How often do yall deal with :

BIGG WILL Members Posts: 2,611 ✭✭✭✭✭
Sleep paralysis?

? can be a ? to deal with.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness). It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea; however, it can also occur in isolation. When linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs in association with the neurological sleep disorder narcolepsy.

I had a crazy one a few days ago (then another one just two days later) that went down like this:

So, Im finally drifting off to sleep last night and I hear a loud "BOOM"! My door is kicked in and I jar awake. I hear this calming voice say, "Get up, they are in your house". My eyes open and all I see is black plus I can faintly make out the outline of my bedroom door. Then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. A voice says again, "Get up, they are coming up the stairs". I go to move and I cant! Im like WTF!!! I keep trying to move as the footsteps draw closer. Now, Im staring at the door way hoping they don't enter my room. Im waiting, waiting...then I realize Im not looking at the door way, Im looking at my window. I try to turn my head to look at the door and I still cant MOVE. A few seconds goes by and I figure it out...Its just a lil bit of this Sleep Paralysis I have to go through.

I think most people have them, but I have them ? way to often.
