Hebraic Fundamentalism/Divine Hermeneutics

judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2012 in R & R (Religion and Race)
I liked waterproof's thread so much, I decided to dedicate a thread to the esoteric elements of the Hebraic/Adamic laws, statutes and judgements as well as an examination practical reality through a hermeneutic lens.


  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011

    The vital ingredient that I see a lot of my Hebrew brothers and sisters overlook as they attempt to present the Truth as they perceive it is love. But what is love, and how does it relate to Hebraic fundamentalism. With all things, we must realize that language is merely a medium of thought and that we must have the proper cultural context for these ideas. As we peel back the layers of confusion to the true meaning of the texts the bible is translated from we must go back to the original language to grasp the original idea.

    The following is an excerpt from the forthcoming book "the Impregnable Spirit":

    "The Holy Scriptures Define Love

    The Hebrew word for ? , TA-AH-VEH, is translated in various scriptures as desire, and shares the same root with the Hebrew word for iniquity, AH-VON. In some scriptures the context of the word is equivalent to the English word desire so it is a matter of degree. When the behavior that is the object of the TA-AH-VEH (i.e., sexual gratification), is against Yah's commandments, the feeling is defined as ? . When it is acted upon continuously it is AH-VON (iniquity).
    The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is a salient illustration of the corrupted state of the human condition. In this paradigm, after the loss of innocence due to disobedience to the Creator, the destiny of the woman is set forth in the following discourse:

    . . .and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over you. Genesis 3:16

    The Hebrew word translated as desire here was TI-SHOO-KAH, which would be better translated as affection. The modern Hebrew word for "kiss", NI-SHEE-KAH derives from the same root. The sense of the word by New World definition connotes a relationship based on touch.
    In Deuteronomy 6:5, Israel is instructed:

    And thou shalt love YHWH Eloheykah with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

    The key phrase in this passage is "all thine heart". If one loves the Creator with all one's heart, what room is left in the heart for love of a wife, husband, children, etc.? The answer lies in the fact that the source of love is not the "below" but the "above". But what is love?

    For this is the love of Yah that we keep his commandments. I John 5:3

    Under divine inspiration, the writer makes it clear that love is not an emotion but obedience to the Creator. Elsewhere the writer speaks simply, but eloquently:

    Herein is love, not that we loved Yah, but that he loved us . . I John 4:10

    Human beings are not the source of love, but the Creator. To love our Creator with all our heart, soul, and might, is to be obedient to His commandments. When we do so, His love flows through us to our wives, husbands, children, and all people. This is called agape or universal love. Then what is the true nature of the feeling between men and women universally labeled as "love"?
    The serpent was subtle over all the beasts of the field and deceived Adam and Eve and indeed, the whole world. The human race was seduced into elevating the physical over the spiritual (the nature of the Creator), in a subtle, veiled manner by defining physical, conjugal relations between men and women as LOVE. Sex is placed on the altar of our hearts and minds in place of obedience to Yah. The translations of scripture from the Holy Language and the fusion of the Greek worldview with Judaic principles facilitated this in the ordering of modern civilization (See "Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah or Jesus the Christian Christ Part Two, the Final Confrontation" Research Guide, by Ben Ammi, (2002)). The idea of sex in today's world is imbued through and through with Greek hedonism. As a result we witness the steady deterioration of human relationships--in relation to Yah, and the consequent crisis of morality prevalent in today's societies. Fruit does not fall far from the tree. Craftily, the meaning of the Hebrew word TI-SHOO-KAH, (affection) is fused with the meaning of the Hebrew word TA-AH-VEH (? /iniquity), culminating in the emergence of the word desire in the English language.
    This sad state of affairs had its roots in the Garden of Eden and proliferated as history unfolded. When King David lusted, then committed adultery and murder because of his desire for Uriah's wife Bathsheba, the prophet Nathan rebuked him:

    Why have you hated the commandment of YHWH to do evil in his sight? (2 Samuel 2:9)

    David's actions in disobedience to Yah's commandments, were equated with emotional hatred. In his own mind, King David did not attribute his actions of adultery and murder to a "feeling" of hatred toward Yah's commandments. Yet his actions are defined by Yah as hatred.

