What Would You Rather be?

datrumeaning Members Posts: 15
edited January 2011 in Off The Turn Buckle
What wouild you rather be?
A TNA mid-carder who makes so little that you are still eligible to receive unemployment and food stamps.


A WWE mid-carder who reached the glass ceiling before you even debuted.

With TNA you get a lot of exposure in stupid ass spot fest matches,,,idf they actually use you on the show. However, with the WWE you make about above $50 grand a year but there's no job security and your talennts are underused.

With TNA you could be Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, etc. I think you see my point. NUT your entrance themes are ? and the booking is horid.

With WWE you are Shelton, Christian, Mark Henry, and a million otherss who have come through with vaseline on their ass. However tje schedule will make you Benoit yourself and the booking is horrible...ER!

