Has anyone seen the old skool TV movie "Trilogy of Terror"?

the best 1
the best 1 Members Posts: 704 ✭✭✭✭
edited August 2011 in Lights, Camera, Action!
The star of this movie is the "African Zuni Fetish Doll" from the third story "Amelia"... the other two stories were boring to me but...


... I was like 7 years old watching this ? thinking... WTF!!! ... the memory of this little muthafucka trying his best to ? that lady (Karen Black) has stuck with me all these years. LOL

So lets take a look at Zuni putting in major work in "Trilogy of Terror" from 1975....



Did this ? have a Jheri curl... ? ? looked stripped. LOL


They also made a "Trilogy of Terror" 2 in 1996... here's Zuni putting in work in that...

How many of yall saw the original movie back in the day... and what did you think about it??????