    This premise is further clarified in the following chapter of 2 Samuel, when Amnon ? his sister Tamar:
    Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her. 2 Samuel 13:15

    To be sure, the incestuous feeling Amnon first felt for his sister referred to as "love" in this passage of scripture led to devastating consequences for all concerned. In the twinkling of an eye the feeling "love" was transmuted into the feeling hatred and cost him his life. Today we witness a plethora of shocking headlines of "serial killers" who ? and then murder (love and then hate), myriad women. Psychologists report that in many of the perpetrators' twisted minds, they "loved" the women who became their victims. Most people can readily recognize the demented state of the ? /murderer's mind and the anti-social behavior it fosters. It is not so easy to recognize that the same principle on a less violent scale, is responsible for much of the unhappiness in society, the deterioration of family values, the spiraling divorce rate, and the burgeoning rate of children raised in broken homes.
    Like his father, at first, Amnon would not have attributed the yearning for his sister to hatred. In the ? then rejection of Tamar, both actions were precipitated by a carnal "feeling". The Creator left no stone unturned in instructing us about the inconsistency of our carnal "feelings" with our best interest. We have all heard of marriages wherein, with the passage of time, "love" becomes hatred and ends in divorce. Equating "love" with a carnal feeling has resulted in a skyrocketing level of frustration and a concomitant rise of violence in the modern world. These "feelings" are not spiritual, yet all other concerns are too often subordinated to their demands.
    This vicious cycle of confusion is summed up in the book of Numbers:

    Because he has hated the word of YHWH, and broken his commandment, that soul shall be utterly cut off; his iniquity is upon him. Numbers 15:31[/I]
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011

    The lesson is clear, the attraction a man has for a woman or vice versa, is not in itself sinful. It only becomes ? /iniquitous when it is in violation of Yah's commandments. The serpent seduced the woman and the man in the Garden of Eden by manipulating them to disobey the Creator's command. For this reason, it is important to begin this dissertation, on the liberation of creation, with the man-woman relationship because as Prince Gavriel states in "The Impregnable People, Part Two":
    Accordingly, this relationship is the central focus of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, from the first book to the last. As already mentioned, the Adam and Eve story is centered on the man-woman/Yah relationship. In addition, the nation of Israel is pictured as Yah's adulterous wife, and the remnant of Yah's heritage in Revelation is pictured as the Bride of the Lamb. By way of contrast, the world system of Euro-gentile world power is pictured as a great ? sitting over all nations, who has seduced them and intoxicated them with the fornication of her commercialism.

    The symbolism used in scripture is monumentally appropriate in that the corrupted human condition is an outgrowth of a corrupted perception of the man-woman relationship. The proliferation of social ills in human civilization is the compounded effect of elevating the physical over the spiritual in human consciousness. This is not to suggest that conjugal relations between husbands and wives should not be pleasurable. The problem is a conceptual one. When a man and a woman “fall in love” by placing their hope in the physicality of their relationship, a burden it cannot bear, mounting frustration ensues. When the physical, emotional feeling diminishes or dissipates, the feeling of “love” turns into a feeling of “hatred”. How often have we heard couples who were once “head over heels in love” change their tune. “I cannot stand him/her anymore.” The true nature of the feeling men and women call love is “affection”, no matter the intensity of the emotion. Affection is transitory and its purpose is to facilitate reproduction. Love, on the other hand is perpetual, eternal and it is the very nature of the Creator. Love becomes tangible in the physical realm, when we are obedient to His instructions. When we do so we reflect His joyous love to our wives, husbands, children and others.
    Yet the erroneous conception of the physical relationship between men and women is not solely responsible for this fallen state. It too is only a symptom. While it is at the heart of the problem, the fallen human condition is rooted in the cosmic struggle between the spiritual and the mundane, and the resultant over-emphasis on the physical, prevalent in the carnal mindset. The energy expended when one feels, then acts upon the desire/? of the flesh, is redirected into powerful manifestation when we act in obedience to Yah's commandments, in spite of the intensity of our carnal feelings. Our free will must lead us to obedience (love) to Yah out of a desire to please Yah, rather than a desire to please our flesh. To give in to our carnal feelings is a snare of death.

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire (TA-AHVEH) comes it is a tree of life.
    Whoso despises the word shall be destroyed: but he that respects the commandment shall be
    The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
    Proverbs 13:12-14

    Thus, TA-AVEH can be a tree of life when we redirect it's energy by obedience to Yah's commandments. The commandments of Yah are the exact prescription needed for humanity to realize its full potential. The commandments of Yah Yisrael teach us the right balance between the spiritual and the mundane. It is the destiny of the messianic community and the Nation Israel to strike the exact balance (righteousness), between the spiritual and the mundane, and unlock man's full potential thereby restoring the earth to the Edenic state as outlined in biblical prophecy. "
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    Thanks!!!! This is what i need for understanding, halleuyah!
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    ? ? 1.1

    In the Hebrew language, there are no capital or lowercase letters. What then, is the meaning of the words "? ", "? " and "gods" being used in the scriptures? It is the result of either a failure to grasp Hebraic thought or an intentional conspiracy to rob the common man of the wisdom contained in the original texts by the translators of the Vulgate, Septuagint and finally the Bible. I do not favor the former or latter. I lean towards the explanation that it was a combination of the two. Lets start this segment with the origins of the English word "? ". I do not believe in "? " and you will soon see why.

