The curse of Ham...corrected as the curse of Canaan

luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2013 in R & R (Religion and Race)
I do not know if anyone has already posted about this or if nobody cares due to the fact that churches don't believe this anymore; but I decided I had to forward the stuff I had to show my cousin when I found out she and her church still believed in the curse of Canaan and somehow they tied Esau and blacks into it also. Kinda hurt thinking she's 30 and still believing this is biblical when it isn't. So for those that care and wanna add....
HERE WE GO: i'LL SAVE THE BEST for THE LAST PAGE OF THIS STUDY on here, but now-first things first:Noah Cursed Canaan because he was upset with Canaan's father Ham.Ham is the son of Noah and the father of Canaan.Noah's sons are as follows:Shem, forefather of the middle peoples (Semitic) People believe Jews and Middle Eastern and Eastern Asia
Ham, forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic) People believe Africans and some say Eastern Asians
Japheth, forefather of the northern peoples (Japhetic Eurasia) People believe Northern and Eastern Europe
Now Ham had 4 sons: {I'm not getting into Shem and Japheth}
1st son Cush-Ethiopia
2nd son Mizraim-Egypt
3rd son Phut- Libya and Sudan and West Africa
4th son Canaan-Middle Eastern
It is Canaan who I will primarily base most of this dissertation on.
Before I go further one must first start off with the fact that Noah had one wife. Therefore Shem, Ham and Japheth according to the bible, common-sense, history, nature & biology were all of the same race (even if they were mixed they would still be the same race). This point 1st and foremost cannot be debated. They were all brothers from the same mother and father who were adults by the time Noah and the ark got to land. Now,Ham, Shem and Japheth are never said to have gone anywhere when their children dispersed to different countries/lands. For all reasons, we have to believe Shem, Ham and Japheth stayed together. So, it was Shem, Ham and Japheth's children (which would be Noah's grandchildren) that LEFT wherever that ark docked and they went into the areas of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This is important because since Shem, Ham and Japheth were all-of-the same race then it is easy to see that it was when they left their fathers (the fathers of race) that the races or different skin colors became more pronounced in this family. Again, it was when the Grandchildren of Noah (which are the children of Shem, Ham, and Japheth) left their area and went to different parts of the world that their families’ different skin colors became pronounced. Maybe it was due to the weather, location, and maybe most likely due to who they married and their children married. It is completely unbiblical and irrational to think that as these adults as they went to the country that their skin color at that moment for Ham’s children, Shem’s children and Japheth’s children changed immediately at that moment due to a tan or lack of sun.

Now, if you can still follow me. Since Ham was the same color as Shem and Japheth (due to Noah only having one wife and these being his 100% blood brothers) then THIS IS THE REASON why he could have his son Canaan NOT BE BLACK when all his other sons children are associated with blackness and Africa. Why? Because, Ham was not any blacker (and definitely not a different race) than Shem and Japheth. Therefore, Canaan (and most likely Mizraim, Phut and Cush)took after his father Ham in this respect AND since Canaan did not go to Africa and stayed in the Middle East and went to the Northern Middle East: along with his children going throughout the entire Middle East; THIS IS THE REASON WHY CANAAN was NEVER BLACK by race. He remained the hue he was.
Canaan was no-more black than Shem's children were black or Japheth's children were black. Canaan never resided in Africa and nor did his children or children's children according to the bible and according to the encyclopedia and various scholars.


  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    The furthest stretch that can be conceived is that Ham, Shem and Japheth were of a mixed blood race and that Ham was the darkest of them. This is a stretch. Even with this being the case you are still 100% blood brothers, which means no matter what hue Ham could be Ham’s children have just as likely a chance at becoming the same color as Shem and Japheth’s children. The only variable are the wives and nobody knows.
    So, the best route we have to use on the color of Shem’s children Japheth’s children and Ham’s children is based on who those children married and where those children went with their families; because where they took their families would have the GREATEST impact on who they chose as wives and what color their children’s children would be
    based on what country they went to and who their wives were. If I have to make this any clearer then what I’m saying is Ham was not black. Ham, possibly was of a mixed race (as Middle Easterners are) as also was most likely his wife and his brother’s wives. His children went into different lands and the sun or lack of sun then produced a greater extreme of skin color now called race. This is one of only 2 possible possibilities. The second possibility is unbiblical and it is that there were already people in those other countries and when Japheth, Shem and Ham’s children arrived in those different countries then those people were already different colored races and Japheth, Shem and Ham’s children took the women from those countries as wives and mixed in with them and eventually became the color that was already prominent in that country.
    Of both these points, neither states Ham as black or Canaan as black.
    If what I have said does not make sense, then let’s consider the alternative.
    What’s the alternative?
