Report: Multi-Agency Probe Investigating Possible Secret Russian Money Used to Aid Trump...

stringer bell
stringer bell Members Posts: 26,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
A new report published on Wednesday claims to have received information from anonymous sources that the FBI is leading a probe of law enforcement and intelligence agencies looking into whether the Russian Kremlin funneled secret money and aid to the Trump campaign.

McClatchy News claims two sources have told them about this probe that is investigating the possibility of “how money may have moved from the Kremlin to covertly help Trump win.”

The “inter-agency working group” is said to include the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and members from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

According to the report, the group began meeting last spring, before it became publicly known that computer files were hacked from the DNC and personal email addresses of members of Clinton’s campaign team were also compromised.

The chief allegation they are seemingly investigating is the funding of the hacks on the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. One possibility being considered is that the Russians used a system set up to pay legitimate Russian-American pensioners to funnel covert funds to pay email hackers or possible intermediaries in the United States who were involved in the hacks.

The Trump campaign apparently declined to comment on the latest allegations, but in the past Trump has repeatedly denied any association with Russia in the campaign. At a press conference held last week, the President-elect angrily denounced rumors of possible cooperation between members of his campaign and Russia.

One source said the DOJ already obtained a secret FISA warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts, suggesting the group has been able to demonstrate “probable cause” sufficient to get a court to believe some allegations to substantiate the claims. A FISA warrant would allow the investigators to secretly gain access to bank records that may provide evidence of the possible money transfers. However, the report admits it is unable to further substantiate the claims that a FISA warrant has been obtained.


  • 1CK1S
    1CK1S Members Posts: 27,471 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IB4 Cheeto tweets that it's fake news and the media is out to get him.
  • gns
    gns Members Posts: 21,285 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothings gonna come of any of this Russian ?
  • 2stepz_ahead
    2stepz_ahead Guests, Members, Writer, Content Producer Posts: 32,324 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wonder what the white nationalists would think of this
  • Plutarch
    Plutarch Members Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭✭✭
    gns wrote: »
    Nothings gonna come of any of this Russian ?

    Word. This Russia-Trump ? is getting so annoying. I don't even watch news on the TV, but I see it everywhere from multiple sources coming up with multiple stories. It's getting to the point where such news is just laughable.

    That's not even my real beef. I don't know if the stories are true or not. But either give us the damn evidence or shut the ? up about it already.
  • rapmusic
    rapmusic Members Posts: 4,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They made him President.. It's over B. Time to move on. All Trump got to do is tweet the words fake news and he'll get to move on.
  • VIBE
    VIBE Members Posts: 54,384 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Republicans were furious that Obama wouldn't say "radical Islam" and claimed he was the creator of Isis and had connections to them... all based off of racism/hatred.

    There's evidence Trump has felt w Russia and has ties w them in the past. He openly welcomed Russia TO HACK Hillary and then word comes out that's exactly what happened.

    But nah no Republican gives a ? , wonder why
  • fortyacres
    fortyacres Members, Moderators Posts: 4,479 Regulator
    This administration is gonna get away with alot of things right now better get used to that , Vote and get these ? out in 2018 and 2020.
  • Revolver Ocelot
    Revolver Ocelot Members Posts: 3,393 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This Russian ? is to Trump what the hanging chad was to Bush. Something the left can ? over for the next 4 years.