    ? - The English word ? is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for “good,” and therefore it is believed that the name ? refers to the divine goodness. (See Oehler's Theol. of Old Test.; Strong's and Young's concordances.) (From New Unger's Bible Dictionary) (Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

    Word origin: ? - Our word ? goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant “invoked one.” The word’s only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, “much invoked,” epithet of the rain-and-thunder ? Indra. (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, page 351) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975)

    What do the barbarian Germanic tribes and Indo-Europeans have to do with the Creator? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ( A point of interest that I will cover later is the 10 Germanic tribes who comprise the 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar' s image, the evil that poured from the north in Jer 1:13-14 as well as the predecessors of the modern Euro-gentile of Europe, Australia and America)

    The English language is in the Indo-European family of languages. The Central Asian people who provided the matrix for the bastard English tongue as well as 99 others were interestingly enough known as Aryans.

    Here is the crux of the problem. The Hebrew scriptures were not written by, for or about Aryans. Therefore, it does not have an Indo-European cultural context. So the issue then is only superficially one of translation. It is about the very core CONCEPT itself. Thusly, the source texts for the Bible are not inspired by or about ? ( with the exception perhaps of the so-called New Testament- which i will also cover later).
  • @My_nameaintearl
    @My_nameaintearl Banned Users Posts: 2,609 ✭✭
    edited May 2011
    more like Hymieneutics
  • melanated khemist
    melanated khemist Members Posts: 608 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    very informative thread. have you read ? the Black Man, and Truth by Ben Ammi? if so what do you think, i haven't finished it yet.. its a tough read for me
  • @My_nameaintearl
    @My_nameaintearl Banned Users Posts: 2,609 ✭✭
    edited May 2011
    you ever notice how it's the brokest and most non-? -gettingest ? who get into this "black ? " nonsense?
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    very informative thread. have you read ? the Black Man, and Truth by Ben Ammi? if so what do you think, i haven't finished it yet.. its a tough read for me
    'Preciate that. As a matter a fact I've literally read it at least 10 times. I was planning to put some of my notes from it in this thread. It was part of some coursework I did in Dimona. I actually have some homework from then that will explain what I think about it. We had to write a short essay about the title itsef..

    Why ? the Black Man and the Truth? { examining the title}
    No three subjects have had such an impact on the history of man. People constantly debate over, argue, fight, commit diverse inequities in the name of, and even ? for their false conceptions of ? . There now exists a “? ” to accommodate every human urge, desire and notion that exists under the sun- regardless of how base it may be. The Creator of the Heaven and earth is generally accepted by the bulk of humanity (on some level or another) as the key to life, yet the self-aware artificial intelligence known to most as “the devil” (שָׂטָן – satahn – one who withstands, lit. personal or national adversary) has hidden itself as a feeble imitation of the Creator. The decadent societies beneath the banner of western liberal democracy ( dictatorships by proxy of mob rule) existing in this day comprise the “world” of satan’s counterfeit creation- a world prophesied to end in our lifetime. The conceptualization of the ? of Israel must be de-mystified and made to exist in a practical sense to reverse the degenerative effects of satan’s deification. ? the Black Man and Truth initiates this process.

    No figure has been as controversial in the history of man as the so-called Black man. His true identity, nationalistic origins and purpose has been shrouded in mystery. There is a Black presence to be found in every country on the face of the earth. Everywhere the Black man is he is feared, despised and kept in ? - yet his contributions to civilization in every imaginable arena make him indispensable. How has the so-called Black man descended from his former glory to the bottom of the barrel? No people praise and worship like Black people in the Diaspora do. Indeed, it seems that Blacks must hold a special place with the Creator to survive the genocidal onslaught that has faced them for generation upon generation. What is the true identity of the Black man, and how can he be redeemed to ascend beyond his current state? ? the Black Man and Truth provides the answers to these questions.