    Ham was already somehow a very different color than the rest of his brothers. Is this the alternative?
    Ham suddenly one day out of the blue just changed to a different color and his brothers did the same?
    Ham was somehow a different color than his father Noah and his mother Methusala?
    Even though Ham didn’t go to Africa to live he somehow also changed color and when he changed color, his sons also all turned a different color—even though they were adults with wives when they were on the boat with Noah?
    Another alternative is the following:
    Ham, Shem, and Japheth were all Black. Which, this theory is not ridiculous since Africans carry the gene that produces more color variations than any other race. Who says this? Well, everyone that knows anything about genes and science. Let’s use NBC news as a source as they stated in 2009
    “Africans have more genetic variation than anyone else on Earth, according to a new study that helps narrow the location where humans first evolved, probably near the South Africa-Namibia border.”
    Ham was one color, but all of a sudden his African and Middle Eastern kids (Mizraim,Phut, Canaan and Cush)all of a sudden went to those distant lands (distant wouldn’t be necessary to write if they didn’t leave a land closeby) and in their adulthood all of a sudden changed color and race to such an extreme that one became white and the other black?
    These are the only alternatives and they are lucrative. Nobody changes color overnight, and the bible never says they did.
    The last alternative is that the sons of Shem, Ham and Japheth were already the color that they were, but wait for it…..wait for it….here’s the kicker that is unbelievable. Let’s say Shem, Ham and Japheth and their sons were already the color they were and somehow under the most ironies of irony they also just so happened to disperse to the very country and lands that were most beneficial to their skin color? What did they do look at a compass and base their skin’s melanin on where they would go and then spread out? Let’s not forget they had to tell their cousins (the children of Ham, Shem and Japheth) not to follow me. “We will only go to these lands and stay in these lands based off our color and we will not go anywhere else for a long time.” This is not what the bible states happened. They didn’t go into these lands based on skin color and this is what would have had to happen if someone says the brothers all were different races (even though they’re 100% blood brothers) and just ironically happened to go to the very lands that benefitted their skin color/tone/hue.Now that we can see the former alternatives are illogical and not biblically founded, let’s look at the logical. They went into those lands the same color as their cousins and uncle’s and years later due to the sun, weather, who they chose to marry, natural preference for what type of woman they wanted, all effected the color that they already had in their genes and through this a greater degree of color differentiation and features became prominent as THEIR children had more and more children. Do not confuse their color changed as they had kids because Ham, Canaan, Shem, Japheth and I included Canaan on purpose; their color never changed. Otherwise, wouldn’t the bible include that somehow miraculously a person went from one color to the next? Maybe you say the bible didn’t find such a miracle worth recording. Well Solomon for no reason states he’s black, the bible says the people who had leprosy had changes of skin color, it describes Jesus in an image as having feet of bronze. It shows people’s hair with locks. The bible shows color sometime for no reason, would it not record someone that just was one color yesterday and then next month changed color: which this is what would have to have happened to Ham, Canaan, Shem and Japheth under these alternatives.
    Simply, put it didn’t happen that way according to the bible. It happened that way in the 1800’s because whites wanted to distort the story and lie about what happened. Later in this essay I will show exactly where and who authored the hamitic theory.

    Now that I have made my point. Let me back this point of truth up with validation and resources.

  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    One of Ham’s sons was Mizraim and the word Mizraim in the Hebrew language translates to the English word for Egypt. Mizraim is African and he can be thought of as black due to this is where he resided and his children remained and mixed or pioneered/were natives, and Mizraim means Egypt. The people of Egypt also must have been black; not due to Ham being black but due to Mizraim going to Egypt and living in Africa and taking having his children take wives from this land.
    Greeks called Egypt Egypt(Herodutus and Aristotle called Egypt the land of burnt faces). Egyptian meant “land of the blacks”.
    Aristotle (the philosopher who lived around the declining Egypt days) is quoted as saying “the Ethiopians have wooly hair and the Egyptians are black-skinned.” So there' s no rationale argument that the ancient Egyptians were not black,black,blackety black black black.
    Original Egyptians called Egypt (Remenki) the land of Kemet; which also meant land of the blacks.
    Beta-Israel are the black jews of Ethiopia that descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    Regardless of the ethnic origins or skin colors of the Cushites, the fact remains that no curse is pronounced on either Ham or Cush (the black son of Ham). The curse of servitude was pronounced on Caanan, another of Ham’s sons. The Bible states clearly that Noah cursed Ham’s fourth son, Canaan, not Ham’s first son, Cush (the black, “Ethiopian.”)
