IGN: PSN has had better games than XBL for the past 2 years!

KINGOFDAARCADE Members Posts: 4,379 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2011 in IllGaming
Xbox Live Arcade gets a lot of pub, but PSN has been putting out better and more original games for the past two years. No one seems to want to admit to it. Yes, Microsoft gets a few great ones like ‘Splosion Man and Shadow Complex, but as I have begun downloading PSN games, I’ve finding some true marvels. Shatter is better than 95% of what is on XBLA. And Trophies work much better for downloadable games than Achievements. Do you work harder for anything in gaming than the measly 200 points offered by XBLA games?

from IGN's XBox Editor who says he's switching to PS3.

he continues on why he, Mr. Xbox himself is now switching to the ps3...
PlayStation Plus
It costs $60 for an Xbox Live Gold account. The benefits are, pretty much, being allowed to play games online. PS3 gives that for free. While PS3′s online past is horrendous, it’s gotten much better these days and most games on the free service are on par with XBL-enabled titles.

The real winner for gamers is PlayStation Plus. For $50 a year, you get a bunch of promotional deals. It’s like buying a gamer’s version of a Costco membership. You get all kinds of discounts (great if you buy a lot of downloadable games) and free games. Yes — FREE games. I downloaded all five episodes of a season of Sam & Max. Something I wouldn’t ever pay for, but free for PlayStation Plus members. There are tons of great deals on the store and in two weeks, the membership has almost already paid out.