    The principle of Truth is the fundamental key to any truly progressive knowledge base. In the information age, so many doctrines, philosophies and “isms” are available at the click of a mouse that Truth is debatable to most a thing to be defined subjectively ( i.e. one’s own “personal truth” or “truths”). One of the most often quoted scriptures attributed to Yeshua ben Yosef is “the Truth shall set you free”. With this premise we realize that ? is not just determined by physical chains, but by the absence of Truth. When we examine the myriad conceptions and nebulous interpretations of Truth, we understand that the key to set us, make us, and keep us free is absolute Truth. ? the Black Man and Truth provides a crystal clear road map to embarking on the journey in search of it.
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    Yo this thread is like a warm face towl to a ? face, it wakes you up, as Men who are the spirtual leader in my household i now know how to keep a loving and peaceful home, again thanks. Divine Love 101 answered a lot of questions. i always wonder how can i love YAH with all my mind, heard, soul AND the answer was right there
  • melanated khemist
    melanated khemist Members Posts: 608 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    'Preciate that. As a matter a fact I've literally read it at least 10 times. I was planning to put some of my notes from it in this thread. It was part of some coursework I did in Dimona. I actually have some homework from then that will explain what I think about it. We had to write a short essay about the title itsef..

    Why ? the Black Man and the Truth? { examining the title}
    No three subjects have had such an impact on the history of man. People constantly debate over, argue, fight, commit diverse inequities in the name of, and even ? for their false conceptions of ? . There now exists a “? ” to accommodate every human urge, desire and notion that exists under the sun- regardless of how base it may be. The Creator of the Heaven and earth is generally accepted by the bulk of humanity (on some level or another) as the key to life, yet the self-aware artificial intelligence known to most as “the devil” (שָׂטָן – satahn – one who withstands, lit. personal or national adversary) has hidden itself as a feeble imitation of the Creator. The decadent societies beneath the banner of western liberal democracy ( dictatorships by proxy of mob rule) existing in this day comprise the “world” of satan’s counterfeit creation- a world prophesied to end in our lifetime. The conceptualization of the ? of Israel must be de-mystified and made to exist in a practical sense to reverse the degenerative effects of satan’s deification. ? the Black Man and Truth initiates this process.

    No figure has been as controversial in the history of man as the so-called Black man. His true identity, nationalistic origins and purpose has been shrouded in mystery. There is a Black presence to be found in every country on the face of the earth. Everywhere the Black man is he is feared, despised and kept in ? - yet his contributions to civilization in every imaginable arena make him indispensable. How has the so-called Black man descended from his former glory to the bottom of the barrel? No people praise and worship like Black people in the Diaspora do. Indeed, it seems that Blacks must hold a special place with the Creator to survive the genocidal onslaught that has faced them for generation upon generation. What is the true identity of the Black man, and how can he be redeemed to ascend beyond his current state? ? the Black Man and Truth provides the answers to these questions.

    The principle of Truth is the fundamental key to any truly progressive knowledge base. In the information age, so many doctrines, philosophies and “isms” are available at the click of a mouse that Truth is debatable to most a thing to be defined subjectively ( i.e. one’s own “personal truth” or “truths”). One of the most often quoted scriptures attributed to Yeshua ben Yosef is “the Truth shall set you free”. With this premise we realize that ? is not just determined by physical chains, but by the absence of Truth. When we examine the myriad conceptions and nebulous interpretations of Truth, we understand that the key to set us, make us, and keep us free is absolute Truth. ? the Black Man and Truth provides a crystal clear road map to embarking on the journey in search of it.


    What is the true identity of the Black man, and how can he be redeemed to ascend beyond his current state? ? the Black Man and Truth provides the answers to these questions.

    this will make me pull this book back out. like i said this a tough read for me giving my limited knowledge on the subject.

    The principle of Truth is the fundamental key to any truly progressive knowledge base. In the information age, so many doctrines, philosophies and “isms” are available at the click of a mouse that Truth is debatable to most a thing to be defined subjectively ( i.e. one’s own “personal truth” or “truths”).

    cosign this..

    One of the most often quoted scriptures attributed to Yeshua ben Yosef is “the Truth shall set you free”. With this premise we realize that ? is not just determined by physical chains, but by the absence of Truth. When we examine the myriad conceptions and nebulous interpretations of Truth, we understand that the key to set us, make us, and keep us free is absolute Truth. ? the Black Man and Truth provides a crystal clear road map to embarking on the journey in search of it.

    all @ excellent job. and i agree about absolute truth imho its many paths that lead to the absolute truth
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011

    What is the true identity of the Black man, and how can he be redeemed to ascend beyond his current state? ? the Black Man and Truth provides the answers to these questions.

    this will make me pull this book back out. like i said this a tough read for me giving my limited knowledge on the subject.

    The principle of Truth is the fundamental key to any truly progressive knowledge base. In the information age, so many doctrines, philosophies and “isms” are available at the click of a mouse that Truth is debatable to most a thing to be defined subjectively ( i.e. one’s own “personal truth” or “truths”).

    cosign this..