    One other point I like to bring out is Canaan was cursed by Noah. It repeats the singular as Canaan and then says "he" (and if you think the singular does not matter then you do not know about the canonizing of scripture and the way scribes wrote. Language with plurals and singulars meant a lot and were not written accidentally or for someone to be able to "assume." The bible, according to scholars was written word for word with each word having a precise meaning. Let me continue with my understanding before I precede to including what I have researched from other's understandings.
    No where in this verse does it say Canaan's children, grandchildren or his wife will also bear the curse. "And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."
    I feel sorry for Canaan when Ham's other children didn't get any of the curse and Canaan didn't do anything wrong.
    Pg. 149-Frederick KC Price [racereligionand racism] on the issue of Africans and the curse of Ham
    1-This is what has been taught for almost 400 years in this country by the Church: that the black color of our skin is the result of a curse on Ham. If this were so, the Adam and Eve could be white, because Ham’s color would not have come from genetics, it would have come from the curse. But there is no scripture in the Bible that says ? cursed Ham with blackness. ? never cursed Ham at all. Noah did the cursing—but it was not Ham he cursed, it was Ham’s son Canaan. And Noah is not ? . And ? was not going to honor Noah, who probably was still hung over from drinking wine, by allowing his words against Canaan to affect Canaan and his descendants throughout all eternity. (Genesis 9:21). As we have seen from the Scriptures , ? does not curse anyone through eternity. [This ends the Fred Price logic]
    2-Another point I'd like to make is if, if, if the curse by Noah was honored by ? unto black people then why do it after Jesus redeemed us (Galatians 3:13) and wait for over 3,000 years until American slavery manifested itself. If Canaan's children were cursed divinely then it should have hit that family and not his descendants 3,000 years later at a time convenient for whites to use racism and the curse of Canaan as a reason to ? and enslave blacks. The whole thing to remember is when the New Testament came to being and Jesus died on the cross he took on all curses and freed us all from them (even those who were not Christian were still freed from the old curses, they just do not have salvation.
    The curse on the Canaanites (even though Noah was ? ) was fulfilled by the Canaanites being slaves to the Jews and losing the war. Josh. 9:23; 1 Kings 9:20-21
    The Canaanites (the branch of Canaan’s descendants that received the curse) were historically and biblically stated (according to the Encyclopedia Britannica) to have resided in Palestine, Gaza, Ugarit, Turkey, Syria, Phoenicia, and Iraq. Africans did go into these lands but these people are not African.
    The curse on Canaan being likened to Africans was not even conceived of until the 1800’s when racism was prominent and it was falsely attached to Africans when the bible and former history and current day history states where and who the Canaanites were.
    3- (Since I’ve used Fred Price, the Bible, my own logic and Encyclopedia Britannica I will now extend to the internet research since it includes biblical passages that can be used as validation—not to be confused with using the internet opinion of blogs to credit as a valid source of gaining information)
    The NIV Study Bible notes,6 “Noah’s curse cannot be used to justify the enslavement of blacks, since most of Ham’s descendants are known to be Caucasian, as the Canaanites certainly were (as shown by ancient paintings of the Canaanites discovered in Egypt).” We conclude that Genesis provides no biblical basis, either ethically or prophetically, to justify black slavery.
    Also, Canaan’s descendants were not blacks, but lighter-skinned peoples living to the east of the Mediterranean Sea. Because of their depraved practices, demonistic rites, idolatry, and child sacrifice, they came under divine judgment, and ? gave to Israel the land occupied by the Canaanites. (see Genesis 10:15-19
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    They were the Canaanites whom the Jews warred against when they conquered the Promised Land under Joshua.
    The black race descended from Cush and possibly from Put, other sons of Ham who were not involved in the incident or the curse
    4. The curse was fulfilled when the Canaanites became slaves to the Jews. That was 3,000 years ago, in the days after Moses. The Canaanites have long since disappeared from history.
    That should have ended the matter, but thousands of years later whites brought the curse back from the dead: Ham had four sons who peopled the following present-day countries:
    •Cush: Sudan•Mizraim: Egypt•Phut: Libya
    •Canaan: Israel (Thus Canaan being in Israel were the Canaanites, which could have been black but also are more likely to have been white but surely are not the Africans.)
    Presumably in time they filled the rest of Africa.The curse falls on Canaan, not Ham! Nor does it does fall on Cush, Phut, Mizraim or anyone else in Africa.
    Never mind that the Bible places limitations on curses-only three or four generations at most (Ex. 20:5).
    Never mind that the curse on Canaan and his descendants-"Now there, you are cursed, and none of you shall be freed from being slaves"-finds its most obvious fulfillment in the ongoing defeat and subjugation of Canaan by Israel (Josh. 9:23; 1 Kings 9:20-21).
    Never mind that the descendants of Ham's other sons-Cush, Mizraim, and Put-have continued to this day as national peoples in Ethiopia (Cush), Egypt (Mizraim), and Libya (Put).
