Marvel and DC Wtf

SiccoLoccJay Members Posts: 723 ✭✭✭✭
I'm a comic book nerd when it comes to japen comics. I recently started getting into Marvel and DC to be honest I'm cluster ? idk what main storylines to follow cause theres to many. Can someone break down or tell me what are some of the best Marvel and DC Storylines to follow so I can stay away from all the confusing ? . so far I've ran into diff or multiple universes. Different verses of superman I never new exsited (who the ? is ultra boy) charaters dying just findout there alive somewhere else...etc I think yall get my point I'm jst asking for alittle help


  • evoljeanyes
    evoljeanyes Members Posts: 3,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Start with infinity gauntlet...wars...and Thanos imperative...go to annihilation conquest.
  • gns
    gns Members Posts: 21,285 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A real simple and easy one yet classic is Spiderman :the clone saga.
    Check that out.
  • DrMindbender122
    DrMindbender122 Members Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2013
    Marvel kinda ? itself with all of this space/time continuum ? going on right now. I can't wait for it all to wrap up.

    I think after "Infinity" concludes, u might wanna check out that "Inhumanity" arc as a jumping point.

    Also, The Superior Spiderman and A+X (the current 6-part storyline where Cap and Cyke, who absolutely HATE each other right now, are forced to work together) both have some good ? going on right now.

    Plus, Marvel is moving forward with phase 2 of their MarvelNOW mantra. A lot of 2nd tier books are getting relaunched like Daredevil, X-Factor, etc.

    As for DC, I'm digging the Green Lantern and Red Lantern books. They've all had some amazing storylines recently.
  • indyman87
    indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭
    I would suggest that you keep up with the Batman Zero year crossover that's happening this month because it's going to tell the Origin of a lot of Heroes like Green Arrow, John Stewart ( Green Lantern ), Black Canary, Batgirl..etc. This will probably help you going forward. The Forever Evil mini-series is probably going to be a must read also going forward. The current DC Universe is only a couple of years old because they rebooted in 2011- From what I read some of their best books are Wonder Woman, Batman, and Animal Man. I'm not currently reading comic books.

    My all time favorite book from the old DC Universe is the New Teen Titans from 1980. That book created Deathstroke and Brother Blood. These characters are currently used in the Arrow TV Show on the CW Network.
  • indyman87
    indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭
    Or maybe you should check out Valiant Entertainment comic books. They just started back producing new comics not so long ago, maybe in the last year and have what seems like a pretty good storyline/book that's coming out this month called Unity. Shadowman also looks interesting. And their Universe is small with only about 5 or so books so it'll be easier to catch up.
  • lord nemesis
    lord nemesis Members Posts: 11,946 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can catch up with Batman in a couple of trades. Scott Snyder is doing some good work there. You may want to wait for Forever Evil to fully clear up before jumping into a new book just to see what the new status quo is.
  • SiccoLoccJay
    SiccoLoccJay Members Posts: 723 ✭✭✭✭
    To be honest I hate batgirl and all those 2nd rate hero's I'm more of a main character guy. I really like storylines that involve a lot of action like they did in civil war..
  • earth two superman
    earth two superman Members Posts: 17,149 ✭✭✭✭✭
    youre just confusing this ? more honestly.

  • Lou Cypher
    Lou Cypher Members Posts: 52,521 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was in your same position awhile back. Really i just jumped in. ? is gettin rebooted and changed so much anyway that theres always a point to jump in.

    Id check out that Green Lantern Blackest Night/Brightest Day tho. that ? dope. And the DC New 52 has Graphic novels of the first 12 or so comics that came out so they would be good starting points.
  • jaxn
    jaxn Members Posts: 1,819 ✭✭✭✭
    are you looking to get into the newer stories or some of the older ones as well? There are great stories from both companies. Some older arcs you can check out are on DCs side. OWAW (Our Worlds at War), the Burning Martian arc, the Ion arc. Marvel has older arcs like X-men's Fall of the Mutants, Age of Apocalypse (the original), New Xmen, Xtreme Xmen, Civil War was great. Thor's the reigning arc was dope. Daredevil has had several good arcs, as well as Black Panther and Cap. Man, I'm reminiscing now, I need to pull out some of these books and get issue numbers for you.
  • Knives Amilli
    Knives Amilli Members Posts: 4,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Superman is a good title jump in on. Only about 18 months of material to catch up on.

    Daredevil is one of the best books out right and also is only about 30ish issues deep. Only thing you need to know going into the book is that Matt Murdocks life was extremely depressing prior to the current run, he's kinda divorced, has been outed as Daredevil, and used to be way more of a loner, street level hero.