    One of the most often quoted scriptures attributed to Yeshua ben Yosef is “the Truth shall set you free”. With this premise we realize that ? is not just determined by physical chains, but by the absence of Truth. When we examine the myriad conceptions and nebulous interpretations of Truth, we understand that the key to set us, make us, and keep us free is absolute Truth. ? the Black Man and Truth provides a crystal clear road map to embarking on the journey in search of it.

    all @ excellent job. and i agree about absolute truth imho its many paths that lead to the absolute truth

    Definitely. there is what we call an Adamic standard that went back before there was a Hebrew people. Before Khufu found the Great Pyramids; before they were built. There were the Sons and Daughters of the Most High. Adam is a people not an individual; a metaphysical model of consciousness as well as physical representation. The Knowledge of Good and Evil is a dualistic mind. Innocence was seeing all things through the lens of absolute Truth. Think about how many things in contemporary Western culture are geared towards polarity (good and evil). Us vs them. U.S. vs Terrorism. Democrat vs Republic and Christian vs Atheist. Black vs white vs brown vs yellow vs red twice. Bears vs Steelers Bulls vs Lakers. Me vs whoever on X Box Live etc.

    Conflict. Friction. Fire. Hell.

    Death occurs from ingestion of deception.

    Absolute Truth has the inherent power to prosuce the promised effects of everlasting life and physical immortality.
  • melanated khemist
    melanated khemist Members Posts: 608 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    Definitely. there is what we call an Adamic standard that went back before there was a Hebrew people. Before Khufu found the Great Pyramids; before they were built. There were the Sons and Daughters of the Most High. Adam is a people not an individual; a metaphysical model of consciousness as well as physical representation. The Knowledge of Good and Evil is a dualistic mind. Innocence was seeing all things through the lens of absolute Truth. Think about how many things in contemporary Western culture are geared towards polarity (good and evil). Us vs them. U.S. vs Terrorism. Democrat vs Republic and Christian vs Atheist. Black vs white vs brown vs yellow vs red twice. Bears vs Steelers Bulls vs Lakers. Me vs whoever on X Box Live etc.

    Conflict. Friction. Fire. Hell.

    Death occurs from ingestion of deception.

    Absolute Truth has the inherent power to prosuce the promised effects of everlasting life and physical immortality.

    beautiful post!

    Absolute Truth has the inherent power to prosuce the promised effects of everlasting life and physical immortality.[

    KNOWING AND LIVING THIS ( seeing all things through the lens of absolute Truth ) brings new repetition patterns to our mind, it can literally regenerate our cells via the microtubules system..Same results can come from serious discipline (meditation, rhythmic breathing, raising your kundalini, awakening chakras, etc.etc.). With true knowledge we realize there are no opposites, i mean they emanate from the same source and we dont need our 5 senses to receive this..
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    judahxulu wrote: »
    ? ? 1.1

    In the Hebrew language, there are no capital or lowercase letters. What then, is the meaning of the words "? ", "? " and "gods" being used in the scriptures? It is the result of either a failure to grasp Hebraic thought or an intentional conspiracy to rob the common man of the wisdom contained in the original texts by the translators of the Vulgate, Septuagint and finally the Bible. I do not favor the former or latter. I lean towards the explanation that it was a combination of the two. Lets start this segment with the origins of the English word "? ". I do not believe in "? " and you will soon see why.

    ? - The English word ? is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for “good,” and therefore it is believed that the name ? refers to the divine goodness. (See Oehler's Theol. of Old Test.; Strong's and Young's concordances.) (From New Unger's Bible Dictionary) (Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

    Word origin: ? - Our word ? goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant “invoked one.” The word’s only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, “much invoked,” epithet of the rain-and-thunder ? Indra. (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, page 351) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975)

    What do the barbarian Germanic tribes and Indo-Europeans have to do with the Creator? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ( A point of interest that I will cover later is the 10 Germanic tribes who comprise the 10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar' s image, the evil that poured from the north in Jer 1:13-14 as well as the predecessors of the modern Euro-gentile of Europe, Australia and America)

    The English language is in the Indo-European family of languages. The Central Asian people who provided the matrix for the bastard English tongue as well as 99 others were interestingly enough known as Aryans.

    Here is the crux of the problem. The Hebrew scriptures were not written by, for or about Aryans. Therefore, it does not have an Indo-European cultural context. So the issue then is only superficially one of translation. It is about the very core CONCEPT itself. Thusly, the source texts for the Bible are not inspired by or about ? ( with the exception perhaps of the so-called New Testament- which i will also cover later).