    And never mind that ? says that curses based on disobedience are reversed when people repent and turn again to obedience (Ex. 20:6). This is certainly sufficient to negate the Christian endorsement of the American enslavement of black Christians.
    [This aforementioned ends the presentation on all the reasons biblically why the Africans after AD and in BC are not and were not involved in the curse of Canaan; at least in the furthest stretch of imagination at least 80% --4 sons- were not involved if not 100% and definitely none claimed it in the years of AD]
    One more thing is Noah did not curse Canaan's relatives to be servants of his uncle's Shem and Japheth. He cursed Canaan and only Canaan. But, I will entertain him cursing Canaan’s children also.
    4.[Everything below is extra stuff concerning the residence of the Canaanites and the curse being proven biblically to take place in the land of Canaan on the Canaanites which were not black]
    Canaan “normally represents the land of Palestine and Phoenicia…the Old Testament… use the term for inhabitants of the area in a general sense…These many tribes are in some way related to Canaan, and thus are called Canaanites.” So “Ham is the ancestor of all these people from Phoenicia [through Palestine and Egypt] to Africa.” It is an unjustified leap of logic to reassign Noah’s curse away from Canaan to Ham (his father) or Cush, his black “Ethiopian” brother. The notion that Ham himself was black, originated in later rabbinical folklore. It is without Scriptural foundation. Hence expositors conclude5 “The reputed curse of Ham is not on Ham, but on Canaan, one of Ham’s sons. This is not a racial but geographic referent. The Canaanites, typically associated with the region of the Levant (Palestine, Lebanon, etc) were later subjugated by the Hebrews when they left ? in Egypt according to the Biblical narrative.” Thus, these scholars conclude the object of Noah’s curse was not black people, but Canaan, the forefather of the Canaanites. Noah’s curse was fulfilled by the Hebrews’ subjugation of the Canaanites. Canaan became “a slaves of slaves,” when the Canaanites [e.g. the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:21, 27)] served the ex-slaves from Egypt, the Children of Israel. Genesis provides no biblical support for the assertion that black people are under Noah’s curse.
    The only reason the Canaanites were in Egypt was due to being servants of the Egyptians. Again, they were not in their natural land. They went to Egypt and were slaves to the Egyptians.
    It’s worth quoting more of the NIV Study Bible’s notes on Genesis 9:25 in their entirety: “Cursed be Canaan! …This account of Noah’s cursing and blessing of his sons is addressed to Israel. Most likely it is for this reason that Canaan is here singled out from Ham’s descendants as the object of Noah’s curse.
    Israel would experience firsthand the depth of Canaanite sin (see Lev 18:2-3, 6-30) and the harshness of ? ’s judgment on it. In that judgment Noah’s curse came to be fulfilled in the experience of this segment of Ham’s descendants. But Ham’s offspring, as listed in 10:6-13, included many of Israel’s other long-term enemies (Egypt, Philistia, Assyria, Babylonia) who also experienced severe divine judgment because of their hostility to Israel and Israel’s ? . Lowest of slaves. Joshua’s subjection of the Gibeonites (Jos. 9:21, 27) is one of the fulfillments (see also Jos 16:10; Jug 1:28, 30, 33, 35; 1 Ki 9:20-21). Noah’s curse cannot be used to justify the enslavement of blacks, since most of Ham’s descendants are known to be Caucasian, as the Canaanites certainly were (as shown by ancient paintings of the Canaanites discovered in Egypt).” [NIV Study Bible, Zondervan]
    So where did this lie originate? [The next three pages will explain. The following 3 pages are the words of someone else and not me.]
    Dwight Callahan’s The Talking Book, African Americans and the Bible on pg.29
    In 1859, Jefferson Davis defended slavery as “the importation of the race of Ham” since Africans were destined to be the slaves of whites.
    But, I’m toying with you with the former sentence. Here is the true answer to where all of Ham’s children were cursed with blackness comes from?
    In the third or fourth-century C.E. with Syriac Christians via a work titled the Cave of Treasures, and then further taken up by the Arab Muslims in the seventh-century following their conquest of North Africa (and the two, in turn, later influencing the Jewish exegetical treatment of the story). Goldenberg further observes that the Cave of Treasures in its various recensions down the centuries extends the curse to not just Kushites, but all blacks defined to include, for example, the Egyptian Copts, East Indians and Ethiopians (that is they are all descendents, according to the Cave of Treasures, of Ham). Hence, Goldenberg quotes one version as reading “When Noah awoke…he cursed him and said: ‘Cursed be Ham and may he be slave to his brothers’…and he became a slave, he and his lineage, namely the Egyptians, the Abyssinians, and the Indians. Indeed, Ham lost all sense of shame and he became black and was called shameless all the days of his life forever” (p. 173).
