6 Types Of Women NOT To Wife

STOP.IT.5 Members Posts: 250
edited August 2010 in For The Grown & Sexy
Women are complicated and there are times when the average woman might exhibit one or more of these characteristics. I am talking about the EXTREME versions of these traits.

1. The Needy Chick

This woman is actually beyond the regular woman’s neediness. She is the type who will drag a dude down and does not want to see him succeed. She will go as far as purposely getting pregnant in order to “secure” you in her mind. She generally has nothing else going on in her life that means anything to her. She has no goals, hopes, future dreams etc. Therefore you ARE her life.

2. The User/ Gold Digger

She is out for herself. This chick is on the come up and wants to know what she can secure from you. She is looking for a sucka.

3. The Whorish Chick

Sex is her tool of entrapment. Now some men might like getting trapped in this way. However, be wary of her motives behind the sexual attention she is giving. Chances are she doesn’t even like your sex, she realizes it is your weakness and is using it to get what she wants from you. .

4. The Drama Queen

She is the one with a bunch of damn issues. We all have issues but I’m talking about ISSUES. She is the one that constantly has some type of drama going on in her life mostly because she is causing it. She does not know how to live without some type of drama happening. She is the type who says she will ? herself if you leave her etc..

5. The Eternal Baby Moma

She is the chick with a bunch of damn kids by different dudes. However for some men be weary of the responsibility because wifing her up ultimately means being responsible for her children to some extent as well.

6. The Crazy Chick

She is much worse than the drama filled chick because she completely lacks rationale and is nutty. This is the chick who will slash your tires and break all of your car windows for not answering your phone when she called.

BONUS: The Druggie/Weedhead

She'll smoke your stash, eat your snacks, lazy as hell and ? random dudes who she knows has a bag. Enjoy!