    And im training my self that when i read The Torah when i see the word ? I replace it with Yahwe and Lord Elohim because like you said there are many Gods and i dont want to call their name. when I see the word Jesus i say Yahshua. I am bringin those slavery chains and european mindstate and calling my Elohim by his name and my Messiah by his name.

    Because since i know the truth when I say the word Yahshua i see his real color and what he look like and feel a connection with YAHWE when i say his name.

    when i think of Jesus i think of a false image a white guy that was i was indoctrine to think that he was white and what he look like.
  • Fazeem_Blackall
    Fazeem_Blackall Members Posts: 4,216 ✭✭
    edited May 2011
    Dope thread, much game dropped for those willing to soak it up...
  • young-king
    young-king Members Posts: 424
    edited May 2011
    anybody that listens to or follows this flava flavorite is in for 100% death destruction and turmoil.... uve been warned its up 2 u to take heed n listen! bcuz this demon doesnt even believe in HIS SON! but he has the nerve to be talking about hes an israelite! this NIGGALITE aint chit but a damn khazar warrior bcuz they dont believe HIS SON came either! so damn this PURPLE devil n any simple ? following him!
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2011
    young-king wrote: »
    anybody that listens to or follows this flava flavorite is in for 100% death destruction and turmoil.... uve been warned its up 2 u to take heed n listen! bcuz this demon doesnt even believe in HIS SON! but he has the nerve to be talking about hes an israelite! this NIGGALITE aint chit but a damn khazar warrior bcuz they dont believe HIS SON came either! so damn this PURPLE devil n any simple ? following him!

    ^ Insecure in his own spirituality post.

    "Don't follow him! He's a Flava Flavorite thats a bad Hebrew israelite because he's based in ISRAEL and doesn't believe in Jesus!"

  • young-king
    young-king Members Posts: 424
    edited May 2011
    how am I insecure?????? seems to me u are. niggalite IM the 1 that got U off YOUR PURPLE azz to get on here n start pushing this hebrew israelite talk!!!! niggalite IM the 1 that made the official hebrew israelite disscusion then waterproof came out of the wood work n made his telling bros 2 wake up to his ability..... then comes YOUR azz saying oh well waterproof u inspired me to make a thread!?!?!?! n im the 1 that inspired him!!! so niggalite im planting seeds n pushing israel! as u would say im prospering! wtf is U doing!?!?! u aint doing nothin but a whole bunch of walkin talkin ? n chittin! u aint pushin the TRUTH!!! u dont even believe THE NAME had a SON or if HIS SON came down here before! WE are 1000s upon 1000s of miles AWAY from ISRAEL n WERE pushing this israelite talk 100 mph n your sorry tired lazy azz is supposedly in the land n cant come up with a damn thread until months after I push this TRUTH!!!! u aint chit n the toilet will devour ur foolish prideful hating despising blaspheming azz boy!

    ps (i dont agree with either 1 of u demons only agree with u on the fact that blacks latinos n native americans are the real true israelites. if u even believe that)
    1 niggalite says anybody can make it, cornelius is an edomite, some gentiles/PINKPEOPLE will have salvation, dont agree on the name
    then we have 1 flava flavorite believing HIS SON did not n will not come, WE can go back to israel when we get ready, john didnt write revalations, THE NAME already took them back, etc

    damn these demons n damn anyone of u niggalites that want 2 sit up here n listen 2 these black devils. bcuz u love sitting up listening to the smooth words these animals are using but hate n despise this strong rebuke n rough language a real man of THE NAME uses.
  • young-king
    young-king Members Posts: 424
    edited May 2011
    n dont say im being a hating mad azz ? . bcuz im supposed to tell these brothers when u demons are being demons n trying or steering them away unknowingly or knowingly.

    Romans 16:17
    Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
    this is what im supposed to do when i see u demons spittin that blasphemy. im puttin that mark on your forehead so big that your azz is gonna change from hebrew to hindu! u niggalites are thru

    Isaiah 56
    8 The Lord ? , which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.

    9 All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest.

    10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
    this is u ur the watchman thats dumb ignorant cant bark sleep n love 2 sleep on this TRUTH! ignorant azz dont believe that u dont suppose 2 be in israel now! dumb bcuz u still think we have another 100-1000 years under this bs n wont have 2 get physical 2 get out of here. cant bark bcuz u aint tellin the bros about NO death destruction n turmoil thats comin here. sleepin bcuz u took your peanut head azz back 2 israel n think ur just livin feet up style. lying down bcuz u want to stay in that weak azz lazy azz spirit. love to slumber bcuz u prolly really already think that u conquered the plagues n curses of israel since u went back 2 israel early!