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    On the other hand, taking the lead from Graves and Patai (1966)—as for example Sanders (1969) does—the connection, it is suggested, occurs via the agency of Jewish oral traditions (midrashim), specifically those contained in one of the two Talmuds, the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli)—the other Talmud is the Palestinian Talmud (Talmud Yerushalmi). The Talmuds were a compilation of midrashim, which for centuries had been transmitted ? , put together by Jewish scholars in their academies in Palestine and in Babylonia. Although the Talmud Bavli was compiled in fifth-century C.E., it did not make its appearance in Europe until probably sixth-century C.E. Now, the midrash relevant here was concocted, according to the gloss by Graves and Patai (1966: 122), in order to justify the enslavement of the Canaanites by the Israelites; and here is how it goes (reproduced from the version compiled by Graves and Patai 1966: 121):
    (d) Some say that at the height of his drunkenness he uncovered himself, whereupon Canaan, Ham’s little son, entered the tent, mischievously looped a stout cord about his grandfather’s ? , drew it tight, and [enfeebled] him…. (e) Others say that Ham himself [enfeebled] Noah who, awakening from his drunken sleep and understanding what had been done to him, cried: “Now I cannot beget the fourth son whose children I would have ordered to serve you and your brothers! Therefore it must be Canaan, your first-born whom they enslave….Canaan's children shall be born ugly and black! Moreover, because you twisted your head around to see my nakedness, your grandchildren's
    2. It may be noted here that it is the ancestors of Canaan, the Canaanites, who are conquered by the Israelites giving rise to that well-known passage in the Bible (Joshua 9: 21) “And the princes said unto them, Let them live; but let them be hewers of wood and drawers of water unto all the congregation; as the princes had promised them” (emphasis added). The Canaanites living in the city of Gibeon saved themselves from the possibility of being massacred by Joshua (for no other reason beyond the fact that their land had now been promised by ? to the Israelites) by pretending to be foreigners from outside the Land of Canaan and entering into a peace truce with Joshua. However, upon discovering this deception, Joshua cursed the Gibeonites relegating them forever to become “hewers of wood and drawers of water” in the service of the Israelites.
    hair shall be twisted into kinks, and their eyes red; again because your lips jested at my misfortune, theirs shall swell; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked, and their male members shall be shamefully elongated.” Men of their race are called Negroes, their forefather Canaan commanded them to love theft and fornication, to be banded together in hatred of their masters and never to tell the truth.
    Anyhow, regardless of whether it was early Eastern Christians, or Jews or Muslims who were responsible for corrupting the biblical story along two axes, replacing Canaan with Ham and rendering Ham black, this much is incontrovertible: Medieval Christians in the West would in time adopt it as their very own because it would allow them to develop an ideology of exploitation and oppression of black peoples, especially beginning in the fifteenth-century onward, without violating their religious sensibilities.
    Notice then that through this mythological trickery two basic elements of Christian cosmology are retained: that one, all human beings are descended from a common ancestor (Adam whose line of descent includes Noah) and that, two, not all human beings are equal. Hence, the peoples of the European peninsula (the conventional use of the term continent in relation to Europe is an ideologically driven misnomer as a quick glance at a world atlas will confirm) on one hand, and the peoples of the African and Asian continents on the other, stand in a racial hierarchical relationship of master/ servant/ slave. Since this was a Biblical determined order, it followed then that no Christian need lose sleep over the morality of exploiting and enslaving other human beings.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Rahlow wrote: »
    I went to that page you posted and see what you posted. Good point man. I never saw that threadbefore and I even looked on the threads to see if I saw the topic, sense it seems something that would already been on here. I'll repost your point on here, but I'm gonna keep this thread just because that other thread I was reading kept talking about the moon and went a lot of other places on the first 12 pages of that thread.
    I know u know what u said but with respect here's your quote:
    Ham wasn't cursed, Canaan was
    Gen 9:25
    And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
    Says here he will be a servant of the servants of his brothers... who was his brothers? Lets see...
    Gen 10:6
    And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
    Looks like the Canaanites were to be servants of the servants of Cush, Mizraim (Kemet/Egypt) and Phut (Punt)
    There was never a "curse of Ham"...
    That's a so-called jew/crakkka talmudic false teaching that was put out there in effort to attribute this curse to all Africans.

