Tottering Empire - A Free Republic’s Impending Collapse (Article)

DoUwant2go2Heaven Members Posts: 10,425 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2013 in R & R (Religion and Race)
"The New Order can only rise from the ashes of the old system." - Quote from the article

As a watchman on the wall, I believe it is my duty to post information that will edify those who are watching and praying. Here is a link to a very well written article that discusses the ramifications of the Affordable Health Care Act, how it was set into motion during the 1960's, the moral degradation of American society, and the coming New World Order.

So for those who ? has given a spirit that seeks wisdom, knowledge, and understanding I pray that this article will enrich your soul and continue to alert you of the lateness of the hour in which we live. Amen.