    John 10
    11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
    but im the good sheperard keepin it real with israel whether they like it understand it agree with it or not. not sugar chit. ive spiritually given my life 4 this TRUTH bcuz i know everytime ? see my name on here they like look at this crazy azz man here he go again with this chit etc. ? wtf u doing 4 ya bros ? ill look crazy all day before i look xtra crispy n spicy like a bucket popeyes chicken. just wait til them nukes are let loose boy u will see

    12 But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
    if i wasnt down with waking up the 144,000 n 1/3 of the bros i would have seen u ? thread n just keep my mouth closed n let these ? keep going down that bs road. of that kindler gentler n more lovable israelite bs u ? are pushing but im breaking that weak chit up. that chit dont survive around here with this real TRUTH coming out all day everyday!

    im thru with u ? i just wanted the real bros 2 see n know not to get caught by ya web but if they do after this thats on them n they were destined for fema troops n nukes so damn them as well
  • waterproof
    waterproof Members Posts: 9,412 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2011
    young-king wrote: »
    how am I insecure?????? seems to me u are. niggalite IM the 1 that got U off YOUR PURPLE azz to get on here n start pushing this hebrew israelite talk!!!! niggalite IM the 1 that made the official hebrew israelite disscusion then waterproof came out of the wood work n made his telling bros 2 wake up to his ability..... then comes YOUR azz saying oh well waterproof u inspired me to make a thread!?!?!?! n im the 1 that inspired him!!! so niggalite im planting seeds n pushing israel! as u would say im prospering! wtf is U doing!?!?! u aint doing nothin but a whole bunch of walkin talkin ? n chittin! u aint pushin the TRUTH!!! u dont even believe THE NAME had a SON or if HIS SON came down here before! WE are 1000s upon 1000s of miles AWAY from ISRAEL n WERE pushing this israelite talk 100 mph n your sorry tired lazy azz is supposedly in the land n cant come up with a damn thread until months after I push this TRUTH!!!! u aint chit n the toilet will devour ur foolish prideful hating despising blaspheming azz boy!

    ps (i dont agree with either 1 of u demons only agree with u on the fact that blacks latinos n native americans are the real true israelites. if u even believe that)
    1 niggalite says anybody can make it, cornelius is an edomite, some gentiles/PINKPEOPLE will have salvation, dont agree on the name
    then we have 1 flava flavorite believing HIS SON did not n will not come, WE can go back to israel when we get ready, john didnt write revalations, THE NAME already took them back, etc

    damn these demons n damn anyone of u niggalites that want 2 sit up here n listen 2 these black devils. bcuz u love sitting up listening to the smooth words these animals are using but hate n despise this strong rebuke n rough language a real man of THE NAME uses.

    you very prideful and The Most High got something for those prideful ? , First of all The First shall be the last and the last shall be the first. You up in here talkin all that ? about who's the first and who's copied who, now if you want to be a truthful, i was speakin that Black Hebrew talk here in 2006 when Ras, Osris and them was runnin around here and i dont remember seeing or hearing from you. I left the IC in 2007 to study and get more knowledge of self and grow, because i been i member since 04 and it was time to leave.

    you want your credit you ol prideful ? , i give you ur props for bringin that Hebrew Talk back to the forum and waking these brother up better Yet let me reword that you PRIDEFUL and havin no Shame ass ? , I GIVE PRAISE TO THE MOST HIGH YAHUWAH for bringing Three Brothers here to wake these dry bones up.

    INSTEAD of being a me me ass ? you should be glad. All of us got something here to bring to the table, You brought the Hebrew prophcey to the fourm trying to wake up the lost brothers by showing them the signs of the time with scripture and telling them of their promise, Judah brought the holistic, spiritual side and meaning on how to live and be a Hebrew and follow the ways of our ancestors and the laws of The Most High, and Im bringin the Histrorical and biblica of Hebrews being a black nation and who carry the signs to the non belivers to the discussion. Instead of letting everybody play their role because we all on the same team, you want to be like Willie Beeman. You see Moses played his role, John the Baptist played his role, King David played his role, Shoot!! Moses didnt see the Promise Land and you dont see him cryin and actin like IM THE FIRST WHAT ABOUT ME.

    Now answer this question my PRIDEFUL ASS BROTHER how can a Black Hebrew Nation, because all THE 12 TRIBES were Black according to the scriptures went from 12 to 3 according to your 12 tribes Hebrew List.

    i hope you do know that some of the 12 hebrew tribes still in Afrika.