  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    Now the question that one must ask here is, When do the descendants of Ham, while still residing in Africa, rejoin the family of Europeans as a subgroup of Caucasians? It occurs during the period of the beginnings of the colonization of Africa. There are two factors that account for this development: the emergence of scientific explanations of race during the era of the Enlightenment when theological explanations began to give way to scientific explanations of the natural world; and the arrival of Napoleon's Army in Egypt in 1798, accompanied by French scientists who would go on to establish the new discipline of Egyptology. The former factor established the possibility of polygenesis as an alternative to the biblical theory of monogenesis (all human beings were descendents of Adam); that is not all human beings have a common ancestor, but that some had emerged separately as a subspecies of humankind. The latter factor's role turns on the startling discovery by the French scientists that the Egyptian civilization, that is the civilization of black people, was the precursor of the Western civilization. Now, this finding met with considerable opposition in the West since for some it flew in the face of the prevalent racist notions that dialectically justified and drew succor from the ongoing Atlantic slave trade, while for others it stood in opposition to the biblical notion of black people as accursed descendents of Ham. The resolution of the problem of determining who were the ancient Egyptians, therefore, was resolved by turning to a polygenetic explanation. Specifically, following a rereading of the Bible the notion emerged that the Egyptians were the descendents of that other son of Ham, Mizraim, who it was argued had not been cursed as Canaan had been. By isolating Canaan from his brothers, Mizraim and Cush, it was possible to suggest that only the descendents of Canaan had been cursed, and not those of Mizraim and Cush.
    The ancient Egyptians therefore were not a black people, it was argued, but a Caucasian subgroup, the Hamites.
    To provide scientific support for this view, Western scientists in the nineteenth-century, especially those working in the United States (perhaps spurred on by the need to justify slavery in the face of rising abolitionist sentiments), emerged with the bogus “science of craniometry,” that purported to prove on the basis of the measurement of human skulls a hierarchy of intelligence among different groups of people (blacks with supposedly the smallest crania, and hence the smallest brain, falling to the very bottom).3 On the basis of this bogus science it was quickly established that the ancient Egyptians were not black Africans, but Hamites. However, it is important to point out here that the Hamites were not completely shorn off of their early inferior status as descendants of the accursed Ham. Rather they were considered to be an inferior subgroup of the Caucasian group, but superior to black peoples. (In other words, a new internal hierarchy was established among the descendants of Jephet where the Tuetonic Anglo-Saxons were at the very top and the Hamites at the very bottom and eastern and southern Europeans—Slavs, Italians, Portuguese,
    3. The literature on the historical origins of the ideology of racism in the West is fairly extensive. As an entry-point into this literature the following select sources will prove to be, for present purposes, more than adequate: Bieder (1986); Davies, Nandy, and Sardar (1993); Drescher (1992); Frederickson (2002); Gould (1971); Hannaford (1996); Huemer (1998); Jackson and Weidman (2004); Jordan (1968); Kovel (1988); Libby, Spickard, and Ditto (2005); Niro (2003); Pieterse (1992); Reilly, Kaufman, and Bodino (2003); Shipman (1994); Smedley (1993); Stanton (1960); and Wolpoff and Caspari (1997). Note that although Jordan, and Libby, Spickard, and Ditto are very specific to the U.S. context, they are included here because of their treatment of an important element in the formation of Western racist ideologies not given as much attention in the literature as it deserves: the role of sexuality.
    Greeks, etc.—somewhere in the middle.) Thus was born the infamous Hamitic theory that was used to explain any expression of the grandeur of African history that Europeans came across. Hamites were Africans, but they were Caucasian in origin—they came from outside Africa.4
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    [This ends where this theory originated according to the author]
    I think it Might be worth it to include the verses from Genesis 9: 17-29 {Standard KJ version} as they really are without being misconstrued.
    17 And ? said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.
    18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.
    19 These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.
    20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
    21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
    22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
    23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
    24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
    25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
    26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD ? of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
    27 ? shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
    28 And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
    29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    Let’s follow the curse adequately. Through my own quick research of Encyclopedia’s and Wikipedia and internet.
    Let’s look to see who the sons of Canaan were:
    Canaan's descendants, according to the Hebrew Bible, include:
    1.Sidonians, i.e. the Phoenicians2.Hittites, children of Heth3.Jebusites4.Amorites5.Girgashites6.Hivites7.Arkites8.Sinites9.Arvadites10.Zemarites11.Hamathite

    1st- Sidon is the 1st son of Canaan: Sidon also had a city named after him and the location of the city further illustrates he did not reside in Africa. Sidon’s first residents/earliest residents were Phoenicians. They were located on the coast of Canaan. Now, if you can’t see that the City of Sidon is where the son of Canaan, named Sidon, lived---along the side of the coast of land called Canaan----you must be blind!! Where did I get this info? Well, you go research for yourself if you don’t believe me. I won’t tell you. I’ve already done enough work/research on here. Go do some searching for yourself. Now, that you might feel me or not feel what I’m saying here’s where I got it
    The bible also further illustrates that this city of Sidon was to the son of Canaan and located in this area and not Africa by saying “It lay within the lot of the tribe of Asher, but was never subdued (Judges 1:31).”
    Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it… if the children of Canaan were also to be cursed then wait for it….wait for it….Why did they rule over the Israelites? This does not sound like slavery, if the slaves are the rulers. “The Sidonians long oppressed Israel (Judges 10:12).” Now, maybe I’m wrong but the time of Judges comes after Genesis.
    Now where did the children of Canaan reside? (1 Chronicles 1:8-16) And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, 16And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, 17And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, 18And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. 19And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto ? , and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha. 20These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
    2nd son Heth-Hittite:In the early 20th century, the biblical Hittites were identified with a newly discovered Indo-European-speaking empire of Anatolia, a major regional power through most of the 2nd millennium BC, who therefore came to be known as the Hittites. This nomenclature is used today as a matter of convention, regardless of debates about possible identities between the Anatolian Hittite Empire and the biblical Hittites.
    Given the casual tone in which the Hittites are mentioned in most Old Testament references, biblical scholars before the age of archaeology traditionally regarded them as a smaller tribe, living in the hills of Canaan during the era of the Patriarchs, including Abraham. This picture was completely changed by the archaeological finds that placed the center of the Hatti/Hattusas civilization far to the north, in modern-day Turkey, relegating Hittites in Canaan to a periphery.
    Now do not think the Hittites resided in Egypt. The land of Canaan is not in Egypt and The Hittites were north of Canaan. Even the bible shows the Hittites were a separate kingdom from Egypt in the same way Syria is separate from Egypt.
    2 Chronicles 1:17: "And they fetched up, and brought forth out of Egypt a chariot for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty: and so brought they out horses for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, by their means." In these cases there can be little doubt that the references are to the neo-Hittite kingdoms of Syria.
    How far did the Hittites land extend? In Joshua 1:4 the land of the Hittites is said to extend "from the wilderness and this Lebanon", from "the Euphrates unto the great sea".
    3rd son- Jebusites-the Jebusites (Hebrew: יְבוּסִי, Modern Yevusi Tiberian Yəḇûsî ISO 259-3 Ybusi) were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David according to the Biblical account; the Books of Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus prior to this event. According to some Biblical chronologies, the city was conquered by King David in 1003 BC,[1] or according to other sources 869 BC.[2]
    The Hittites and Jebusites are thought to be the same people (which makes sense since they were brothers/cousins).
    Judges 1:21 portrays the Jebusites as continuing to dwell at Jerusalem, within the territory otherwise occupied by the Tribe of Judah and Tribe of Benjamin.
    4th Amorites- refers to an ancient Semitic-speaking people[1] from ancient Syria who also occupied large parts of Mesopotamia from the 21st Century BC. The term Amurru in Akkadian and Sumerian texts refers to them, as well as to their principal deity.
    Again, NOT AFRICA. Many countries/peoples in Africa are mentioned in the Bible, but I can go through and show that the Canaan ancestors are not.
    In the earliest Sumerian sources, beginning about 2400 BC, the land of the Amorites ("the Mar.tu land") is associated not with Mesopotamia but with lands immediately to the West, including what is now modern Syria and Canaan. They appear as nomadic people in the Mesopotamian sources, and they are especially connected with the mountainous region of Jebel Bishri in Syria called the "mountain of the Amorites".
    Now let’s return to scripture. According to the Hebrew scriptures, Amalek is distinct from the Amorites. "The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan." (1769 Oxford King James Bible "Authorized Version", Numbers 13:29)
    5th Girgashites- Nothing is known about them except that Probably they lived somewhere in the central part of Western Palestine. This is according to the dictionary. They were inhabitants of the land of Canaan according to Genesis 15:21, Deuteronomy 7:1, Joshua 3:10, 24:11, and Nehemiah 9:8.
    6th- Hivites- Biblically it is stated that they were one of the 7 nations to be removed from Canaan for the Children of Israel. The Hivites dwelt in the mountainous regions of Canaan stretching from Lebanon – specifically Lebo Hamath (Judges 3:3) - and Mt. Hermon (Joshua 11:3) in the north to the central Benjamin plateau in the Hill country just north of Jerusalem. Within this region we find specific enclaves of Hivites mentioned in the Bible. Genesis 34 describes Hivites ruling the region of Shechem. Further south there were the four Hivite towns – Gibeon, Kephirah, Beeroth and Kiriath Jearim (Joshua 9:17) – involved in the deception of Joshua. (Joshua 9:3-27)
    Joshua 11:3 described the Hivites as being "under Hermon in the land of Mizpeh" and in 2 Samuel 24:7 they are mentioned immediately after "the stronghold of Tyre."
