After Hillary wins in November will she essentially enact a Monarchy?

indyman87 Members Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭

Most of the mainstream news media are already pro-Hillary and pro-democratic party with the exception of fox News and the 700 club. I'm guessing when Hillary gets in there that Fox and the 700 club will be out. Fox is in turmoil already and the 700 club's host is elderly and I can't see his son carrying the network because he seems to lack star power. After those two stations are out Hillary and the Democrats will have free reign and can do whatever they want because the mass media will go along with it. They're going to appoint Liberal Supreme Court judges to ensure that the U.S. remains on the left for the next 50 or so years which in essence is a Monarchy. Our only hope is the wikileaks guy who's hold up in a closet in England.