    And answer this question why did the Yahushua told THE 12 disciples to go out to the gentiles when he was resurrected.

    PEACE TO JUDAH AND YOUNG-LION what our post shows that we still under the perfect curse of our ancestors and only OUR ELOHIM YAHUWAH can save us because we still fighting over little ? .

    you claming that you follow the Laws and Yahuwah but dont call him your elohim. Ol prideful ass ?
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012

    The malicious accusation has been raised numerous times stating that the christian "amen" is derived from the Hebraic theft of Kemetic religion. A cursory examination of the Hebrew language will prove otherwise.

    The root word of faith is Alef-Mem-Noon. The character for Alef means (short version) to begin or a sacrificial ox which a symbol of eradicating the lower animal nature. The Mem symbolizes waters, people and/or a rasing action as with the tide. Nun is fish or to follow as afish follows the current.

    Ahmain's equivalent in Ebonics would be "word is bond" or "word" as used to by the listener to confirm what the speaker has said.

    Means it will/is done, I will/shall do, train, practice and establish it. Everlasting Life, pg 15. Faith. I'll confirm Yah in my actions, in deed.
    The Hebrews loved the word "Amen". In it they expressed their every hope that ? would be merciful to them and grant them their heart's desire. From Hebrew the word spread to over a thousand languages. It now enjoys an unusual distinction. It has entered more languages and is used in more countries than any other word in human speech. The Hebrew Bible has been translated into over a thousand languages or more. All of them have retained and are using the Hebrew word Amen.
    In Hebrew the root אמןwhich means " confirm or support" has had a very rich development. All of the many words coming from אמן grow out of or can be related to the idea of " support or confirmation ". To the basic meaning " confirm or support" is related the concept of true and faithful; it conveys the idea of being sure and certain in one's work, and possessed of strength. Ref. How the Hebrew Language Grew, pg. 25.
    Eh-moo-nah אמונה
    Faith, belief, fidelity. From the same Hebrew root we get the word Truth or truthfulness. Faith or belief is an attitude of the heart toward some true thing or person.

    Exercises practice, establishing of belief, faith.
  • nany3319
    nany3319 Members Posts: 1
    edited January 2012
    love to slumber bcuz u prolly really already think that u conquered the plagues n curses of israel since u went back 2 israel early!

    artificial turf
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    ? ? 1.2

    When we overstand that the "name" of the Creator is not just a name but an action, then we will begin to actualize the image we were made in.

    The following video is a good place to begin, although the Yahweh pronunciation is incorrect.I will cover the importance of activating the correct vowel sounds and why in later installments/ For now, i will just state for those not aware the correct pronunciation os Yah-h-Wah with the middle "h' (Hay) being a strong exhalation or aspirative not to be confused with the guttural Het sound which is typical identified with Hebrew and Arabic.
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    nany3319 wrote: »
    love to slumber bcuz u prolly really already think that u conquered the plagues n curses of israel since u went back 2 israel early!

    artificial turf

    b'emet? Your controversy is not with me. If YHWH has a problem with us being in ha aretz then he will destroy us. Will the hatred in your heart be satisfied then? It hasn't happened yet and its been over 40 years. If we are to be condemned it won't be by you. Despite your attitude, you are always welcome with open arms in our gates.
  • judahxulu
    judahxulu Members Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2012
    For some reason, this type of thinking and ambition has never set well, with me...I never understood it's validity, once I researched it.

    For instance, if The bible says that those of us who are 'the least' here on Earth will be, the kings, up in Heaven... plus... Since the Black man has the market cornered on putting others, first, and ourselves Last and is also Western Neo-Fascism's utmost sacrifice
    in the name of greed & xenophobia, then...

    Why would we want to be redeemed/put atop a world, like that??
    Why would we desire to be glorified again one day/sat at the pinnacle of Mankind, as those Evil men consume the planet with nefariousness today??
    Why would the Black man, want to destroy his heavenly-destiny his Focus his Spirituality??...
    Why would we desire to be head-statesman who exists in these Times which comprise the “world” of satan’s counterfeit creation- a world prophesied to end in our lifetime??
    Why would the Black man desire 'suicide' once catapulted up, in society, should the ? of Israel be de-mystified and made to exist in a practical/secular sense to reverse the degenerative effects of satan’s deification??

    The Black man's job is to bring as many Humans into ? 's fold as possible...therefore I have a hard time grasping why the Black man would BETTER benefit by pursuing the mantra you depict here, instead
    I honestly have no idea how any of what you just said relates to my post. What mantra do you believe I am depicting?