    7th-Arkites- Archites were the descendants of Canaan according to Genesis 10:17 and 1 Chronicles 1:15 and were inhabitants of the land of Canaan according to Joshua 16:2. David's friend Hushai was an Archite (2 Samuel 15:32). The Arkites inhabited Arqa, a city in the north of what is now Lebanon.
    This is North of Phoenicia.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    8. Sinites-Oddly enough scholars think of them as the Chinese.
    They are identified as the inhabitants of Sianu, a city in northern present-day Lebanon.
    I’m getting tired of writing this and tired of typing period, comma, exclamation point. But, again THEY ARE NOT FROM AFRICA.
    9th son -Arvad- The Arvadites- How much easier does it get to know their location? They named an island after themselves the same way Canaan was for the Canaanites until the children of Israel.
    Today, it is known as Arwad (Arabic: أرواد, Arwād) or Ruad Island. It is the only island in Syria and lies north of the bay of Tripoli, about two miles out to sea.
    10th son-Zemar- The Zemarites-They inhabited Zemar, a city near the coast of present-day Syria.
    The posterity of Zemar were known to the Assyrians as the Simirra, and to the Egyptians as the Sumur. The name is still preserved in the modern city of Sumra, just north of Tripoli. They could be there or in southeast Asia amongst the peoples residing in that locality.
    11th- son Hamath- The Hamathites-The city where this people settled lay on Orontes, and was named after their forebear, Hamath. Sargon II of Assyria tells us how he conquered the city, and it was at Hamath that Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptian armies. The Greeks and Romans subsequently knew the city as Epiphaneia, althongh today it has reverted to its ancient name, Hamath. In 853 BC the men of Hamath were able to successfully check Assyrian ambitions in the west by mobilizing an army of no less than 63,000 foot, 2,000 light horse, 4,000 battle chariots, and l,000 camels.
    Later, they migrated to the region of northern Greece and Macedonia, becoming known as the Emathians. The territory they settled became known as Emathia. Josephus (our boy, who I mentioned is the Oldest Historian on the Church of Christianity. He came before Eusebius) wrote:
    “ Amathus inhabited in Amathine, which is even now called Amathe by the inhabitants, although the Macedonians named it Epiphania from one of his posterity. ” Epiphanea was a town in Cilicia in Asia Minor, later called Urzin. This may represent the intermediate stage of the Hamathite migration towards Greece.
  • luke1733
    luke1733 Members Posts: 1,490 ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2013
    NOW SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE AFRICANS COME TO BE RELATED WITH ANY OF CANAAN’S CHILDREN???? We now see where those sons of Canaan resided and lived. None of those lands are African. None of the people are African. If the Ham, Shem, Noah and Japheth were all black or if the curse was on Cush, Mizraim or Phut then it would be completely valid for that time and within reason to say it was on Blacks, but yet and still it would not be placed on anyone in the year AD.
    THE AFRICAN SIDE OF HAM was in Cush,Phut and Mizraim. And they were never cursed.

    Now a review of all the points I have made:

    Phut, Mizraim, and Cush were Black African.
    Canaan-was Middle Eastern
    Ham was the same color as all his brothers due to having the same mother and father.
    Either all of the sons were black and everyone in the world at that time having high contents of melanin, which is very highly possible and likely according to science and history showing that man started from Africa and then migrated; so either everyone was black and Ham and Canaan were black or the theory that I have proposed in this essay is true...which is Ham's other sons were black and Canaan was much lighter than his brothers due to never leaving Canaan whereas the others eventually went to Libya, Ethiopia and Sudan. **Side note** When I say everybody would have to be black; I mean Noah, Shem Japheth and everybody in that entire family would have to be black. I am also again not discounting that everybody was black, I am only stating that if they weren't all black.....then Canaan was not black. Hard to understand but I've made the point.
    The wives would influence the color of the children.
    Where the children went would influence hundreds of years later the color of their skin.
    The curse was fulfilled and done
    No curse lasts forever.
    Jesus free all from the curses of the Old Testament.
    The curse was never skin based or related.
    Canaan’s children and children’s children to this day went to the Middle East and Not Africa at all.
    The Hamitic Theory was introduced by Europeans to justify European enslavement of Europeans first and then transformed itself to direct it towards Blacks. The theory was embraced by Muslims, Jews, and White Christians with no biological or geographical backing.
    None of Canaan’s children are traced to Africa.
    The curse was never applied to Ham’s black sons.
    And again, the statements on who the curse was applied to does not apply after Jesus was resurrected. It never said anything about the color of skin being an attachment to the curse. The one son of Ham that wasn’t black is who received the curse. The church owes the Black race and Africans an apology and should publicly come out and apologize for what they taught and spread which was blasphemous and counterproductive to the true faith and teachings of Christianity.