh became the ? of the Israelites.

    There are several problems with Redford’s position, and these will be dealt with later. It suffices here to note that there are almost no scholars who question the appearance of the name Yahweh at Soleb and Amarah-West.

    The best discussion of the place names in Egyptian topographical lists that are related to the location of “the land of the Shasu of Yahweh” is that of Michael Astour in his chapter in the Festshrift Elmar Edel published in 1979. Astour points out that the place names listed at Soleb and Amarah-West include both Egyptian possessions in Syria-Palestine as well as non-Egyptian controlled ethnic groups and regions in that area.

    The topographical lists that are of most interest are the group of texts which read “t3 Sh3sw of X”, or “Land of the Shasu of X,” where X is normally a place. Astour observes that, contrary to what has been stated by some other scholars, Donald Redford being a good example, not all of the Shasu lands mentioned by Amenhotep III, and copied by Rameses II, were located in the general areas of Syria, Lebanon, Canaan, Sinai, and Trans-Jordan.10

    Even though Egyptologists accept the appearance of the name Yahweh in the topographical lists at Soleb and Amarah-West, the implications of its appearance do not seem to have been fully appreciated by Old Testament scholars. Of course the question remains, who or what is being referred to by the word Yahweh? Is it a reference to the ? of Israel? Or is it just a reference to a town or city like any of the other toponyms beginning with t3 sh3sw?

    In other words, should the phrase t3 sh3sw ya-h-wa be translated as “the land of the nomads who worship the ? Yahweh” or should it be translated as “the land of the nomads who live in the area of Yahweh.” The answer to this is not known with absolute certainty, but even if Yahweh is a place in these hieroglyphic texts, it was clearly place named after the ? Yahweh of the Old Testament. Anything less seems too coincidental. But let us look at Astour’s proposed locations of the other t3 Sh3sw toponyms in these lists at Soleb and Amarah-West.

    Astour correlates the Amarah list of Rameses II with the Soleb list of Amenhotep III. He also correlates both of these lists with a parallel, but partial, topographical list of Rameses III which is located in his great mortuary temple at Medinet Habu on the west bank of the Nile at Luxor.

    First let us look at Astour correlation of the parallel portions of the Amarah and Soleb lists. Both of the lists begin with a place called t3 sh3sw pys-pys, which Astour identifies with a spring in the Biqa Valley, near the Litani River in modern Lebanon.11 It is clearly located north of Canaan.

    The second place in the two lists is Sa-ma-ta, a place that Astour again is quite certain as to its precise location. He identifies Sa-ma-ta with Samat, a site on the Phoenician coast some seven miles south of Batrun. This site is located north of Canaan in an area that is generally considered to be Phoenician, again far away from Edom.12

    The third place name and the one that is of the greatest interest to us is “the Land of the Shasu of Yahweh.” Astour makes no attempt to locate this people group, and for a good reason. There is no topographical site in the entire region today that bears the name Yahweh or anything remotely similar. There is also no biblical reference or ancient historical source that mentions a topographical site named Yahweh. We will return to this point later.

    Astour observes that the name Yahweh also appears in a topographical list at Medinet Habu (12th century B.C.) with the variant spelling yi-ha.13 This constitutes a third reference in hieroglyphic texts to Yahweh. However, in the Medinet Habu list, the phrase “the Land of the Shasu” has been omitted.

    Astour believes that yi-ha is just a variant of ya-h-wa as found on the Soleb and Amarah-West topographical lists. He also believes that it refers to the same people since it is followed n all three lists by some version of a place called “the Land of the Shasu of Tu-ra/Tu-ra-ba-ar.” However, the Medinet Habu list has mistakenly split the name Tu-ra from the last elements of this place’s full name. Tu-ra-ba-ar, and has made this one locality into two places. Nevertheless, the full name t3 shsw tu-ra-ba-ar appears after the place mentioning Yahweh on both the Soleb and Amarah lists.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    toomy wrote: »
    Yeah. According to Black Roots Science Yahweh along with his soulmate who is also called Yahweh was called lucifer, evil by his fellow Africans because he was preordained to bring forth evil in the world. He created the White race/light skinned race ( Asian, Mongolians whites, etc.. ) by repressing the dominant black germ that's found in all blacks/africans. He did this along with about 58,000 other 'volunteers' who becamed the Elohim once they ascended.

    maybe that could be why their are two different creation stories in Genesis? The first one says that Elohim created man and female but the second one says Yahweh Elohim created Adam & Eve out of the dust of the earth.

    Genesis 1:26
    And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth

    So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them.

    Genesis 2:1
    Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

    Now below Yahweh Elohim begins his creation...

    Genesis 2:4
    These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the YAHWEH Elohim made the earth and the heavens,

    Genesis 2:7
    And YAHWEH Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    And YAHWEH Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
  • beenwize
    beenwize Members Posts: 2,024 ✭✭
    edited January 2012
    Gnostic Christians believed that Yahweh was father to Cain, can't confirm if their belief is true tho...

    edit... gnostic scripture also states this.

    Genesis 4:15
    And Yahweh said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And Yahweh set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should ? him.

    And Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
  • kingblaze84
    kingblaze84 Members Posts: 14,288 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    Interesting thread......
  • toomy
    toomy Members Posts: 369
    edited January 2012
    Thanks for the post. There's a lot of contridictory texts about Yahweh that's why I prefer Black Roots Science. It tells a straightforward story from beginning to end from the point of view of an African and not those crazy white people with agenda's of making their race superior to others.